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Making Transparency work for you – seminar and workshop Technical implementation: How to create open, linkable data and create applications Paul Davidson,

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Presentation on theme: "Making Transparency work for you – seminar and workshop Technical implementation: How to create open, linkable data and create applications Paul Davidson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Transparency work for you – seminar and workshop Technical implementation: How to create open, linkable data and create applications Paul Davidson, The Local e-Government Standards Body (LeGSB) Steve Peters, Department for Communities and Local Government Mike Thacker, Porism for the esdToolkit London, 5 th March 2013, Bristol 12 th March 2013, Leeds 21 st March 2013

2 Mission –To promote eStandards that support Efficiency, Transformation, and Transparency of Local Services –Syntax, Semantics, Quality, Rights, Authentication, Transport, Governance Funded by sponsorship from –Cabinet-Office –Driving the work of the Information Domain –Information Standards to support the Infrastructure initiatives from the government ICT Strategy –DWP –Universal Credits, ATLAS message formats –Communities and Local Government –Transparency, Comparable Financial Data Governance –Originally an ODPM National Project –A part of the iNetwork –Accountable body is Tameside Council Executive Steering Board –LGA, SOCITM, DWP, CLG, C.O., Health, Education, Intellect, Information Commissioner’s Office Representing to –CTO Delivery Group –UK Location Council –Knowledge Council –EC, ISA European Interoperability Architecture Working Groups Local eGovernment Standards Body (LeGSB)

3 Code of recommended practice … Publication should be in open and machine-readable formats. The recommended 5 step journey to a fully open format is: –* Available on the web (whatever format) but with an open license –** As for one star plus available as machine-readable structured data (e.g. Excel instead of image scan of a table) –*** As for two star plus use a non-proprietary format (e.g. CSV and XML) –**** All the above plus use open standards from the World Wide Web Consortium (such as RDF and SPARQL) and –***** All the above plus link your data to other people’s data to provide context.

4 Supporting Local Authorities towards 5* Data. LeGSB – Technical Annex to the ‘code of recommended practice’. Enable Local Authority practitioners to –understand the fundamentals of Linked Data; –know when it adds value, and when it doesn’t; –be able to ‘do it’, or procure it; –challenge what the experts say; –collaborate across local authorities to re-use vocabularies, definitions, master data, etc –contribute to the vision and architecture of joined up information about local services. I am not a Linked Data expert!

5 Give me some feedback AHA –that was interesting and I can see how that would work for me. … BUT … ? –well if that is the case then I have a question that I did not have before I Don’t Get It ! –but I think that I need to understand it. Not Important –this is not relevant … move on.

6 Real examples of 4*/5* Data Some Examples of Linked Data by/for Local Authorities –Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data –Hampshire County Council – Land Supply –Unit4 – Expenditure over £500 –The Stationery Office – Comparable Revenue Budgets The steps to producing Linked Data –See the Linked Data Cook Book - –Get 3* Data –Model it ( to find Concepts and Relationships ) –Transform Data into an RDF Form –Publish it and Query it –Present it and Visualise It So …

7 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Get 3* Data

8 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Model it

9 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Transform it

10 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Triples http://bristol−data−−quality/observati on/conc/location/00203/date/1999−01−01/time/00:00:00/duration/PT15M/substanc e/NOX http://bristol−data−−qu ality/core/ratifiedReading "6"

11 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Triples http://bristol−data−−quality/observati on/conc/location/00203/date/1999−01−01/time/00:00:00/duration/PT15M/substanc e/NOX http://bristol−data−−qualit y/core/pollutant http://bristol−data− −quality/air−pollutant/NOX

12 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data What do these URIs mean? http://bristol−data−−qu ality/core/ratifiedReading

13 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data What do these URIs mean? http://bristol−data− −quality/air−pollutant/NOX

14 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Publish it and Query it

15 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Results

16 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data As XML

17 Bristol City Council – Air Quality Data Present it and Visualise it See and for how it was done. Query it at

18 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Get 3* Data

19 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Model it

20 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Transform it

21 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Triples "NOT STARTED"

22 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Triples "50.795714"

23 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Triples

24 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Publish it and Query it

25 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Results

26 Hampshire County Council – Land Supply Data Present it and Visualise it See Endpoint

27 Our Plans / Projects The Data – XML Extract from Covalent –a new swimming pool in Bridgwater; –a nuclear power station; –repairing the river wall; The Data – XML Extract from Covalent

28 Our Plans Model it

29 Our Plans Transform it

30 Our Plans Triples

31 Our Plans Triples "PR 41 - Bridgwater Swimming Pool"

32 Our Plans Triples "Sedgemoor District Council have announced that the new swimming pool and cafe at Trinity Sports and Leisure will open its doors to the public from: 11:30am on Friday 1st March 2013."

33 Our Plans Publish and Query

34 Our Plans Present It See Endpoint

35 Joining it up?

36 Any questions? ( any answers? ) Was that useful? –Which parts? What support do Local Authorities want? What common concepts and ‘patterns’ do we continually find in Local Services data? –E.g. Organisation, Time, Location, Service –Can we recommend ways of publishing them? What lists do we need? –Service Types, Local Authorities, Geographies, How do we publicise / register data Do we all need TripleStores?

37 Legsb The Local e-Government Standards Body

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