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CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 The three tiered approach to learning analytics for teachers Associate Professor Michael Sankey Director Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 The three tiered approach to learning analytics for teachers Associate Professor Michael Sankey Director Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 The three tiered approach to learning analytics for teachers Associate Professor Michael Sankey Director Learning Environments and Media

2 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Abstract If analytics are to be of any use to our teachers it needs to be: 1)accessible, 2)user friendly, and 3)extendable. We will see how USQ is currently sharing data across systems to monitor student behaviours across courses and to enhance learning support: RightNow-CRM system (AskUSQ) Moodle (USQ StudyDesk) We will look at how this can is being extended by: Moodle engagement plugin a USQ Data Warehouse

3 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Three phase approach In 2013/4 SAF funding (longer term vision) Developed a 3 phase plan towards developing learning analytics Provide information in context when required Phase 1 Provide access to cross-course support help data Phase 2 Provide basic engagement analytics Phase 3 Develop L&T dashboard and extend across systems 2013 2014 2015 2016

4 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Phase 1 Provide access to cross-course help data

5 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081

6 Details across three areas of RightNow

7 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Phase 2 Provide basic engagement analytics

8 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Activities identified to have impact on student success

9 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Extra information to explain

10 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Phase 3 Is it enough to just cover the LMS and help services? Data Warehouse

11 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Most of us are like the rest of us

12 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Source: Adapted from Kek (2006, 2011, 2012), Bronfenbrenner (1979), Biggs (2003) Institutional Level (Exo Systems) Student Level (Micro System) Product Presage Process Data framework. University structural factors such as level of study, mode of study Co-curricular Program & Services/ Student Services Academic Faculty/ Departments Academic Faculty/ Departments Demographic Motivation Family Other Demographic Motivation Family Other Learning and development Student outcomes Academic performance Student outcomes Academic performance

13 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Integrated Data Architecture

14 CRICOS QLD00244B NSW 02225M TEQSA:PRF12081 Next Phase Finish building the Reporting Dashboards Identify the top questions Develop an expanded set of success measures (expected outcomes) What are the top questions academics want answered? Are they any different to what we have now? Questions?

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