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Gesell Developmental Schedules By Zeyad Chreim

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1 Gesell Developmental Schedules By Zeyad Chreim

2 Author Arnold Gesell Professor at Yale University
Established the Yale Clinic of Child Development He believed that a child’s behavior develops in a patterned predictable way.

3 “Giselle's early work involved the study of mental retardation in children, but he soon became convinced that an understanding of normal development is necessary for the understanding of abnormal development.”

4 Gesell Tests Gesell Preschool Test – For children between the ages of 2 ½ and 6. School Readiness Test – For children between the ages of 4 and 8.

5 What does it measure? The Gesell Developmental Schedules cover four fields : Motor, Adaptive, Language and Personal-Social The Gesell Developmental schedules yields the Developmental Quotient (DQ) rather than an Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

6 Four Fields Motor - Kick large balls, Walks on tiptoe, Skips, Jumps in place, Jumps down, Stands on one foot, Standing board jump, Hops on one foot and Throwing and catching beanbags Adaptive – Cube, Paper and pencil and incomplete man

7 Gesell Developmental Schedules
The Gesell Tests are not scored numerically Scores are placed on the Gesell Developmental Schedules The schedules are divided into intervals of six months Gives an examiner a quick and clear view of a child’s behavior level

8 Critics The Gesell Tests do not take into account other problems that a child might have. A child may be given a lower Developmental Quotient In order to prevent a skewed test result a child should be given a vision and hearing test.

9 Validity, Reliability and Guidelines
Are largely comprised of subjective interpretations The guidelines for qualifying the examiner vary from one program to another. - Results may vary Criteria and guidelines for qualifying the examiners uniform and standardized. Children perform differently under different stimuli

10 Four Fields Language – Interview, discriminates prepositions, digit repetition, picture vocabulary and comprehension questions Personal-Social – Feeding, dressing, play, communicative and temperament

11 For More Information Thank you for attending this presentation
For more information please visit the following site: Arnold Gesell Links

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