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Vocab Lesson 2. ROOTDEFINITIONEXAMPLESORIGIN archy government monarchy, anarchy, matriarchal, patriarch Greek ard always drunkard, coward, braggart Germanic.

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1 Vocab Lesson 2

2 ROOTDEFINITIONEXAMPLESORIGIN archy government monarchy, anarchy, matriarchal, patriarch Greek ard always drunkard, coward, braggart Germanic cide kill herbicide, homicide, suicide, fratricide Latin ician specialist musician, beautician, physician Latin itis inflammation appendicitis, tonsillitis, bursitis Greek aqua water aquarium, aquatic, aquaplane, aqueduct Latin audi hear audience, audition, auditory, audiology Latin bell war belligerent, rebel, rebellion Latin cap take capture, captive, captor, captivate Latin cise cut excise, incisors, incision, incisive, precise, Latin bio life biography, biology, biochemistry Greek auto self autobiography, automobile, automatic Greek port carry transport, import, porter, deport, portly, comport Latin

3 scrib write scribble, inscribe, scribe, describe Latin logy science biology, geology, mythology Greek dict say dictionary, predict, malediction, dictation, contradict Latin cred believe incredible, incredulous, discredited, Latin cent one hundred century, bicentennial, centimeter, centurion Latin neo new neologism, neophyte, neoclassic, neonatal Greek ad to adhesive, adapt, addendum, addition, advocate Latin cede go precede, antecedent, proceed, succeed Latin miss send dismiss, missile, admission, missionary, emission Latin centri center centrifugal, centrist, decentralize, eccentric Latin biblio book bibliography, bible, bibliomania, bibliophobia Greek anthropo man anthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthrope Greek ROOT DEFINITION EXAMPLESORIGIN

4 1. England is, or once was, ruled by a monarchy. 2.The dullard was always boring everyone to tears. 3.In killing his father, Oedipus was guilty of patricide. 4.Mustafa is an electronic technician. 5.The dermatitis on his skin was painful and unpleasant. 6.Balthazar, the scuba diver, collects aquatic species. 7.The deaf moose had an injured auditory nerve. 8.Belligerent nations gain nothing from their aggressive behavior. 9.The hostile island tribe took captives. 10.The design was incised into the oaken door with a knife. 11.Biomorphic abstract sculpture resembles living shapes. 12.The general wrote a tedious autobiography about his exploits. 13.The porter will carry your bags to the train. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.

5 1.England is, or once was, ruled by a monarchy. (ruled by a king/monarch/a single person) 2.The dullard was always boring everyone to tears. (person who is always boring/insensitive) 3.In killing his father, Oedipus was guilty of patricide. (the act of killing one’s own father) 4.Mustafa is an electronic technician. (a specialist in a subject) 5.The dermatitis on his skin was painful and unpleasant. (inflammation of the skin) 6.Balthazar, the scuba diver, collects aquatic species. (pertaining to water) 7.The deaf moose had an injured auditory nerve. (pertaining to hearing) 8. Belligerent nations gain nothing from their aggressive behaviors. (given to waging wars) 9.The hostile island tribe took captives. (one who is forcibly confined) 10.The design was incised into the oaken door with a knife. (to cut into, carve) 11. Biomorphic abstract sculpture resembles living shapes. (art designed to resemble living organisms) 12.The general wrote a tedious autobiography about his exploits. (written account of one’s life experiences) 13.The porter will carry your bags to the train. (a person hired to carry baggage)

6 14. Please inscribe my yearbook. 15.Since he loved insects, he studied entomology. 16.The grand jury returned a robbery indictment against him. 17.A credulous person will believe anything. 18.Fortunately, the centipede wears no shoes. 19.Homer was a neophyte in the business world, but he learned quickly. 20.The adhesive allowed the poster to stick to the wall. 21.At last the flood waters began to recede from the land. 22.The unfortunate missionary was sent to the cannibal tribe. 23.The ripples on the pond spread out in concentric circles. 24.The quick-reading Hortense was a lifelong bibliophile. 25.The unsympathetic grouch was sometimes called a misanthrope. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.

7 14.Please inscribe my yearbook. (to dedicate with writing) 15.Since he loved insects, he studied entomology. (a branch of science dealing with insects) 16.The grand jury returned a robbery indictment against him. (a formal accusation) 17.A credulous person will believe anything. (too willing to trust) 18.Fortunately, the centipede wears no shoes. (insect with many legs) 19.Homer was a neophyte in the business world, but he learned quickly. (beginner or novice) 20.The adhesive allowed the poster to stick to the wall. (sticky substance) 21.At last the flood waters began to recede from the land. (fall back, retreat) 22.The unfortunate missionary was sent to the cannibal tribe. (a person sent by a church) 23.The ripples on the pond spread out in concentric circles. (having a common center) 24.The quick-reading Hortense was a lifelong bibliophile. (lover of books) 25.The unsympathetic grouch was sometimes called a misanthrope. (hater of humanity)

8 ANALYSIS: 1.Why is the noun that the pronoun takes the place of referred to as the antecedent? Explain why this combination of stems is a logical choice for the name of a pronoun’s noun. 2.Explain how the pieces of the word autobiography total up into a logical meaning.

9 1. autobiography : biography :: a.malediction : benediction b.automobile : horse cart c.audiophile : audience d.murder : suicide 2. bibliophile : bibliophobia :: a.philanthropist : misanthropy b.laggard : dullard c.monarchy : anarchy d.belligerence : treaty 3. anthropologist : anthropology :: : scientist b.biology : biologist c.captain : ship d.artist : art 4. scribe : dictation :: a.reporter : report b.geologist: rock c.anthropologist : anthropoid d.captor : captive 5. arthritis: tonsillitis :: a.arthropod : gastropod b.knuckle : throat c.disease : decay d.bibliophile : bibliolatry 6. incredulous : credulous :: 6.disbelief : belief 7.incredible : amazing : agnosticism 9.homicide : herbicide 7. philology : anthropology :: 6.word : science 7.word : man : diction 9.anthropology : eloquence 8. neolithic : paleolithic :: 6.stone : ceramics 7.artifact : neon 8.rock : rock : old 9. anthropoid : human :: 6.asteroid : star 7.anthropologist : culture 8.homicide : victim 9.audition : audience 10. neologism : word :: 6.neophyte : plant 7.neon : chemist 8.Neolithic : savage 9.Neoclassic : old classic

10 In each case below, one of the choices is really the word used by the author in the sentence provided. Your challenge is to decide which word the author used. From John Hersey’s Hiroshima 1.He became an _____________, mechanically wiping, daubing, winding, wiping daubing, winding. a.subterfuge b.antithesis c.nonchalance d.introversion From Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring 2.Honeybees become wildly agitated and __________ on contact with it. a.biomorphic b.eccentric c.matriarchal d.bellicose From Martin Luther King’s Why We Can’t Wait 3. We were not ______________ advocating lawlessness. a.anarchists b.belligerents c.centrists d.audiophiles

11 LESSON #2 TEST Write the definition of the underlined root. 1.anthropology14.automation 2.bibliography15.biology 3.centrifuge16.excise 4.missile17.captive 5.intercede18.bellicose 6.adhere19.audition 7.neophyte20.aquarium 8.century21.bursitis 9.incredible22.technician 10.interdict23.suicide 11.biology24.dullard 12.inscribe25.monarchy 13.deport Review Questions: 26. predict 27. antecedent 28. antithesis 29. interdepartmental 30. intramural 31. deposit 32. symbiosis 33. malady Answer Yes or No. 34.Is entomology the science of human cultures? 35.Are incisive comments irrelevant and time-consuming? 36.Is it good to be remiss in your duties? 37.Are captious questions designed to catch and embarrass you? 38.Is a king an anarchist?

12 LESSON #2 TEST Write the definition of the underlined root. 1.anthropology14.automation 2.bibliography15.biology 3.centrifuge16.excise 4.missile17.captive 5.intercede18.bellicose 6.adhere19.audition 7.neophyte20.aquarium 8.century21.bursitis 9.incredible22.technician 10.interdict23.suicide 11.biology24.dullard 12.inscribe25.monarchy 13.deport Review Questions: 26. predict 27. antecedent 28. antithesis 29. symbiosis 30. malady Answer Yes or No. 31.Are incisive comments irrelevant and time-consuming? 32.Is it good to be remiss in your duties? 33.Are captious questions designed to catch and embarrass you? 34.Is a king an anarchist?

13 LESSON #2 TEST Write the definition of the underlined root. 1.Anthropology (man)14.automation (self) 2.Bibliography (book)15.biology (life) 3.Centrifuge (center)16.excise (cut) 4.missile(send)17.captive (take) 5.Intercede (go)18.bellicose (war) 6.adhere(to)19.audition (hear) 7.Neophyte (new)20.aquarium (water) 8.century (one-hundred)21.bursitis (inflammation) 9.Incredible (believe)22.technician (specialist) 10.Interdict (say)23.suicide (kill) 11.Biology (science)24.dullard (always) 12.Inscribe (write)25.monarchy (government) 13.Deport (carry) Review Questions: 26. predict (before) 27. Antecedent (before) 28. Antithesis (against) 29. Symbiosis (together) 30. Malady (bad) Answer Yes or No. 31.Are incisive comments irrelevant and time- consuming? yes 32.Is it good to be remiss in your duties? no 33.Are captious questions designed to catch and embarrass you? yes 34.Is a king an anarchist? no

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