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Body System Organization. Cardiovascular System Brings oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and removes waste Comprised of a pump and its vessels Closed.

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Presentation on theme: "Body System Organization. Cardiovascular System Brings oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and removes waste Comprised of a pump and its vessels Closed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body System Organization

2 Cardiovascular System Brings oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and removes waste Comprised of a pump and its vessels Closed system If didn’t exist, no oxygen or nutrients would be delivered, CO2/wastes would build up

3 Respiratory system Primary function is to obtaining oxygen and removing CO2 Includes tubes that remove particles from incoming air & transport air into and out of the lungs gas exchange between the atmosphere and body cells = respiration Oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide production in the cells = cellular respiration

4 Skeletal System Made up of bones that provide points of attachment for muscles, protect and support softer tissue, house blood producing cells, store inorganic salts, and provide pathways for blood vessels and nerves

5 Integumentary System Cutaneous membrane, aka skin Other accessory organs Protect the body from drying out and having foreign items entering in

6 Muscular System Muscles and organs composed of specialized cells that use chemical energy stored in nutrients to contract Actions include: muscle tone, propel body fluids and food, generate heartbeat, and distribute heat

7 Nervous System Sensory information is brought into and sent out of the brain and spinal cord Comprised of neurons, aka nerve cells Nerve impulses are chemical reactions Dendrites and axons are extensions of the cell nervous tissue – bundles of axons and neuroglial cells Can be divided into two systems – Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

8 Endocrine System Endocrine glands – secrete hormones Act on cells called target cells Can be used as messenger molecules – paracrine and autocrine Exocrine glands – secrete “stuff” outside the body.

9 Network of vessels and transports fluids Similar to the cardiovascular system Carry away excess fluids from body to blood stream Launch both generalized and targeted attacks against foreign objects or toxins Lymphatic and Immunity System

10 Digestive System Mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods Absorption of resulting nutrients by cells. Consists of the alimentary canal – mouth to anus. 186 sq. meters long Supplies body cells with nutrients

11 Urinary System Removes salts and nitrogenous wastes Helps to maintain normal concentrations of water and electrolytes Regulates pH and volume of body fluid Helps to control red blood cell production and blood pressure Kidneys – remove substances and regulate metabolism Ureters – transport urine from kidneys Urinary bladder – stores urine Urethra – moves urine outside the body

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