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1 The WI-PIE Program Venice – 6 november 2007Margherita Italiano.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The WI-PIE Program Venice – 6 november 2007Margherita Italiano."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The WI-PIE Program Venice – 6 november 2007Margherita Italiano

2 2 Agenda  Something about CSI-Piemonte  Something about Piemonte  Something about the WI-PIE Program  Model  Activities  Results

3 3 CSI-Piemonte Regional-based inter-University Consortium and Leading Italian ICT operator Founded in 1977 by Politecnico di Torino Polytechnic of Turin Università di Torino University of Turin Regione Piemonte Piedmont Region

4 4 54 Consortium Members Mission  To be a “system integrator” acting as a neutral element, to help members to provide services to citizens and businesses  To transfer academic competences in public planning, in order to update PA technological skills over time  To aggregate public demand, in order to create scale economies and make room for ICT companies, favouring the economic and productive development of the territory

5 5  Located on the north-west of Italy, bordering with France and Switzerland  Capital city: Turin  4,5 Ml inhabitants  8 Provinces  1.206 Municipalities/Towns  8,7% contribution to the national GDP (1.475 Billions € in the 2006)  5,3% unemployment rate (6,8% national) Piemonte Region

6 6 Territory Long Term Digital Divide

7 7 Digital Divide in Piemonte  Availability of Broadband: –Broadband covers 82.1% of the population –Broadband reaches only one-third of the municipalities (34%) with peaks in the metropolitan provinces (90% of population and companies)  Families –Families take advantage of new technologies (57.9% have computers, 46,8% are connected to internet) –Broadband is little used (21.06%) –The only widely-used applications are e-mail and browsers (respectively 86.7% and 85.9% of habitual Internet users)  Companies –Mainly investment in hardware and software –Use websites almost exclusively as “show-cases” –Are only partly affected by the diffusion of broadband (73.4%) –Are prepared to explore the opportunities offered by e-commerce (maninly for procurement)  Municipalities –Invest very little in new technologies (especially small municipalities) –Use websites almost exclusively as “show case” –Are insufficiently affected by the diffusion of broadband (34%)

8 8 What is WI-PIE? Characteristics and Scope A multi-year regional program promoted and supported by the regional administration of Piemonte, aimed at bringing broadband connectivity all over the territory by 2008 for the intelligent and programmed development of the region.

9 9 Solution: A Fiber Optical Backbone to support different kind of traffic Development of local ITC market Using Wireless solution to reach rural territory (satellite, WiFi, WiMAX) Developing new Services To Reduce Digital / Technological / Culture Divide Main need: WI-PIE program

10 10 Goals  Connect disadvantaged rural areas of the territory, thus increasing the availability of broadband and new services to everyone;  Promote a technical-culture, to increase the use of Internet Services and to raise Piemonte standing internationally in terms of ICT;  Increase the Productive system competitiveness of the local manufacturing system by creating new market opportunities;  Facilitate technology transfer among research school and business;  Promote new BroadBand Services (Security, Sanitary,..)  Better Communication between Public Administration, citizens, business Strategic lines

11 11  No overlapping on market action and interventions supportability  Coherence with national and international initiative  Technological neutrality and Open Access  Focus on real need Basic criteria

12 12 Funding Total amount is about 100 Million € over 2002-2007 period, divided as follows:  About 7 M€ are National Funds (CIPE)  About 20 M€ are European Structural Funds  About 10 M€ are Provincial Funds  About 15 M€ are Private Contributions  About 48 M€ are Regional Funds (ICT Regional Department Funds)  About 250,00 € are PIC INTERREG IIIA-2000-2006 Funds (ALCOTRA) The WI-PIE program integrates and coordinates different sources of funds:

13 13 Actors involved: the key players The success of the programme depends on the synergy between the parties involved and the way in which they successfully work together to multiply the territory's resources. Regional Authority with a coordinating role Responsible for the technical implementation of projects Consortium of private and public operators in the ICT market and responsible for relations with the business world Responsible for the link between reserch bodies, schools and academic world A regional public institute, although functionally autonomous and responsible for managing the ICT Observatory

14 14 The role of CSI-Piemonte  Single technical and administrative unit, i.e. CSI-Piemonte  Coordination among all Public Administrations implementing different kind of actions and involved at different levels  This made it possible to have a concerted programming structure, as a result of an agreed regulation among all public subjects or between the public competent subject and the public or private entities for the implementation of different actions referred to a single development objective requiring a single evaluation of the tasks.

15 15 Network Development Action Plan Regional Backbone Provincial Infrastructures (sub-backbones) Local Wi-FI/Satellite Infrastructure MoU REGIONE PIEMONTE e TELECOM ITALIA  REDUCE DIGITAL DIVIDE Project (RDD) Action Plan

16 16 Provincial sub-BB Network Model Regional Backbone Access Network

17 17 Ivrea Genova Milano Pont St.MartinAosta Multi-service backbone to support business, privates, research and P.A. traffic Links strategic points on Piemonte territory Regional-spread fibre optic backbone for:  Business and privates  Academic and research  Public Administration services Value  14 Million € Regional backbone - objectives

18 18 DISTRIBUITED INTERNET EXCHANGE (TOP-IX) INNOVATION PLATFORM (TOP-IX) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION NETWORK 3 different goals are identified for the same infrastrucuture The Multi-services logic

19 19 Consortium of private and public operatorsConsortium of private and public operators Internet Interchange PlatformInternet Interchange Platform OpportunitiesOpportunities Participation Requirements: Autonomous System (not only ISP) and Public Peering (AS announcement) Participation Requirements: Autonomous System (not only ISP) and Public Peering (AS announcement) Private peering: full route announcement and IP transit Private peering: full route announcement and IP transit Focus on innovative technologiesFocus on innovative technologies TOP-IX Consortium

20 20 REGIONE PIEMONTE PROVINCE WHOLESALER CSI PIEMONTE FINAL USER Infrastructures set- up and ownership Maintenance and marketing towards operators RETAIL Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator N … Operator 3 Concession Provincial infrastructure – Organizational model

21 21 New realisation (type “A” or type “B”) Free exploitation (type “C”) Point of Origin POP Priority point Centrale catch basin XDSL operator Intercepted area by POP Industrial area P P P P P At least 24 fibers At least 12 fibers At least 96 fibers At least 12 fibers BACKBONE backbone P At least 12 fibers BINDING point of original (Bckbone node or Alfa catch basin node) Provincial infrastructure - Architecture

22 22 Provincial sub-backbones: economics

23 23 Infrastructural actions - timing REGIONAL BACKBONE PROVINCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE Tenders start-up June ‘05 Accensione Nov ‘06 Tenders start-up Sept ‘06 Completamento infrastrutture Apr ‘08 Aggiudicazione definitiva Jul ‘07

24 24 1.Local Wi-FI / Satellite Infrastructure 2.MoU Regione Piemonte and TELECOM ITALIA 3.Reduce DigitaL Divide Project (RDD) Access actions

25 25 WiFI and Satellite for groups of rural municipalities (Comunità Montane)  48 Comunità Montane (468 Municipalities, 627.715 inhabitants)  42 Comunita’ Montane eligible for funding  (458 Municipalities, 583.209 abitanti)  16 local operators involved  Satellite + WiFI to reach Municipalities sites  Opportunities for the Operators to provide private access on the WiFI infrastructure

26 26 Regione Piemonte-Telecom Italia Memorandum of Understanding WI-PIE Programme created a particularly favorable territorial context for broadband development capable to support market operators action 21 st June 2006 MoU signature between Regione Piemonte and Telecom Italia

27 27  Invest available funds in strategic INNOVATIVE SERVICES  Promote initiatives to foster broadband adoption and DEMAND No funds have been transferred from Regione Piemonte to Telecom Italia MoU - Regione Piemonte undertakings

28 28  Drastically reduce regional digital divide through a COVERAGE extension plan (96% telephone population), on 2006-2008 period  and furthermore  Promote technology RESEARCH  Contribute to innovative SERVICES research within Regione Piemonte areas of interest  Support the reduction of CULTURAL divide MoU - Telecom Italia undertakings

29 29 0% =< 50% 50%< < 100% 100% ADSL coverage (June 2006)

30 30 0% =< 50% 50%< < 100% 100% ADSL coverage (end of 2008)

31 31 Telecom coverage 100% Municipalities > 15.000 citenzs NOT COVERED 900 11 295 N° Municipalities “REDUCE DIGITAL DIVIDE” (RDD) The areas excluded by Memorandum of Understanding

32 32 RDD - Objectives 1.Infrastructural actions to guarantee broadband services availability in ares excluded from the MoU between Regione Piemonte and Telecom 2.Objective: 100% coverage (end of 2008) 3.Mobility and nomadic system Internet access set-up over all regional territory

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