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Published byReynold Spencer Modified over 8 years ago
1 POIF Metric Status January 2010 Lybrease Woodard Marshall Space Flight Center Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Lab Operations Directors Office
2 Payload Operations and Integration: Health Assessment [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence] Status as of: 01/15/10 Team/Subteams SchedTech Green (G): Inside work plan. Schedule/Cost Variance: 0 - 5% Ahead/Underrun Yellow (Y): Outside limits but with accepted recovery plan or within reserve margin. Schedule/Cost Variance: 0 - 5% Behind/Overrun Red (R): Outside limits with no accepted recovery plan. Schedule/Cost Variance: greater than 5% Behind/Overrun Improving Worsening Payload Operations Integration Function (POIF) Space Systems (DMC/PRO) Operations Control (OC) / Shuttle Ops Controller (SOC) Mission Planning (MP) Crew Operations (Crew Ops) Issue: Managing Increment preparation workload continues to be challenging due to late changes in manifest. Issue: Real-time operations are above maximum capacity, requiring focus on responding to scheduled activities and numerous anomalies, which has severely limited the ability to review and prepare products for next day operations as well as Increment preparation. Issue: CEFs submitted for the operation of National Lab payloads continue to be submitted with insufficient information for evaluation. National Lab payload CEFS must have a PIM assignment as well as an operations concept/package to support evaluation. Issue: Continued late baseline of Increment Research Directives is adversely affecting the development and implementation of a plan to support crew training for an Increment. Issue: Continued late baseline of the Payload Tactical Plan (PTP), as well as an increase in the number of changes to the Increment post baseline (CEFs), adversely affects final product development, crew training, and increases the volume of realtime change traffic. Prioritization of workload has been implemented to manage product development required to support late changes in manifest and preparation for future Increments. Concern: Continued late approval and posting of the payload phase III safety hazard reports is adversely affecting operations product development and baseline in support of on orbit operations. Y G Y R Training (TNG) G Y Y Y Y G G G Y Y G Late / changed research plans create difficulty for crew training. No preliminary research plan exists for inc 27/28 so the CTC gave the ITIWG estimated training hours. Crew training has begun on facilities and legacy payloads per assumed crew assignments. The increased volume of OCRs and last minute changes in scheduling philosophy has increased the Incr 21/22 WLP and STP workload requiring excessive A-team support and overtime. PPCRs that impact K-band Data System Planning do not always clearly identify Data System impacts. Data System resources are very tight, so NASA JSC and the Partners need to be very clear when planning changes impact the data system. MP is working this problem with the DMC Team, NASA JSC and the ExPCP. Continually late and changing research directives create difficulties for product development. The number of CEFs being processed contributes to difficulties in timely product development. The increased volume of OCRs (adding and changing activities and procedures) has increased the level of effort and thus overtime by the Stowage Team in developing and maintaining Stowage Notes. DMC operations are impacted in the following 2 ways due to lack of data and/or video resource information. 1. During the planning phase, (E-7 and greater) system requirements (SSRMS, EVA, Proximity operations, etc) for data/video are not being modeled. 2. PPCR details regarding data/video resources are not being included, leading to conflicts during execution that impact payload operations. To help in resolving these issues, the DMC team will be attending the Weekly Planning Review (WPR) meetings as well as the IEPT meetings in order to identify missing data as soon as possible in the planning process. The 90-minute MPC downlink window scheduled after eDPC can only be used for crew choice video, not payloads. Crew calldowns for MPC downlink are outside of the established MPC downlink window, causing DMC unplanned reconfigurations. The increased number of changes and complete re-plans inside of Execution minus 5 days are making the OC job extremely challenging on Incr 21/22. Last minute Crew requests, changes in scheduling philosophy, unforeseen crew and/or systems constraints are some examples of the types of late changes that the OC and the rest of the POIC team have to deal with.
10 FY09 Attrition Metric (as of December 31, 2009)
11 Training PeriodI28I18119I20I21I22I23I24I25I26I27STS/other# of Crew# Classes Nov-08 95638 3 1579 Jan-09 2105112113 1562 Feb-09 10 3 11 824 Mar-09 6365163511 11974 Apr-09 6 112 710 May-09 10187 1112 49 Jun-09 41312 51316 Jul-09 81314 12 21563 Aug-09 1 11 Sep-09 1016121641440 Oct-09 14131236461858 Nov-09 1 1 26710 Dec-09 218310711250
12 I23P I23Bu I24 P I24 Bu Overall I23/24 Status SkvKorClBorSamKsWoWaYurCNsKon Remaining Hours79.25 1.001.7510.750.00 11.0014.2519.002.508.509.251.25 Completed Hours402.02 2.501.5088.752.500.0057.0072.9075.000.0066.8734.250.75 Total Hours Required481.27 3.503.2599.502.500.0068.0087.1594.002.5075.3743.502.00 % Complete84% 71%46%89%100% 84% 80%0%89%79%38% Prime Crewmembers I22: Kotov (Kt), Noguchi (Ng), Creamer Cc) I23: Skvortsov - Skv (replaced Kaleri), Kornienko (Kor), Caldwell (Cl) I24: Wheelock (Wo), Walker (Wa), Yurchikin- Yur (replaced Skvortsov) I25: Kaleri (Kal), Skripochka (Ski), Kelly (Ks) Backup Crewmembers I22: Shkaplerov (Shk), Furukawa (Fu), Wheelock (Wo) I23: Samokutyayev (Sam), Borisenko (Bor), Kelly (Ks) I24: Kondratyev (Kon), Nespoli, (Ns), Coleman (C) I25: Volkov (Vol), Revin (Rev), Garan (Ga) I23/24 Overall Training Status
13 I25 I26 Overall I25/26 Status KalSkiKsNsCKon Remaining Hours119.50 1.502.2537.7528.7547.751.50 Completed Hours152.25 0.00 58.7533.7559.750.00 Total Hours Required271.75 1.502.2596.5062.50107.501.50 % Complete56% 0% 61%54%56%0% I25 Prime Crewmembers Alexander Kaleri Oleg Skripochka Scott Kelly I26 Prime Crewmembers Paolo Nespoli Cady Coleman Dmitry Kondratyev I25/26 Overall Training Status
17 Current POIC Payload Anomaly Report (PAR) Status AssignedOpenOpen PendingOpen Suspended ClosedWithdrawn System H/W and interfaces 43612 EXPRESS201719522 EXPRESS Payloads 5456316916 HRF1118311 HRF Payloads28192 MSG19385 MSG Payloads821214 MELFI4323 FCF CIR/FIR1312 External Payloads 161 MSRR/MSL13 Misc PARs1 Total1413127555576
19 Payload PARs
21 CORE Hardware & Software PARs
22 PARs initiated in December ‘09 PAR NumberPAR TitleDate OpenedStatusDate Closed ABRS-HW-0003ABRS ERC 2 Temperature Rise 2009/12/2 GMT 336ASSIGNED ABRS-HW-0004Loud Noise Coming From ABRS 2009/12/15 GMT 349ASSIGNED ABRS-SW-0002ABRS Loss of Health and Status 2009/12/13 GMT 347ASSIGNED ALTEA-HW-0006SDU3 Sensor Faulty Reading 2009/12/9 GMT 343OPEN APEX_Cambium- MECH-0001Issue with root tube watering 2009/12/1 GMT 335OPEN CIR-HW-0008Burned Out Ignitor 2009/12/15 GMT 349OPEN2010/1/15 GMT 015 ExpRk6-HW-0003EXPRESS Rack 6 Failed EMU 2009/12/1 GMT 335OPEN HOLTER-HW-0003HIFI Card Access Difficulty 2009/12/7 GMT 341ASSIGNED HRF-HW-0032SLAMMD Failed to Initiate Magnet Arm 2009/12/18 GMT 352WITHDRAWN MISSE7-SW-0002Command Not Executing Properly 2009/12/10 GMT 344OPEN MSG-SW-0020 SODI unable to transfer directory listing to MLC 2009/12/22 GMT 356ASSIGNED SLAMMD-HW-0003SLAMMD Failed to Initiate Magnet Arm 2009/12/18 GMT 352ASSIGNED SODI-SW-0002 SODI PELTIER 4 High Temperature Power OFF 2009/12/2 GMT 336OPEN SODI-SW-0003SODI script results not as expected 2009/12/14 GMT 348OPEN
23 PARs closed in December ‘09 PAR NumberPAR TitleDate OpenedStatusDate Closed CSLM-2-HW-0004High Humidity Reading for SPU #10 2007/12/28 GMT 362CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350 EXPRESS-SW-0004RIC Degradation after CIR activation 2009/1/16 GMT 016CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350 ExpRk1-HW-0008 Unexpected ER1 Low Flow Condition On GMTs 2005/248 & 249 2005/9/7 GMT 250CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350 ExpRk2-SW-0042 -451 Rack Response to ER2 EMU Directory List Downlink Request 2009/3/29 GMT 088CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350 ExpRk2-HW-0009ER2 ELC Spontaneous Reboot 2009/6/22 GMT 173CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350 HAL-SW-0001 MELFI Monitoring Sequence Bundle Failed to Auto Install 2008/2/6 GMT 037CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350 MSG-SW-0015 Incorrect Video Time Stamp on MSG/InSPACE Cameras 2008/1/5 GMT 005CLOSED2009/12/16 GMT 350
25 * Data for this metric gathered from the IDRD for Increment 23/24 Annex5 PTP dated Nov 2009, the Increment 23/24 IPLFOR Matrix dated 10/28/09, and Increment 23/24 approved CEFs.
30 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]
31 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]
32 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]
33 Payload Operations and Integration Level II Schedule [CR9463 Rev A Assembly Sequence]
34 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of January 14, 2010) #69: date slipped due late Flt. Rules. #73: 20A ECR Submittal & Document complete date rebaselined per 20A launch date of 2/7/10.
35 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of January 14, 2010) #104: 19A Final EPAS – date slipped, comments have not been rec’d from ESA, so the Final EPAS delivery to JSC has been slipped to 1/15/10. ULF6 Prelim. EPAS date slipped, there are several issues with Cold Stowage that need to be worked. #139: date slipped, late addition of H/W for ALTEA-Shield. #158: date rebaselined per Final OOS TIM being scheduled for Feb 8-19 per agreement with the IEPT.
36 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of January 14, 2010) # 161 & #162: dates rebaselined per CoFR web page matrix (1/7/10). #165: date rebaselined per Final OOS TIM being scheduled for Feb 8-19 per agreement with the IEPT. #175: date slipped to allow additional time for more inputs.
37 POIF Deliverables Three Month Look Ahead [CR9463 Rev A] (as of January 14, 2010) # 159 & #160: dates rebaselined per CoFR web page matrix (11/30/09).
38 ULF-3 EXPRESS Rack 2 Topology Before transfers After transfers GREEN RED Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE OPEN Locker 2 is removed and temp stowed at Rack 4. ABRS is transferred from Middeck to Rack 2 Locker 2. ARIS-POP Rack 2 (LAB1O1) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Locker OPEN CGBA5 ELITE-S2KU-REC ARIS-POP Rack 2 (LAB1O1) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 OPEN CGBA5 ELITE-S2KU-REC Open ABRS ↑
39 After Transfer BSTC 1 Rack 4 (JPM1F5) B1 B2 D1 D2 G1 G2 J1 J2 GSM 1 ISIS DECLIC SAMS-RTS2 Locker → ULF-3 EXPRESS Rack 4 Topology GREEN RED Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE OPEN Before Transfer BSTC 1 Rack 4 (JPM1F5) B1 B2 D1 D2 G1 G2 J1 J2 GSM 1 ISIS MDS SAMS-RTS2 DECLIC Locker → MDS is removed from Rack 4 and transferred to the middeck for return. Two Lockers (transfer locker and ascent locker) are retrieved and installed when MDS is removed.
40 ULF-3 EXPRESS Rack 6 Topology Galley B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Rack 6 (LAB1O4) OPEN Food Warmer MERLIN (Galley) PWD (Galley) Before Transfer After Transfer Galley B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Rack 6 (LAB1O4) OPEN Food Warmer MERLIN (Galley) PWD (Galley) CUCU↑ GREEN RED Legend Locker Locker Replacement Vent closeouts installed Stationary Descending Ascending Changes Locations BLACK BLUE OPEN CUCU goes up soft stowed and transfers per the Transfer List.
41 ULF-3 EXPRESS Rack 1, 3 & 5 Topology No Changes B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 Rack 5 (JPM1F1) SpaceDrums IPM PCEM SDRMS AGM APEM Rack 3 (COL1A1) EMCS-HS B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 EMCS- ISIS Dwr OPEN ISIS Rack 1 (LAB1O2) B1 D1 G1 J1 B2 D2 G2 J2 MAMS SAMS-RTS1 SAMS-II-ICU OPEN CGBA4 Open
42 ULF-3 HRF Racks 1, 2 & MELFI Topology HRF 2 (COL1A4) No Changes B2 D2 G2 H2 C2 E2 F2 J2 B1 D1 G1 H1 C1 E1 F1 J1 PFM/PAM Workstation2 Refrigerated Centrifuge GDS Ultrasound SLAMMD SD Workstation2 Stowage B2 D2 G2 H2 C2 E2 F2 J2 B1 D1 G1 H1 C1 E1 F1 J1 HRF 1 (COL1F4) GASMAP Cooling stowage MELFI 1 (JPM1D4) MELFI 2 (LAB1S2)
43 Station Rack Layout Stage ULF-3
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