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© 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. vCloud Hybrid Services VMUG 2014-03-19.

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1 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. vCloud Hybrid Services VMUG 2014-03-19

2 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Founded in 2001 Software company based in Chicago serving the Legal Industry Our core product: Relativity – Industry leading web based document review platform – Enormous market growth in the last 5 years – Enormous product growth in the last 5 years Enormous Personnel growth in the last 5 years – 30 employees at the start of 2009 – 360 employees at the start of 2014 1 new employee hired every 3.54 days About kCura

3 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Enormous Infrastructure growth in the past 5 years – 0 VMs at the start of 2009 – 1826 VMs at the start of 2014 1.43 VMs deployed per business day – 12 TB SAN storage at the start of 2009 – 708 TB SAN storage at the start of 2014 545.9 GB of SAN storage deployed per business day. – 0 Physical Hyper-Visor Hosts at the start of 2009 – 70 Physical Hyper-Visor (VMware) Hosts at the start of 2014 New Physical Host deployed every 18.21 business days. – IT Infrastructure team size 2009 = 0, 2014 = 6. 1 new Infrastructure employee every 212.5 business days About kCura

4 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Private Internal Cloud – vCenter / vSphere (traditional) – vCloud Director (DevOps, event usage) – vCloud Automation Center (the future) Private External Cloud (kind of now, more in the future) – Why? – What? vCHS? AWS? Azure? Google? kCura and The Cloud

5 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Tier 0 applications – Disaster Recovery – Domain Controller Relativity Analytics – Performance Test – kCura infrastructure – standard storage : 4 minutes – kCura infrastructure – tintri storage : 2 minutes – vCHS shared infrastructure : 3 minutes Not too shabby! vCHS Usage

6 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Relativity in the Cloud

7 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Templated solution for easy client deployment for up to 100 users We offer this for Amazon, working on it for vCHS 3 web servers, 2 agents, 1 analytics, 1 file, 2 SQL, 3 processing workers, 1 utility box Performance testing is promising – Compared to internal test environment, within 10% of our specs. Some things faster, some slower. Relativity in the Cloud

8 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. vCHS

9 vCHS

10 vCHS

11 vCHS

12 vCHS

13 vCloud Connector – Connect your on-premise vSphere, vCloud Director environments to vCHS vDC’s – Allows centralized management – Migrate/Copy vApps/VM’s between private/public clouds Data Center Extension – Previously known as “stretch deploy” – Stretch private network of VM or vApp to public cloud using layer 2 ssl vpn tunnel – VM appears to be on your private network, while using compute resources in vCHS cloud vCloud Connector

14 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. vCloud Connector

15 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. vCloud Connector

16 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. VMware will be rolling out Disaster Recovery as a Service built on vCHS London usage – Training and Special Events – “Safe Harbor” requirements – data testing Burst capacity for special events Internal Functional Test Environments (need to determine costs and benefits) Potential Future Use

17 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Reliability – Maintenance Good notifications and communication from VMware Frequent Typically affects administration of VMs, but the VMs continue running without issue – Code bugs (caused the frequent maintenance) – Now more stable Support – Knowledgeable – Responsive – Helpful Lessons Learned

18 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Pricing – Pay for compute based on monthly intervals 2TB storage - $340 / month Public IP address - $25 / month 5 GHz CPU, 20 GB RAM - $642 / month 10 Mbit internet connectivity - $229 / month – So, about $1500 a month for 5 GHz CPU and 20 GB RAM for shared compute resources – More expensive for dedicated resources – Different model than AWS and competitors Not true pay as you go, different business case than others? Lessons Learned

19 © 2014 kCura. All rights reserved. Questions?

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