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Presentation on theme: " supported by Local Government Group a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally Information Management,"— Presentation transcript:

1 supported by Local Government Group a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally Information Management, Transparency and Linked Data Midlands Innovation Roadshow 3 November 2010

2 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Stages of linking data Standards for what we call things Using standards to improve Information Management Linking data and “Linked Data” Transparency through Open Linked Data Building on other people’s work Adding value by linking to other people’s information

3 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative What we mean by standards 7 layers of information standards in the Government ICT StrategyGovernment ICT Strategy Local Government Business Model is concerned with semantics

4 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative What’s in LGBM Lists Resources for each term How they relate to one another

5 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Document type Changes Process Organisation type Power/Duty Function NeedCircumstance Life event Service Record classification Channel type Interaction type Legislation Outcome (PI) Contains Determines Defines Impacts on AddressesImplies Allows/ Requires Confers Confers on Has Same as PerformsIs part of Defines eligibility for Conducted via Delivered via Implies preference for Grouped by People and places Organisation scope Organisation Web menu structure Accessed from Retention defined by Local Government Business Model (LGBM) © esd-toolkit 2009 Diagram may be re-used subject to crediting the source as esd-toolkit Impacts on Has The Model What services best meet a customer’s needs? Whom should we target to improve an outcome? What are we required to deliver? Who else delivers similar Services? Which services use the same processes? What records are we required to keep?

6 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example 1 - Bolton Maintain a “Master service list” with links to: Property Customers referenced against the LG Service List This drives: Website content A-Z Services by audience Links to PIs Assets Employees Record classification, with retention Switchboard enquiries Index of External service providers See notes

7 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example 2 - Portals re-directs enquiries for services delivered by local government using LG Service and Interaction List references LGSL=534&LGIL=08&AgencyId=51&Type= Single and publishes its own content does the same for business services in the LG Service List

8 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example 3 - Brent Configures its navigation with LG Navigation List References against LG Service List Service pages Location maps Strategies and policies Contacts Uses LGNL and LGSL references to configure links to other sites (eg Directgov, Business Link, NHS Choices) Uses LGSL references (Directgov syntax) to link to services in neighbouring boroughs See notes

9 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example 4 – solutions4inclusion See here By circumstance By PI type 883 quality checked projects referenced against standard lists

10 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Linking data vs “Linked Data” Linking data = connecting information against common values (eg service number, customer characteristic, geographical location) Linked Data = formal approach to relate value and support the semantic web Open Linked Data = Linked Data published freely for scrutiny and adding value by anyone Service: Sheltered housing for homeless people (103) Need: Shelter (44) Addressed by

11 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example 5 - Council Payments Linked Data See here

12 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Example 6 - Projects Linked Data See here A template for common properties describing projects and case studies:template for common properties describing projects Title Overview Outputs Lessons A machine readable ‘ontology’ A Linked Data application 1000+ projects from local government Innovations from across government (via BIS) Audience Benefits Measures...

13 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Local Government Linked Data esd- standards CIPFA BVPACOP payments projects dbPedia data. ordnance survey legislation. Using Linked Data: Lets you build from other people’s work Adds more precise meaning Lets other people build on your work

14 sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative More information E-mail:

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