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Bell Ringer 1. How does a geocentric view of society favor man’s position in the world? 2. How have observations proved global warming? 3. How does the.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 1. How does a geocentric view of society favor man’s position in the world? 2. How have observations proved global warming? 3. How does the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 1. How does a geocentric view of society favor man’s position in the world? 2. How have observations proved global warming? 3. How does the idea of Gravity begin?

2 Unit IV Expansion of Thought

3 MWH-5.1  Explain how the scientific revolution in Europe led to the questioning of orthodox ideas.

4 Scientific Revolution  Was influenced by Renaissance  Caused people to question believed “truths”  Mathematics played large role in scientific revolution  Led to a geocentric view of the universe

5 Conflict of Ideas  Radical new idea called science conflicted with works of ancient days. - (Greek, Roman and Biblical texts)  People now gained knowledge by observing world around them.  The discovery of America led to questioning of ancient Greek and Roman texts.

6 Ptolemy’s Impact on Science  Columbus had copy of Ptolemy’s Maps, which made him believe that he could reach Asia by sailing west.  Discovery of new territory by Columbus shattered credibility of ancient.

7 Revolutions in Astronomy  Copernicus proved Earth wasn’t center of universe  Published On the Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies  Kepler determined laws of planetary motion  Galileo first to observe planets and stars with telescope & made world aware of other scientific works.

8 Gravity  Sir Isaac Newton - universal law of gravitation.  Newton’s ideas of universe held true until Einstein

9 Reaction of the Church  Science conflicted Church ideas.  Church taught geocentric view of universe  Questioning of Church ideas weakened their power.  Galileo convicted of heresy & forced to live under house arrest for remainder of life.

10 Bell Ringer 1. How does the Enlightenment impact the American Revolution? 2. Why is it important to have social equality? 3. What document is the basis of our government?

11 MWH-5.2  Analyze the ideas of social equality, democracy, constitutionalism, and nationalism brought about by the Enlightenment and their effects on institutions.

12 Age of Enlightenment  Age of Reason  Thomas Hobbes and John Locke – political thinkers of the period  Hobbes- social contract theory  Locke- believed if gov’t. failed to protect people they had right to revolt.  These ideas impacted American and French Revolutions.

13 Impact on Europe  1) helped spread idea of progress;  2) using reason will make society better; &  3) ideas helped make Western society more secular (less religious or spiritual)

14 Social Inequality  concept in which all members of a society have equal treatment, opportunity, and access to resources  Egalitarianism - sense, from a political standpoint, that all people deserve equal rights and treatment, or it is a movement that proposes a society should specifically direct its resources toward promoting equality of wealth

15 Constitutionalism  concept in political theory that supports idea that gov’t. doesn’t gain its power from itself, but through a set of written laws that give the est. gov’t. certain powers  Gov’t. officials, whether elected or not, cannot act against their own constitutions.

16 Enlightened Thinkers  Montesquieu - separation of powers by creating three branches of government  Locke - put power in hands of the people  Voltaire - protected rights of people to free speech & freedom of religion  Cesare Beccaria - set up a fair system of justice

17 CFU

18 Nationalism  belief that many factors link people to one another  Ancestry  Language  Culture  Religion  History

19 Nation States  Groups with their own gov’t.  Enlightenment ideas and a sense of nationalism spurred American colonies to create new nation.  Issued Declaration of Independence based on Enlightenment ideas  Victory spurred French & other Latin Countries to fight for their own independence.

20 Bell Ringer

21 Unit V Expansion into the new world

22 MWH -2.6  Describe the impact of the competition among European countries on the various kingdoms of the Americas and Africa, including the Columbian Exchange and the slave trade.

23 The Columbian Exchange  refers to the transfer of peoples, animals, plants, and diseases between the New and Old Worlds.  Livestock  Diseases  Weakened the native population and decreased their ability to share technology, crops, etc.

24 The Establishment of Colonial Empires  The Americas were settled by the Big 4 of the time  Portugal, Spain, France and England  There were a variety of different types of colonies across the territories  Colonization was not unique to the America’s  India, Philippines, East Indies,

25 Conflict in the Colonies  Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)  Between France and Great Britain  AKA French and Indian War (1754- 1763)  Fought in America  Ultimately led to the American Revolution

26 Slave Trade  Europeans initially went to Africa for Gold and Ivory  Slave trade grew as labor was needed in the Colonies  1 st Portugal in Brazil  By the 1800’s, over ten million Africans were forcibly traded during the slave trade

27 The Middle Passage  transportation of slaves across the Atlantic Ocean  estimated that twenty percent of slaves died during the Middle Passage due to hunger, illness, disease, or suicide  Roughly 85% stayed in the West Indies and Brazil

28 End of the salve trade  Slave Trade act of 1807  The act abolished the Slave Trade in the British colonies.  It became illegal to carry slaves in British ships  Ultimate goal was to abolish slavery

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30 MWH-4.2  Explain the changes in European overseas empires during this period, including the waning of the Spanish and Portuguese empires and the struggle between empires and colonists.

31 Expansion  European expansion during the 1600’s and 1700’s was driven by economic and technological forces.  economic forces  mercantilism  capitalism

32  Technological forces  Advances in __________made travel more efficient  cartography (mapmaking),  navigation  shipbuilding

33 Joint stock companies  the forerunner of the modern corporation  The Virginia Company of London, also known as the London Company, was created by charter and established the first settlement in America.  Jamestown

34 Christopher Columbus  an Italian sailor, led a voyage on behalf of Spain, with the permission and funding of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, in 1492  Wanted to sail west across the Atlantic to Asia  Thought he was in India named the natives Indians

35 Amerigo Vespucci  Explored South America in 1501 and realized that Columbus discovered new land

36 Other explorers  Magellan- led expedition that sailed around the world; died halfway  Cortes- Conquered the Aztecs of America  Pizarro- Conquered the Incans of South America  Jacques Cartier- Founded Montreal  Samuel Champlain- sailed to Quebec

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38 Victory of Cortes  The Spanish success in conquering the Aztecs was the result of a number of significant issues  advanced weaponry  Guns  Cannons  diseases  measles, mumps, and smallpox

39 Impact of Spanish Conquests  Spanish acquired vast amounts of gold and silver  Made Spain one of the richest countries in the world  Settled west coast of America (California) with Missionaries  San Francisco  San Diego

40 French in the New World  the French explored and claimed areas  Great Lakes  Mississippi River  Gulf of Mexico.  They called their territory New France.  Economic development in this region centered primarily on fur trade.

41 Jamestown  founded in 1607  First permanent English settlement in America  many settlers dying due to hunger, disease, and wars with the natives

42 Motivations of the English  English settlers came to the Americas seeking religious tolerance  did not agree with the practices of the Church of England (Anglicanism) and wanted to “purify” the church  Puritans  sought to develop model communities  Grew Tobacco

43 New Amsterdam  Dutch settled in modern day New York  economy was based on the fur trade and successful trading routes were developed along the Hudson River

44 Conflict in the New World  1700’s, European powers began to fight for control of North America  English Force Dutch to give up control of New York  Developed colonies along the Atlantic coast  Conflict between English, French, Spanish and Natives was prominent

45  English and Spanish were more violent with natives  French and Dutch worked with native populations

46 Reduction in Iberian influence  The Spanish Empire declined for a number of reasons, including inflation, which was a result of the influx of gold and silver from Spanish colonies  Weak middle class  Portugal had a small population and limited fincances

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