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San José State University Athletic Department COMPLIANCE OFFICE Social Media February 9 & 11, 2016.

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1 San José State University Athletic Department COMPLIANCE OFFICE Social Media February 9 & 11, 2016

2 Electronic Correspondence Dates Men’s Basketball: June 15 of sophomore year, INCLUDES text messages. Cross Country, Track, Football and Swimming and Diving: September 1 of junior year, email & fax only, EXCLUDES text messages. Legislation proposed that would open this restriction to allow ALL forms of electronic correspondence like the other sports. If adopted, effective August 1, 2016. All Other Sports: September 1 of junior year, INCLUDES text messages

3 Personal Social Media Sites The legislation governing publicity, general correspondence and electronic correspondence is applicable to an athletics department staff member's personal website, social media profile or "handle."

4 1. A coach may friend/follow the social media profile of a prospect prior to the first permissible date the prospect can be provided with recruiting material. True 2. It is impermissible for a coach to send a modified message instead of the automated message when accepting a friend request from a prospect who has not signed an NLI. True

5 Friend/Follow the Social Media Profile of a Prospect Prior to confirmed NLI/GIA signing, it is permissible to provide recruiting materials to a prospect provided the automatically-generated electronic notifications are not edited and no additional communication to the prospect is included.

6 3. An institutional staff member can comment on the social media post of a prospect who has not signed an NLI. False 4. A current SJSU student-athlete who has no pre-existing relationship with a prospect who has not signed an NLI may comment on the prospect’s Facebook post. False

7 5. If an athletics department staff member's child is a prospect, is it permissible for the staff member to send a good luck or congratulatory message in which the child's high school or team is mentioned (e.g., "Congrats to my daughter, Suzie, and the Central High volleyball team on winning the conference tournament this weekend!")? Yes However, the staff member is not permitted to comment specifically on any other prospect on the team unless the prospect has signed an NLI or other commitment to attend the institution.

8 6. It is impermissible for an SJSU coach to comment on the page of his niece who is being recruited and who has not signed an NLI. True 7. It is permissible to send a direct message to a prospect who has not signed an NLI at any time. False

9 Commenting on the Social Media Post of a Prospect Prior to confirmed NLI/GIA signing, commenting on the social media post is an impermissible form of electronic correspondence because the comment is not private between sender and recipient. Further, the comment is an impermissible form of publicity because the action is more than confirmation of prospect’s recruitment.

10 8. An institutional staff member may repost (e.g., share or retweet) the social media post of a prospect who has not signed an NLI. False 9. A prospect who has signed an NLI shares a newspaper article that does not pertain to athletics and wants his/her follower’s opinions on the article. A coach may send the prospect a direct message with their opinion? True

11 10. Donny is a football prospect who is being recruited by SJSU. Donny tweeted earlier in the week that he would be signing with SJSU. The University twitter account immediately retweeted Donny. It is permissible for an institution’s main campus account to retweet prospects before they have signed an NLI/GIA. False

12 11. A parent of a prospect who has not signed an NLI posts a Facebook status stating that his son will be signing with SJSU. It is impermissible for a coach to share that status. True

13 Reposting (e.g., Sharing or Retweeting) the Social Media Post of a Prospect Prior to a confirmed NLI/GIA signing, reposting the social media post of a prospect is an impermissible form of publicity because action is more than confirmation of prospect’s recruitment. It also impermissible to have a comment on the repost directed toward the prospect. This would be considered an impermissible form of electronic correspondence because the comment is not private between sender and recipient.

14 12. An institutional staff member may endorse (e.g., like or favorite) the social media post of a prospect who has not signed an NLI. False 13. Billy is the starting right fielder for Center High School and has not signed an NLI. After Billy’s game, his coach tweeted “Billy played great today, hitting 2 HRs and 5 RBIs!” It is permissible for an SJSU Baseball coach to favorite that tweet. False

15 14. An SJSU coach may favorite a tweet by the parent of a prospect who has not signed an NLI. False 15. A coach may tag or mention the profile of a prospect who has signed an NLI on his/her own social media page. True

16 Endorsing (e.g., Liking or Favoriting) the Social Media Post of a Prospect Prior to confirmed NLI/GIA signing, endorsing the social media post of a prospect is impermissible form of publicity. Endorsing is more than confirmation of prospect’s recruitment.

17 Associating (e.g., Tagging or Mentioning) the Profile of a Prospect in a Social Media Post Prior to confirmed NLI/GIA signing, associating the profile of a prospect is a impermissible form of electronic correspondence because the association is not private between sender and recipient. Further, the association is an impermissible form of publicity because the action is more than confirmation of prospect’s recruitment.

18 16. An institutional staff member may share, like, or retweet an article from a scouting outlet (e.g.,, False Per Bylaw, institutional athletics department staff members may not endorse, serve as consultants or participate on advisory panels for any recruiting or scouting service involving prospects. 17. While on a recruiting trip to watch a prospect's high school competition, a coach may tweet or share their location. True

19 18. May an athletics department staff member generate a post commenting on a particular facility used by prospects (e.g. "Great ballgame at Township High School. One of the best high school baseball fields in the country!")? No While it is permissible for a staff member to publicly post generic information on a social networking website including locations visited (e.g., visit to a high school or town, attending a contest), comments made about a specific prospect, coach, high school or athletics facility that is primarily used by prospects are not permissible.

20 19. An assistant volleyball coach follows a prospect who is a high school junior after September 1st on Snapchat. The assistant coach would like to directly send a series of pictures and videos to the prospect via the Snapchat app. The material will include pictures of the team facilities, locker room and a 15-second clip of the volleyball team warming up for a game. Is this permissible? Yes, this is permissible. Per NCAA Bylaw, it is permissible to send private electronic correspondence to a prospect. In this instance, snapchat is treated as a text message.

21 20. The Women’s Basketball team would like to use Facebook’s Custom Audience tool to target institutional advertisements to a specific group of prospects who have not signed NLIs for the purposes of recruitment. The tool allows the institution to a select specific group of individuals based on demographic criteria. It is permissible to utilize this tool. False Per an 07/28/15 NCAA Educational Column, it is not permissible for an institution to publish advertising or promotional material designed to solicit the enrollment of a prospect.

22 21. It is permissible for a prospect who has not signed an NLI to like, favorite, endorse or share an SJSU coach’s Facebook page. True Much like telephone calls, we are unable to restrict or limit the actions of a prospect.

23 22. It is permissible for a student-athlete to generally tweet, “I prefer Adidas over Nike!” True Per a 4/20/15 NCAA Official Interpretation, it is permissible for a student-athlete to provide an opinion about a commercial product or service, as long as no individual associated in any manner with the commercial product or service is involved in directing the student- athlete to issue the opinion, and the student-athlete does not receive any benefits from any source in conjunction with his or her opinion. Such opinions may not be posted on institutionally controlled social media accounts or websites.

24 23. During a campus visit, may a prospect or his/her parents or legal guardians post pictures of the visit to their individual social media profiles? Yes A prospect or his/her parents or legal guardians may post pictures regarding their visit to campus on their social media profiles provided the photo was not taken or posted at the direction of the institution. Further, institutional staff members are not permitted to repost, "like"/"favorite" or comment on the pictures. Such an action would constitute impermissible publicity of a prospect's visit.

25 24. Before a prospect has signed an NLI or other commitment to attend the institution, may an institutional athletics department staff member post a staged or arranged photograph or video of a prospect taken during a camp/clinic on the institution's campus to the institution's website or his/her personal website or social media profile? No While it is permissible to post a photograph or video of a prospect taken during the normal course of camp/clinic activities within permissible camp/clinic information and advertisements, an institutional athletics department staff member may not post a photograph or video of a prospect (or multiple prospects) for other purposes prior to the prospect's commitment to the institution.

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