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Kunden-Logo CEO Capital Severin Heinisch CEO, Hochegger CEE Sofia, 14 November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Kunden-Logo CEO Capital Severin Heinisch CEO, Hochegger CEE Sofia, 14 November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kunden-Logo CEO Capital Severin Heinisch CEO, Hochegger CEE Sofia, 14 November 2008

2 Kunden-Logo What does CEO stand for? Brand Reputation Capital... And what CEO doesn‘t stand for: Glamour

3 Kunden-Logo Brand Behind big brands stand big CEOs. (MS) The CEO is the first and most important ambassador of the brand. (Red Bull) The CEO is a brand himself. (Niki Lauda) 3

4 Kunden-Logo Reputation “Thousands of employees know me only by reputation, so in a real sense, my reputation is everything. ” David S. Pottruck, The Charles Schwab Corporation, CEO 4 “Managing image and company reputation is one of the more obvious jobs of a CEO.” Jack Welch, General Electric, CEO CRO – Chief Reputation Officer

5 Kunden-Logo 5

6 Capital  Financial, Human and CEO Capital  CEO Capital is the interrelation of CEO reputation and market value  The CEO Effect App. 50% of a company‘s value comes from corporate reputation, and half of it comes from the CEO 6

7 Kunden-Logo 7

8 The reason why „The job of leadership today is not just to make money. It‘s to make meaning.“ Hypermmedialisation NGOs E-fluentials

9 Kunden-Logo Hypermedialisation  Information overflow  Real time media  The shorter the message the better  Reducing content to images & faces Personalities become the most important transmitters The CEO is the message 9

10 Kunden-Logo NGOs  The most underestimated stakeholder group  The rise of NGOs and the fall of politics  New demands from and responsibilities of companies The challenge for the CEO: Dialogue with NGOs and politics 10

11 Kunden-Logo E-fluentials  Print media are still the most important source of information  But the internet became the most important research source for journalists  “Google-journalism“ and the rise of PR 11

12 Kunden-Logo How to manage CEO Reputation

13 Kunden-Logo The Asset: „Good Will“  Up to 25 % of the company value is due to the CEO reputation  Expectations and pressure are high  54% of senior executives refuse to become CEO  4-5 quarters to show results 13

14 Kunden-Logo 4 types of CEO 14 Perception (awareness, clarity, media presence, differentiation) Goodwill for the CEO (Sympathy and Trust) Average Goodwill Average value of the perception dimension

15 Kunden-Logo The Timeframe 15

16 Kunden-Logo The CEO‘s race to perform  Win the board confidence…8,49 m  Win employee support…8,57 m  Develop a strategic vision…9,18 m  Develop a quality management team…13,91 m  Execute on promises made in the first 100 days…13,93 m  Earn credibility with Wall Street…17,93 m  Turn company around…22,10 m  Reinvent how the company does business…22,74 m 16

17 Kunden-Logo 17

18 Kunden-Logo CEO constellation chart 18

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20 Kunden-Logo 20

21 Kunden-Logo 21 Current Reputation Scorecards Creative Execution Strategic Programming Results And Measurement Insight Analysis Assessment Client Charter Desired Business Result Reputation Report Card CEO Reputation Report Card Culture Capital Assessment Corporate Equity Analysis Seasons of a CEO Environmental Scan Competitve Platform Analysis/Benchmarking Qualitative Audits Corporate Reputation Research CEO Reputation Research Corporate Brand Evaluator FORTUNE/Roper Corporate Reputation Index CARMA imMEDIAte Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) Our Approach Corporate Identity Vision and Values CEO Platform Dev‘ment CEO‘s First 100 Days Integrated Comm Strategy Brand Definition Media relations CEO Dance Card Investor Relations & CSR Employee /Constituency Engagement Web Communications Corporate Advertising Customized Training Programs Stock Price/Market Share Rankings and Scorecards Feedback Analysis Culture Quotient Recruitment and Retention Media Coverage/Penetration Thought Leadership Strategic Messaging Leadership Dev‘ment Rewards & Recognition Crisis Preparedness Measurement Planning Foundation Consulting

22 Kunden-Logo Many Thanks! Severin Heinisch, PhD Managing Director Hochegger CEE Schwarzenbergplatz 5|4 1030 Vienna, Austria T + 43 | 1| 242 02 – 520 F + 43 | 1| 242 02 – 9200

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