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Science Starters Week 5 ILO 1 Use Science Process and Thinking Skills Plan and conduct experiments in which students may: Identify a problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Starters Week 5 ILO 1 Use Science Process and Thinking Skills Plan and conduct experiments in which students may: Identify a problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Starters Week 5 ILO 1 Use Science Process and Thinking Skills Plan and conduct experiments in which students may: Identify a problem.

2 Identify a problem Students are investigating plants. Students were given plants and spray bottles as shown above and were asked to come up with a scientific question that they could investigate. Write down 3 questions that they could scientifically answer. Why are they good scientific questions?

3 Identify a problem Students are investigating plants. Students were given plants as shown above and were asked to come up with a scientific question that they could investigate. Write down 3 questions that they could scientifically answer. Why are they good scientific questions?

4 Identify a problem Scientists were observing glaciers and icebergs. They found this before and after photo. What are 3 scientific questions that could be asked find the cause?

5 Identify a problem A student goes to the beach and sees this. What are 2 scientific questions the student could ask about the environment?

6 Identify a problem A student goes to the desert and sees this. What 2 scientific questions could be asked about how these formed?

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