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An Overview of the Informal Economy: Concepts and Typology A908188 Union Strategies for the Transition from Informal to Formal Economy ITC-ILO, Turin 2.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of the Informal Economy: Concepts and Typology A908188 Union Strategies for the Transition from Informal to Formal Economy ITC-ILO, Turin 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of the Informal Economy: Concepts and Typology A908188 Union Strategies for the Transition from Informal to Formal Economy ITC-ILO, Turin 2 to 13 November 2015 An Overview of the Informal Economy: Concepts and Typology

2 Labour Informality  Labour Informality is a pervasive characteristic of the 21 st Century labour markets comprising: 50% of the global labour force Of non-agricultural employment: 82% in South Asia 66% in Sub-Saharan Africa 65% in East and South Asia (excluding China) 52% in North Africa; and 47.7% in Latin America and the Caribbean informal economy remains widespread in the developing regions  Persisting and expanding [informal economy remains widespread in the developing regions]

3 Segmentation of the Informal Economy by Sex, Average Earnings and Poverty Risk

4 WORKING POOR IN THE INFORMAL ECONOMY In Unregulated Factories: garment makers shoe makers In Small Workshops: scrap metal recyclers shoe makers weavers garment makers and embroiderers paper-bag makers On Streets or In Open Spaces: street vendors push-cart vendors garbage collectors roadside barbers construction workers In Fields, Pastures, and Forests: small farmers agricultural labourers shepherds forest gatherers At Home: garment workers embroiderers shoemakers artisans or craft producers assemblers of electronic parts

5 Causes of Informality 1.Demand-side causes (pull- effect) 2.Supply-side causes (push- effects) 3.Structural causes (promotional-effect)

6 Who Enjoys Decent Work? 100%0% Socially Excluded, Vulnerable Workers and Families = Priority Target of our Activities This Group enjoys a good level of Decent Work This Group has some limitations in Decent Work This Group has major limitations on Decent Work

7 The Labour Exploitation Continuum DECENT WORK = Work in Freedom, Equity, Security and Human Dignity Precariousness Hazardous and unsafe work Poor pay DECENT WORK Forced labour DECENT WORK Child labour Discrimination Eradication of Decent Work Deficits

8 Working Conditions in the Informal Economy  The 3-D jobs i.e. difficult, dangerous and degrading  Poor employment relationship [unfair and abusive treatment]  Wages:  Often below minimum wage  Unjust wage deductions  Delay in the payment of wages  Limited FoA and CB [representational insecurity]  Excluded from OSH legislation  Inadequate social protection  Limited or no social dialogue  Involuntary work, excessive working hours and compulsory overtime  Discrimination, victimization and harassment  Poorly regulated [little or no labour inspection]

9 Steps to be Taken Strong Determination on Fight against Informal Economy Strong Determination on Fight against Informal Economy Guaranteeing FOA and CB for workers in the IFE [Organization, Voice and Representation] Development and implementation of Policies and Strategies to address Internal Issues Development and implementation of Policies and Strategies to address External Issues Development and implementation of Policies and Strategies to address External Issues

10 What Can Be Done?  Ratification and application of ILS  Build stronger unions in the IFE  Advocate right to organize guarantee and victimization guarantee to tackle fear factor  Extend FOA and CB coverage to the IFE  Negotiate minimum living wages backed by sustainable systems to deliver them  Extend social protection and OSH coverage to the IFE  Promote cooperation against labour exploitation  Expose [in conjunction with the media] and report violation of workers’ rights  Ensure multimedia reporting with photos, video, case studies and research including public opinion polling

11 What Can Be Done?  Hold enterprises accountable for due diligence regarding labour rights, minimum living wages, employment relationship and safety at work  Use litigation and legal strategies including:  Domestic dispute resolution mechanisms  ILO complaint mechanisms  OECD guidelines complaint mechanisms  Trade preference programs, complaints and international arbitration of benefits  Procurement laws to put pressure on companies and procurement contracts


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