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PDMP & Health IT Integration Standards and Harmonization Aug 19, 2014.

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1 PDMP & Health IT Integration Standards and Harmonization Aug 19, 2014

2 Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call – Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meeting is being recorded – Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Feel free to use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments or any items you would like the moderator or participants to know. NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the Meeting Artifacts Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute 2

3 Agenda TopicTime Allotted General Announcements End-to-End Review process overview 10 minutes PDMP & HITI Standards and Harmonization Review Timeline Recap IG Development and offline work sessions Continue IG content review 75 minutes Next Steps/Questions5 minutes

4 General Announcements… The All-Hands and Implementation Guide Development meeting times have been extended 30 minutes to support the completion of the Implementation Guide. – Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET We have started End to End review for the INTRODUCTION SECTION ONLY. – Sections 1.1-1.6 – mplementation+Guide+Development 4

5 End to End Review End to End review is open to all members of the PDMP community – We encourage everyone to review the section of the document above and provide tangible, actionable comments – All comments will be dispositioned and discussed on the All Hands call next week

6 End to End Review: 1.Locate the IG and End To End Review Comment Form: PDMP+%26+Health+IT+Inte gration+Implementation+Gu ide+Development PDMP+%26+Health+IT+Inte gration+Implementation+Gu ide+Development 2.Review the Posted IG (Introduction Section Only) 3.Complete the Comment Form 4.Submits the Comment Form 1 3 4 2

7 General Announcements To join our weekly webinars, visit the PDMP & Health IT Integration initiative Homepage for the latest meeting information: +Homepage +Homepage 7 To subscribe to our mailing list, simply complete the PDMP & Health IT Project Signup Form: gration+Join+the+Initiative gration+Join+the+Initiative To access current and archived meeting materials, visit the Project Meeting Artifacts section: 26+Health+IT+Integration+Meeting+Art ifacts 26+Health+IT+Integration+Meeting+Art ifacts Note: Please check the meeting schedule weekly to get the most up-to-date meeting information

8 PDMP & Health IT Integration Standards and Harmonization Aug 18, 2014

9 PDMP Harmonization Timeline MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 3/25 Harmonization Kick-off Standards Evaluation Candidate Standards List UCR-Standards Mapping Gap Mitigation Plan Solution Planning IG Development Solution Plan Create IG Template IG Development End-to-end Review & Community Consensus (9/9) (Today) 8/26 Harmonization Close & Begin End-to-End Review

10 Harmonization Weekly Timeline (cont’d) Week Target Date (2014) All Hands + IG WG Meeting Tasks Review & Comments from Community via Wiki page (Due End of Week on Friday) 1-153/25-7/8Completed Harmonization Kick-off through Solution Planning 167/15 Finalize: Introduction of IG (Section 1) Introduce: Pre-conditions/Post-conditions (Section 1.6) & Implementation Approach Solution Plan (2.1) Review: Pre-conditions/Post-Conditions; Solution Plan (Overview and Standards) Review: Data Element Request/Response Mappings to PMIX-NIEM 177/22 Finalize: Request Data Element Mappings Introduce: Standards and Request Transactions Review: Response Data Element Mappings & supporting IG content Request Details 187/29 Review: Request Transaction Details in IG & Response Data Element Mappings Introduce: Response Transaction Details Review: Response Transaction Details 198/5 Finalize: Request details /Response Data Elements Introduce: Transformation Details (Request) Review: Request Transformation Details between NCPDP, HL7 V2.0, ASAP to PMIX-NIEM; Identify/document gaps 208/12 Finalize: Request Transformation Details Review: Response Mappings & Transformation details Review: Response Mappings/Transformation Details 218/19 Finalize : Request and Response Mapping & Transformation details Introduce: Conformance Statements Introduce: End-to-End review Process Review: Finalized Request/Response Mappings & Transformation details, Conformance Statements 228/26 Finalize: Conformance statements Introduce Gap Resolution Plan (Replaces suggested enhancements) Introduce: Transport/Security Begin: End-to-End Review of Implementation Guide (Section 1) Review: Transport/Security content Review: Gap Resolution Plan Review: Implementation Guide for End-to-End Review 239/2 Finalize: Transport/Security content and Gap Resolution Plan Review: Comments disposition for end-to-end review Continue End-to-End Community Review of IG (Section 2) Review: Implementation Guide (End-to-End) for final Consensus Vote 249/9Consensus Vote

11 Implementation Guide Content and Work Session Review

12 PDMP Community Decisions/ Recommendations Requesting State not required Confirm Roles and Role ID necessary for request (in IG)

13 Gap Mitigation for Request Translation/ D.E. Mappings StandardData Element Gaps IdentifiedMitigation ASAP Web Services Requestor Requestor Role Disclosing States Requesting State Request ID Option 1: Add required elements to transport layer envelope Option 2: Propose modifications as suggested enhancements to ASAP Web Service specification NCPDP SCRIPT Requestor Requestor Role Disclosing States* Requesting State/State code of Requesting Facility* Request ID (“Message ID”) Facility Name (“Pharmacy name”) Option 1: Propose modifications as suggested enhancements to SCRIPT Medication History standard in new iteration of NCPDP SCRIPT 10.6 Option 2: Include data elements within wrapper transport layer (not favorable) **Requesting state will be consumed by State code of facility (look to pilot feedback for modifications) HL7 V2.7 Requestor Requestor Role Disclosing States Requesting State Request Date/Timestamp Option 1: Add required elements to transport layer envelope Option 2: Propose modifications as new HL7V2.7 Z Segment QBP message elements

14 Gap Mitigation for Response Translation/ D.E. Mappings StandardData Element Gaps IdentifiedMitigation ASAP Web Services Refills Authorized AI: Bill Lockwood to verify Option 1: Add required elements to transport layer envelope Option 2: Propose modifications as suggested enhancements to ASAP Web Service specification NCPDP SCRIPT Patient ID (State of License, Passport, Military, Tribal) Would be dropped Partial Fill Indicator* To be added to new version (long-term solution) Method of Payment* Option 1: Propose modifications as suggested enhancements to SCRIPT Medication History standard in new version of NCPDP SCRIPT Option 2: Include data elements within wrapper transport layer (not favorable) *To be discussed with task group HL7 V2.7 Method of Payment Response Date/Timestamp Responding States Request ID Option 1: Add required elements to transport layer envelope Option 2: Propose modifications as new HL7V2.7 Z Segment QBP message elements

15 Conformance Statements based on Cardinality CardinalityDescription 0..0The element SHALL NOT be present 0..1The element MAY be omitted and has at most one occurrence 1..1The element SHALL appear once and only once 0..nThe element MAY be omitted or may repeat up to n times 1..nThe element SHALL appear at least once, and MAY repeat up to n times 0..*The element MAY be omitted, or it MAY repeat an unlimited number of times 1..* The element SHALL appear at least once, and MAY repeat an unlimited number of times m..nThe element SHALL appear at least m times, and at most, n times 2..2The element SHALL appear two and only two times 3..3The element SHALL appear three and only three times

16 Example Conformance Statement  Each Request SHALL have a Prescriber Identifier. The Prescriber Identifier SHOULD be DEA Number. If the DEA Number does not exist, then the Prescriber Identifier SHALL be one of the following types:  NPI  State License Identifier  Each Request that contains a State License ID for the xyz Identifier SHALL specify the State of License  An NCPDP SCRIPT Request SHALL have a abc Identifier. The abc identifier SHALL be one of the following types: o DEA Number o NPI

17 PDMP & Health IT Implementation Guide The S&I Framework Implementation Guide (IG) document was created to help with development of relevant sections, provide organization, and document needed pieces for S&I. 1.Introduction 2.Implementation Approach 3.Suggested Enhancements 4.Appendices

18 PDMP IG Community Review Comment/Feedback are due EOD Friday Comments/feedback can be provided using one of the two ways: –Use online comment form* (preferred) –Option to download latest version of IG document to add comments using track changes. If so… Save file retaining the file name and simply add your initials at the end of the file name – For example, PMDP_IG_Template_DRAFT 05_20-2014-rt.docx E-mail your document to Rita Torkzadeh at

19 Next Steps Review: Implementation Approach (Finalized Transformation Details and Conformance Statements) Next Implementation Guide Development Workgroup meeting is Thursday, Aug 21 st from 12:00pm-1:30pm ET Next All Hands meeting is Tuesday, Aug 26 from 12:00pm-1:30pm ET Reminder: All PDMP & HIT Integration Announcements, Meeting Schedules, Agendas, Minutes, Reference Materials, Harmonization materials, Use Case, Project Charter and general information will be posted on the PDMP Wiki page – omepage omepage

20 Contact Information – Initiative Coordinators: Johnathan Coleman Sherry Green – ONC Leads: Mera Choi Jennifer Frazier Helen Caton-Peters Helen.Caton- Peters@hhs.govHelen.Caton- – SAMHSA Leads Jinhee Lee Kate Tipping – Support Team: Project Management: Jamie Parker Ali Khan (Support) Use Case Development: Ahsin Azim Presha Patel Standards Development Support: Alex Lowitt Harmonization Support: Divya Raghavachari Atanu Sen Implementation Guide Development: Rita Torkzadeh Vijay Shah Vocabulary and Terminology Subject Matter Expert: Mark Roche For questions, please feel free to contact your support leads:

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