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Transcendentalism and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self-Reliance”

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1 Transcendentalism and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self-Reliance”

2 Ralph Waldo Emerson He was born in Boston, the son of a minister whose ancestors were clergymen back to the time of Puritans. Emerson entered Harvard at the age of fourteen. – After leaving Harvard, he entered the ministry. His Puritan ancestors believed that only a few were chosen by God, but Emerson believed that God’s spirit was in all people.

3 He entered the ministry to use his best talent, writing, not to preach sermons. He later resigned from the pulpit. A big deal since he was the son of SEVEN generations of ministers. He traveled Europe but returned to Concord, Massachusetts, married and took up a career writing.

4 Speech to Harvard’s Graduating Class at the Divinity School This speech ended his career as a preacher After he spoke, most churches closed their pulpits to them. What got him in trouble? – He put Jesus and Man on the same level saying that Jesus’ claim to be God’s son was true for every person

5 “Self-Reliance” A reaction to his address at the Divinity School Emerson’s most optimistic and inspirational call for individualism. The theme of the whole piece is independence. – Emerson hated conformity

6 Transcendentalism—5 Basic Beliefs 1. Everything/Everyone is a reflection of God – People are basically good – People will still sin, but they will repent and most of the time choose to the right thing – People are close to God – Nature is wonderful because it is a uncompromised reflection of God’s work

7 2. Contemplating nature can allow you to transcend the real world and go to a higher, more spiritual level – People can get closer to God without church – Nature is as close as you can get to God – Society (the opposite of nature) keeps people from getting to a higher spiritual level

8 3. A person’s INSTINCT (intuition) can lead them to understand God’s spirit – Everyone can do this! Wealth, status, prior knowledge not needed. – Stressed that people were basically good – their gut instincts could lead them to God

9 4. Individualism and self-reliance are better than following others or depending on tradition. – People will make the right choices if given the chance – Believed that government was not necessary – Urged people to question tradition – Materialism was not good; people should not be dependent on money or belongings

10 5. A person’s true feelings and intuition are more valuable than book knowledge. – Average people were able to do this – Money, wealth, status not necessary – Trusted people to do and feel good things

11 1. Everything is a reflection of God – People are basically good – People will still sin, but they will repent and will most of the time choose to do the right thing – People are close to God – Nature is great! 2. Contemplating nature can allow you to transcend the real world and go to a higher, spiritual level – People can get closer to God without church – Nature is as close as you can get to God – Society (the opposite of nature) keeps people from getting to a higher spiritual level 3. A person’s INSTINCT (intuition) can lead them to understand God’s spirit – Everyone can do this! Wealth, status, prior knowledge not needed. – Stressed that people were basically good – their gut instincts could lead them to God 4. Individualism and self-reliance are better than following others or depending on tradition. – People will make the right choices if given the chance – Believed that government was not necessary – Urged people to question tradition – Materialism was not good; people should not be dependent on money or belongings 5. A person’s true feelings and intuition are more valuable than book knowledge. – Average people were able to do this – Money, wealth, status not necessary – Trusted people to do and feel good things

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