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Campus Recycling You CAN get involved! By Colleen Fabritius.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Recycling You CAN get involved! By Colleen Fabritius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Recycling You CAN get involved! By Colleen Fabritius

2 Recycling 101 -Plastic -Cardboard -Glass-Telephone books/Newspaper -Paper products-Paper towels -Books-Boxes -Aluminum - And much more! Visit for detailed list of recycling locations!

3 Ways you can help! Steps to go green: Recycle Conserve Electricity Use human Energy Reduce food waste Walk/ride a bike Carpool Even take a class on sustainability!

4 Campus Greening! Campus greening is reducing environmental footprints, saving money with efficiency, and showing that progress is possible! Campus greening -Generates interest about social values -Raises questions on how to meet human needs -As well as developing new technologies

5 “Greening” “Greening” : Having more care for the environment, while meeting the needs of present day without compromising future generations. Other campuses effort to go green! - Recycling - Turning off computer monitors/lights - Providing own plates at gatherings - Using recycled paper products - Promoting campus wide recycling - Spreading the word!

6 Electric Vehicles Locally grown organic food Biodiesel buses Solar thermal heating systems Photovoltaic panels Turning off power when unneeded Projects at other colleges include environmentally sensitivity, increased recycling, reduced fossil fuels, increased renewable energy, changed behaviors and building construction.

7 Think Positive! -A Michigan State study suggest that people with pro-environmental attitudes engage more in pro- environmental behaviors and activities. -The more positive the attitude and the more focused, generally more pro-environmental actions came from this. So get out there and think positive!

8 Do YOU want to get involved?!? Visit Or You can do your part

9 Still not satisfied? Get involved in your community! Check with your local authorities for chances to get involved! Little things make the biggest difference, so get out there! You can be the change!

10 Bibliography Recycling 101 | SUNY Fredonia Welcome | SUNY Fredonia Go Green! | SUNY Fredonia Welcome | SUNY Fredonia Environmental Club | SUNY Fredonia Welcome | SUNY Fredonia Hansen, Lexine T. "Recycling Attitudes and Behaviors on A College Campus: Use of Qualitative Methodology in A Mixed-Methods Study." Journal of Ethonographic & Qualitative Research 2. (2008): 173-181. Web. 5 Apr 2010. Rappaport, Ann. "Campus Greening Behind the Headlines." Environment (2008): 6-16. Web. 5 Apr 2010. Le Ber, Jeanne Marie. "Becoming Green and Sustainable: A Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library Case Study." Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library (2004): 266-268. Web. 5 Apr 2010.

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