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AIM: SWBAT define biodiversity Please Do Now: define “diversity” in your own terms. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: SWBAT define biodiversity Please Do Now: define “diversity” in your own terms. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: SWBAT define biodiversity Please Do Now: define “diversity” in your own terms. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

2 Agenda Do Now Announcements Introduction to biodiversity Finish Lab

3 Test 1 Next Tuesday – Covering: Mating/Reproduction, Animal Behavior, Intro to Biodiversity

4 What is Biodiversity? Variation of form and function in living systems This variation can exist on a number of levels: – Ecosystem diversity – Species diversity – Genetic Diversity – Molecular Diversity

5 Species Diversity Biologist are most commonly concerned with species diversity, since diversity at other levels is usually related to species diversity As such, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably

6 What is Species diversity? Humans have studied a shockingly small percentage of the life that exists in the world Less than 1% of the species we know to exist have been studied, and we probably are aware of the existence of less than 5% of all species

7 Why should we care about conserving biodiversity? Biodiversity is strongly related to ecosystem health. The more species and the greater the complexity of interactions, the healthier the ecosystem. Diverse ecosystems are better able to respond/adapt to environmental changes

8 Why should we care about healthy ecosystems? Healthier ecosystems provide better ecosystem services for humanity Ecosystem services are benefits from a multitude of resources and processes that are supplied by natural ecosystems

9 What are examples of Ecosystem services? 4 categories – Supporting Ex: nutrient dispersal – Provisioning Ex: providing us with food – Regulating Water and air purification, pest and disease control – Cultural Ex: recreation

10 Big Picture Ecosystems provide mankind with services that we cannot do by ourselves The healthier the ecosystem the better the services The more diverse the ecosystem, the healthier it is CONSERVING BIODIVERSITY IS CONSERVING HUMANITY

11 During the lab today Try and get the final two tests done: – Acid vs. base (change from neutral) I will come around with the acid/base solutions when you are ready – Room temp vs. cold



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