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Properties of Matter Agenda Review elements Notes of properties Homework Time to complete lab report???

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1 Properties of Matter Agenda Review elements Notes of properties Homework Time to complete lab report???


















19 Element Quiz Tomorrow!

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23 Properties of Matter Date:

24 Physical Properties How would you describe physical properties? Characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the sample’s composition.

25 Examples of physical properties Mass Volume Color Texture Shape Melting point Boiling point Density Solubility Magnetism

26 Extensive vs. Intensive Extensive properties depend on the amount of substance.  Outside  Changes with amount Intensive properties are independent of the amount of substance present.  Depends on what the substance is  Doesn’t change Go back to list and label as E or I

27 Labeling as Extensive or Intensive Mass Volume Color Texture Shape Melting point Boiling point Density Solubility Magnetism

28 States of Matter What are the basic states of matter? Solid, Liquid, Gas How are you to know the state of matter? Any ideas?  The periodic table  Common sense  Prior knowledge

29 States of Matter cont. Solids – maintain their shape and volume (not compressible) Liquids – fluid in shape, but maintain volume (not compressible) Gas – fluid in shape, and do not maintain volume (compressible)

30 Practice Mercury, Hg Zinc, Zn Carbon, C Salt, NaCl Water, H 2 O Air, N 2 mostly Alcohol, CH 3 CH 2 OH Methane, CH 4 Neon, Ne Chlorine, Cl 2 Bromine, Br 2 Snickers bar

31 Chemical Properties How would you describe chemical properties? Describe the ability of a substance to combine with or change into one or more other substances.

32 Examples The ability to burn The ability to rust

33 Properties Vs. Changes Is there a difference? Properties describe Changes actually occur

34 Physical change Alters the appearance of a substance, but does not change the composition. What is composition?

35 Examples of physical changes All phase changes  Melt/freeze  Vaporize/condense  Sublimation/deposition Break Crush Split Crack

36 Chemical Change AKA, chemical reactions, involve the changing of one or more substances into a new substance.  The new substance has new physical properties.

37 Law of Conservation of Mass Mass is neither created nor destroyed during any change – it is conserved.

38 Homework Element quiz tomorrow! Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes worksheet  Be sure to EXPLAIN WHY!!! Lab report rough draft due tomorrow

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