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Galatians 5:25-6:5 (ESV) If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.

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Presentation on theme: "Galatians 5:25-6:5 (ESV) If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit."— Presentation transcript:


2 Galatians 5:25-6:5 (ESV) If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.

3 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

4 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

5 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

6 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

7 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.

8 For each will have to bear his own load.

9 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25, ESV

10 Keeping in Step Paul begins by reflecting on the Spirit Paul begins by reflecting on the Spirit The Spirit inaugurates us into the kingdom (Galatians 3) The Spirit inaugurates us into the kingdom (Galatians 3) He keeps us, and when we submit to Him we live lifestyles according to Him (see previous verses in Galatians 5) He keeps us, and when we submit to Him we live lifestyles according to Him (see previous verses in Galatians 5) Paul wants us to ask ourselves if we are being led by the Spirit or by the flesh Paul wants us to ask ourselves if we are being led by the Spirit or by the flesh He encourages us to keep in step with the Spirit He encourages us to keep in step with the Spirit We understand that we are there, but not yet We understand that we are there, but not yet Because of this we have the question, asking if we are living in the Spirit, followed by the command to live in the Spirit Because of this we have the question, asking if we are living in the Spirit, followed by the command to live in the Spirit It also allows us to see the eschatological (end times) direction we are heading if we stay in step with the Spirit It also allows us to see the eschatological (end times) direction we are heading if we stay in step with the Spirit

11 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:26, ESV

12 Conceit Paul has previously shown the difference between living according to the Spirit and the flesh Paul has previously shown the difference between living according to the Spirit and the flesh Now we see this further, against living according to the Spirit is to live in conceit Now we see this further, against living according to the Spirit is to live in conceit Conceit is thinking highly of oneself Conceit is thinking highly of oneself This can also lead to challenging others and causing strife This can also lead to challenging others and causing strife By not being conceited we will also be led away from envy By not being conceited we will also be led away from envy Both envy within ourselves, and causing others to envy us Both envy within ourselves, and causing others to envy us

13 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Galatians 6:1, ESV

14 Familial Community Paul focuses on the familial relationship between believers Paul focuses on the familial relationship between believers Because of this we are to encourage one another to live by the Spirit and against the flesh Because of this we are to encourage one another to live by the Spirit and against the flesh We then have someone who is caught in transgression We then have someone who is caught in transgression This could mean to be caught by surprised This could mean to be caught by surprised Someone literally trapped in transgression Someone literally trapped in transgression Or it can even mean causing someone else to be trapped in transgression Or it can even mean causing someone else to be trapped in transgression We are then informed that the spiritual should go to the one in transgression We are then informed that the spiritual should go to the one in transgression This does not mean a select group (all believers are indwelt by the Spirit) This does not mean a select group (all believers are indwelt by the Spirit) Instead, it means we as a congregation should each be looking after one another Instead, it means we as a congregation should each be looking after one another

15 Familial Community (2) This restoration should occur with a spirit of gentleness This restoration should occur with a spirit of gentleness This does not mean being lax on sin This does not mean being lax on sin Most Christians often feel shame concerning their sin already Most Christians often feel shame concerning their sin already So we should go in gentleness which is a way of love So we should go in gentleness which is a way of love Likewise this does not mean no Church discipline Likewise this does not mean no Church discipline For the unrepentant sinner there must be discipline, even if it means removing them from the congregation For the unrepentant sinner there must be discipline, even if it means removing them from the congregation This occurs in I Corinthians 5 This occurs in I Corinthians 5 Yet the goal of this discipline should always be restoration (see I Corinthians 5) Yet the goal of this discipline should always be restoration (see I Corinthians 5)

16 Keep Watch The congregation is encouraged to keep watch lest they fall into sin…this could mean three things The congregation is encouraged to keep watch lest they fall into sin…this could mean three things First: Keep watch lest we fall into the same sin as the transgressor First: Keep watch lest we fall into the same sin as the transgressor Second: Being tempted to be angry at the transgressor Second: Being tempted to be angry at the transgressor Third: Temptation to fall into conceit, thinking higher of yourself than you do one of the one who has transgressed Third: Temptation to fall into conceit, thinking higher of yourself than you do one of the one who has transgressed Either the first or third view make most sense in context Either the first or third view make most sense in context Personally I lean toward the third since it seems to fit best Personally I lean toward the third since it seems to fit best

17 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2, ESV

18 Bear one another's Burdens We are encouraged to bear each other’s burdens We are encouraged to bear each other’s burdens This could reflect on the transgressor, bearing their burden in hopes of reconciliation This could reflect on the transgressor, bearing their burden in hopes of reconciliation Yet it seems best to not only remain there Yet it seems best to not only remain there It extends beyond that to the afflictions of brothers and sisters of the faith It extends beyond that to the afflictions of brothers and sisters of the faith It is a way for us to be here for each other in love It is a way for us to be here for each other in love

19 The Law of Christ In this way we fulfill the Law of Christ In this way we fulfill the Law of Christ This can mean the specific Law of Christ (love God, and love your neighbor as yourself) This can mean the specific Law of Christ (love God, and love your neighbor as yourself) However it can also mean the ethical teachings of Jesus However it can also mean the ethical teachings of Jesus Or even the example set by Jesus Or even the example set by Jesus Likely, all of these are in view Likely, all of these are in view If we remember, love is to be the foundation for the Christian community (see Galatians 5) If we remember, love is to be the foundation for the Christian community (see Galatians 5) Love is a teaching specifically by Jesus Love is a teaching specifically by Jesus And is also set as an example by Jesus when He loves us And is also set as an example by Jesus when He loves us

20 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Galatians 6:3, ESV

21 Self-Deception In verses 3-5 Paul brings us back to where we began with 5:25-26 In verses 3-5 Paul brings us back to where we began with 5:25-26 We are warned not to be conceited We are warned not to be conceited He uses a conditional statement, if we think highly of ourselves when we are not, then we are in self deception He uses a conditional statement, if we think highly of ourselves when we are not, then we are in self deception We are to make sure we are not deceived in this way We are to make sure we are not deceived in this way

22 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. Galatians 6:4, ESV

23 Testing Ourselves Instead of self-deception, we are to test ourselves Instead of self-deception, we are to test ourselves “Work” represents all the Christians life “Work” represents all the Christians life This reminds us that Paul does not reject “work” or living a righteous lifestyle This reminds us that Paul does not reject “work” or living a righteous lifestyle Instead he rejects the claims that one can be declared justified before God by ones righteous lifestyle Instead he rejects the claims that one can be declared justified before God by ones righteous lifestyle

24 Reason to Boast There are three possible interpretations for what Paul means by boasting There are three possible interpretations for what Paul means by boasting First: Directional: We are not to boast to our neighbors but to ourselves First: Directional: We are not to boast to our neighbors but to ourselves Second: Not boasting in someone else’s work, but boasting in your own Second: Not boasting in someone else’s work, but boasting in your own Third: Boasting in work tested, and not comparing it to others Third: Boasting in work tested, and not comparing it to others Either the second or third make most sense Either the second or third make most sense Paul has been warning us of being conceited Paul has been warning us of being conceited So it seems most likely Paul is warning us not to boast over others because we are more spiritual/mature than they are So it seems most likely Paul is warning us not to boast over others because we are more spiritual/mature than they are

25 For each will have to bear his own load. Galatians 6:5, ESV

26 Carry our Loads Scholars tend to take this verse eschatologically (end times) Scholars tend to take this verse eschatologically (end times) We are to carry our own loads because we will individually face God at judgment We are to carry our own loads because we will individually face God at judgment This does not mean salvation is by works, but that we are to live a certain lifestyle This does not mean salvation is by works, but that we are to live a certain lifestyle How are we to carry each other’s burdens while also carrying our own loads? How are we to carry each other’s burdens while also carrying our own loads? If Paul is speaking eschatologically then this makes sense If Paul is speaking eschatologically then this makes sense The Christian lifestyle is what is in view for Paul here The Christian lifestyle is what is in view for Paul here We are to make sure we are in accord with the Spirit We are to make sure we are in accord with the Spirit And it is a reminder that we will each answer to God for what we have done/how we’ve lived And it is a reminder that we will each answer to God for what we have done/how we’ve lived

27 Main Point Paul continues the discussion on how we are to live according to the Spirit Paul continues the discussion on how we are to live according to the Spirit Part of this is to live as a community together in love against living in conceit Part of this is to live as a community together in love against living in conceit This conceited lifestyle is to tempered by the fact that we will individually stand before God to account for our lifestyles This conceited lifestyle is to tempered by the fact that we will individually stand before God to account for our lifestyles

28 Application Points Image of God and Worth Image of God and Worth Earlier, Paul wrote a proverbial saying, that we should check ourselves lest we think we are something rather than nothing Earlier, Paul wrote a proverbial saying, that we should check ourselves lest we think we are something rather than nothing Are we really nothing? Are we really nothing? Do we have no worth? Do we have no worth? We need to remember that we are all created in the Image of God We need to remember that we are all created in the Image of God This doctrine of the Imago Dei is important This doctrine of the Imago Dei is important It informs us who we are and why we are the way we are It informs us who we are and why we are the way we are We are not a zero, instead we were created in the highest glory because of the One in whose Image we are made We are not a zero, instead we were created in the highest glory because of the One in whose Image we are made Yet, sin has tarnished us, and Paul is right to say in Romans Yet, sin has tarnished us, and Paul is right to say in Romans

29 “[9] What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, [10] as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; [11] no one understands; no one seeks for God. [12] All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” [13] “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” [14] “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” [15] “Their feet are swift to shed blood; [16] in their paths are ruin and misery, [17] and the way of peace they have not known.” [18] “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” –Romans 3:9-18, ESV

30 Application Points Image of God and Worth (2) Image of God and Worth (2) We are in dire straits We are in dire straits We are not worthless in image, but worthless because of our sins We are not worthless in image, but worthless because of our sins And we are worthy of judgment because of it And we are worthy of judgment because of it So we remember this when we think of ourselves, and when we evangelize So we remember this when we think of ourselves, and when we evangelize We speak to people who are dead in their sins We speak to people who are dead in their sins They have become worthless, just as we were, because of their sins They have become worthless, just as we were, because of their sins But this does not mean we do not treat them with dignity But this does not mean we do not treat them with dignity We uphold the sanctity of human life, we uphold the reality that though we are in sin, we were originally created for so much more We uphold the sanctity of human life, we uphold the reality that though we are in sin, we were originally created for so much more

31 Application Points Image of God and Worth (3) Image of God and Worth (3) Hence, as Francis Schaeffer once said, we are not a zero Hence, as Francis Schaeffer once said, we are not a zero Recognizing that we are not a zero does not negate our sin Recognizing that we are not a zero does not negate our sin Instead, it reminds us how much we have lost Instead, it reminds us how much we have lost Paul is not saying that we are worthless as humans Paul is not saying that we are worthless as humans He is saying that if we boast in our lifestyles we may find that our boasting is in vain He is saying that if we boast in our lifestyles we may find that our boasting is in vain Because we may find that we are not living in a way which is congruent with the Spirit Because we may find that we are not living in a way which is congruent with the Spirit If this is the case, then we are worthless in our sin, and far from the glory with which we were originally created If this is the case, then we are worthless in our sin, and far from the glory with which we were originally created

32 Application Points Conceit Conceit Paul clearly warns us of conceit Paul clearly warns us of conceit It is possible for us to be a bit conceited… It is possible for us to be a bit conceited… How often have we had the temptation to look down at someone because they aren’t doing as well as we are? How often have we had the temptation to look down at someone because they aren’t doing as well as we are? Or thought to ourselves, “I’m glad I’m not like that person!” Or thought to ourselves, “I’m glad I’m not like that person!” or, “At least I don’t struggle with that sin!” or, “At least I don’t struggle with that sin!” This kind of thought process is deadly for someone spiritually This kind of thought process is deadly for someone spiritually While we do fight, none can boast before anyone else While we do fight, none can boast before anyone else Why? Because we are where we are by God’s grace Why? Because we are where we are by God’s grace Consider what Paul says in II Corinthians Consider what Paul says in II Corinthians

33 “[9] For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. [10] But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me. [11] Whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed.” – II Corinthians 15:9-11. ESV

34 Application Points Conceit (2) Conceit (2) Paul worked harder than almost any other in proclaiming the Gospel Paul worked harder than almost any other in proclaiming the Gospel He was beaten, persecuted, stoned, and yet persevered He was beaten, persecuted, stoned, and yet persevered Does he boast that he had given himself over to the Spirit of God? NO! Does he boast that he had given himself over to the Spirit of God? NO! He boasts in the grace of God alone He boasts in the grace of God alone What gives any of us the right to boast? What gives any of us the right to boast? What gives us the right to say, “Look how great I am!” What gives us the right to say, “Look how great I am!” Do we so easily forget each of us was dead in our sin prior to conversion? Do we so easily forget each of us was dead in our sin prior to conversion? That before conversion none us desired to glorify the God who saves? That before conversion none us desired to glorify the God who saves?

35 Application Points Conceit (3) Conceit (3) We are not the ones to work out this salvation within ourselves We are not the ones to work out this salvation within ourselves Salvation belongs to God alone Salvation belongs to God alone His grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone His grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone Apart from the grace of God none of us would be here right now Apart from the grace of God none of us would be here right now Apart from His grace we would all be dead in our sin Apart from His grace we would all be dead in our sin Thanks be to God for His grace! Thanks be to God for His grace! Be encouraged to remember that we are who we are by the grace of God Be encouraged to remember that we are who we are by the grace of God Because of this none of us can boast before God, or before others, and we recognize that it is by His grace which we are able to rise Because of this none of us can boast before God, or before others, and we recognize that it is by His grace which we are able to rise

36 Application Points Burdens Burdens Burdens and carrying burden’s flows throughout this section of the letter Burdens and carrying burden’s flows throughout this section of the letter We are told to carry our own burdens and carry each others We are told to carry our own burdens and carry each others How does this concept of burden’s relate? Part of it goes back to lifestyles…living for the Spirit or the flesh How does this concept of burden’s relate? Part of it goes back to lifestyles…living for the Spirit or the flesh Burdens remind us that we are in a state of in between…there but not yet Burdens remind us that we are in a state of in between…there but not yet We have been saved, we are being saved, but there is the realization that we will be saved too We have been saved, we are being saved, but there is the realization that we will be saved too So we struggle against the flesh while also being members of the kingdom So we struggle against the flesh while also being members of the kingdom

37 Application Points Burdens (2) Burdens (2) To struggle against the flesh is to live a lifestyle of repentance To struggle against the flesh is to live a lifestyle of repentance This is done when we turn from the works of the flesh and live according to the Spirit This is done when we turn from the works of the flesh and live according to the Spirit It is because of this we need to check ourselves against something to make sure we are living rightly It is because of this we need to check ourselves against something to make sure we are living rightly Unless we had this we would never be assured Unless we had this we would never be assured This is part of the burden that we struggle, and why it is imperative to test ourselves against the Scriptures and Christ Jesus This is part of the burden that we struggle, and why it is imperative to test ourselves against the Scriptures and Christ Jesus In this way we do not boast in ourselves, nor do we seek to compare ourselves with each other In this way we do not boast in ourselves, nor do we seek to compare ourselves with each other It will remind us to cling more tightly to the Spirit in order to overcome the flesh It will remind us to cling more tightly to the Spirit in order to overcome the flesh

38 Application Points Burdens (3) Burdens (3) Other ways we can be burdened is not just from within, but from without Other ways we can be burdened is not just from within, but from without We can be burdened by finances, other individuals, something physical etc. We can be burdened by finances, other individuals, something physical etc. Two things to consider…the first is how we handle the burdens when they come Two things to consider…the first is how we handle the burdens when they come Are we keeping in step with the Spirit, looking to Christ, when the burdens come? Are we keeping in step with the Spirit, looking to Christ, when the burdens come? Oftentimes burdens lead us to Christ, and it is when we bear our burdens we recognize that we bear them to the Spirit within us Oftentimes burdens lead us to Christ, and it is when we bear our burdens we recognize that we bear them to the Spirit within us

39 Application Points Burdens (4) Burdens (4) It also reminds us that all of us have burdens It also reminds us that all of us have burdens We should consistently be on watch for one another We should consistently be on watch for one another Yes we need to carry our burdens, but we also need to remember that we are part of a community, and that we should help each other carry these burdens Yes we need to carry our burdens, but we also need to remember that we are part of a community, and that we should help each other carry these burdens Are we currently carrying each other’s burdens? Are we currently carrying each other’s burdens? We must be asking this of ourselves and each other We must be asking this of ourselves and each other We are in need of each other to help one another in love We are in need of each other to help one another in love

40 Application Points Burdens (5) Burdens (5) Be willing to carry your own burdens by giving it to the Spirit of God in you Be willing to carry your own burdens by giving it to the Spirit of God in you Also, be willing to help one another with whatever burdens we might be facing Also, be willing to help one another with whatever burdens we might be facing We all struggle, and we all have burdens but that does not mean we are alone We all struggle, and we all have burdens but that does not mean we are alone Be encouraged by one another Be encouraged by one another Keep walking in the direction of our Lord Jesus Christ, and know that it will be by His Spirit our burdens are lifted Keep walking in the direction of our Lord Jesus Christ, and know that it will be by His Spirit our burdens are lifted

41 Application Points The Gospel The Gospel Without the Gospel we would not be here Without the Gospel we would not be here We would not have the Spirit We would not have the Spirit We would still be trying to be declared righteous by our own means We would still be trying to be declared righteous by our own means Thankfully we do have the Gospel! Thankfully we do have the Gospel! It begins with our origins It begins with our origins We are created in the Image of God We are created in the Image of God Because God is a God of reason, love, morality, truth, knows, is known, has personhood…we too have these attributes Because God is a God of reason, love, morality, truth, knows, is known, has personhood…we too have these attributes We are not a zero, we have worth We are not a zero, we have worth

42 Application Points The Gospel (2) The Gospel (2) Yet like God we are able to choose Yet like God we are able to choose Humanity chose to fall into sin and death and we have continued this choice ever since Humanity chose to fall into sin and death and we have continued this choice ever since We have broken relationships with God, ourselves, each other, and the world We have broken relationships with God, ourselves, each other, and the world We accrue a greater moral guilt before our God with each sin We accrue a greater moral guilt before our God with each sin We are in desperate need of salvation, and it cannot come from within We are in desperate need of salvation, and it cannot come from within God did not leave us in this state forever God did not leave us in this state forever Instead He sent His Son Jesus Christ in space, time, history, and flesh Instead He sent His Son Jesus Christ in space, time, history, and flesh It is by Him we receive our salvation It is by Him we receive our salvation By His death we receive our justification, and by His resurrection we too will have eternal life By His death we receive our justification, and by His resurrection we too will have eternal life

43 Application Points The Gospel (3) The Gospel (3) That is required of us is obedience in two things That is required of us is obedience in two things The first is repentance, we are to turn away from sin, and turn to God The first is repentance, we are to turn away from sin, and turn to God We are to not produce works of the flesh, but fall into step with His Spirit We are to not produce works of the flesh, but fall into step with His Spirit He will produce good fruit in us He will produce good fruit in us The second is faith in Christ The second is faith in Christ We are to recognize that our changed lifestyle does not save us We are to recognize that our changed lifestyle does not save us Instead it is the work of Christ which saves us Instead it is the work of Christ which saves us By placing our faith in Him, we accept our inability, and trust in His work for our salvation By placing our faith in Him, we accept our inability, and trust in His work for our salvation

44 Application Points The Gospel (4) The Gospel (4) If we choose to not be repentant and not place our faith in Christ then we will remain in condemnation for our sins If we choose to not be repentant and not place our faith in Christ then we will remain in condemnation for our sins None can boast righteousness before God None can boast righteousness before God Any who go before God without Christ goes to judgment Any who go before God without Christ goes to judgment Yet for those who do repent and do place their faith in Christ there is salvation from sin and death Yet for those who do repent and do place their faith in Christ there is salvation from sin and death We become coheirs of a kingdom of peace and love with our God forever We become coheirs of a kingdom of peace and love with our God forever

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