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Ball State University Finding the Road in Indiana.

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1 Ball State University Finding the Road in Indiana

2 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 1)Being Transgender does not mean you are gay… or does it?

3 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 1)Being Transgender does not mean you are gay… or does it? 2)Being Transgender is all about the sex and cross dressing.

4 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 1)Being Transgender does not mean you are gay… or does it? 2)Being Transgender is all about the sex and cross dressing. 3)Being MTF (Male to Female) means you lose 20 IQ points when you transition.

5 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 1)Being Transgender does not mean you are gay… or does it? 2)Being Transgender is all about the sex and cross dressing. 3)Being MTF (Male to Female) means you lose 20 IQ points when you transition. 4)Being Transgender is something to fear.

6 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 5) Transgender folks make no contribution to society

7 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 5) Transgender folks make no contribution to society 6) Transgender folks are made not born

8 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 5) Transgender folks make no contribution to society 6) Transgender folks are made not born 7) Transgender children do not exist

9 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 5) Transgender folks make no contribution to society 6) Transgender folks are made not born 7) Transgender children do not exist 8) Transgender folks enjoy the same rights as “sexual orientation” where that law exists.

10 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 9) There are only 1 trans person in 39,000.

11 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 9) There are only 1 trans person in 39,000. 10) In Indiana, a transgender person can marry their opposite sex partner.

12 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 9) There are only 1 trans person in 39,000. 10) In Indiana, a transgender person can marry their opposite sex partner. 11) Transition always includes sex reassignment surgery.

13 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 9) There are only 1 trans person in 39,000. 10) In Indiana, a transgender person can marry their opposite sex partner. 11) Transition always includes sex reassignment surgery. 12) Transgender folks enjoy the same rights as “gay or lesbian people” where that law exists.

14 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 13) Being Transgender is much easier than 5 or 10 years ago.

15 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 13) Being Transgender is much easier than 5 or 10 years ago. 14) Most trans folks do not have any special mental or physical health issue or needs.

16 The Myths about being Transgendered…. 13) Being Transgender is much easier than 5 or 10 years ago. 14) Most trans folks do not have any special mental or physical health issue or needs 15) Transgender folks are normally found in low income / low technical fields.

17 Definitions Sex The physical classification of people as male or female by reproductive organs and functions, anatomy, chromosomes, hormones, etc. “INTERSEX” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.

18 GENDER refers to the culturally and societally determined meanings assigned to male and female and a label is placed on individuals. Each society emphasizes particular gender roles that each sex should play, although there is usually a wide latitude in acceptable behaviors for each gender.”

19 GENDER IDENTITY: refers to the internal, psychological or spiritual sense of self relative to one’s degree of ‘maleness’ or ‘femaleness.’ This can be in opposition to the socially defined idea of one’s gender. Question: Nurture or Nature? TRANSGENDER A person whose internal gender identity does not match the anatomical sex with which they were born. Consequently, the socially defined gender label assigned to match physical sex creates a conflict within the person to a greater or lesser degree

20 TRANSSEXUAL (sp): A medical term referring to a person whose gender identity differs from what is culturally associated with their biological sex at birth and who wishes to undergo sex reassignment surgery. GENDER EXPRESSION A person’s communication of gender to others. o Clothing, jewelry, hair style, etc. o Occupation and status in society o Communication style, etc.

21 SEXUAL ORIENTATION Is the enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and sexual attraction (NOT a behavior). Orientation is not a choice. Research suggests that it is a combination of genetic, hormonal, environmental and biological factors prior to birth. Question: At what age did you decide to become heterosexual or bi-sexual or …….

22 Various Orientations for Sexuality: Asexuality: Lack of sexual attraction Bisexuality: Attracted to both males and females. Attraction may not be equal. Heterosexuality: Attracted to members of the opposite sex Homosexuality: attraction to people of same sex. Lesbian. Gay. Pansexuality (gender and sex irrelevant re: attraction), Polysexuality (attracted to more than one gender/sex, but do not want to identify as BI- sexual, which implies only 2 genders/sex)

23 GAY Denotes a man who forms his primary emotional, loving, romantic and sexual relationships with other men. It’s also an umbrella term describing the community, with political overtones, and often used by both gay men and lesbian women.

24 LESBIAN A term originating from Greek mythology that denotes a woman who forms her primary emotional, loving, romantic and sexual relationships with other women. BI-SEXUAL A person who has an affection, emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to men and women. Degree of preference and choice of primary relationship partner varies for each bisexual. Homosexual A clinical and technical term that is not generally used by lesbian and gay people or their community. “Homo” has long been used as a derogatory term.

25 Gender Continuum

26 Gender Variance Model Education & Advocacy, Inc. Gender-based Oppression Gender “Norms” Reproduction Occupations Grooming Mannerisms Sexuality Identity Part time Fulltime Expression Straight Lesbian – Gay – Bi-sexual – Queer/Questioning Transgender and Transsexual

27 The Issues… Gender oppression in a male dominant society Acceptance in the workplace Acceptance in the schools – all levels Acceptance by the medical profession Integration by the legal system Healthcare support Housing discrimination Discrimination by law enforcement Military discrimination

28 The Issues… Family acceptance and social issues Drug and alcohol issues Mental health challenges

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