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Spanish II Study Guide. Present Tense -AR-ER-IR hablocomovivo hablascomesvives hablacome vive hablamoscomemosvivimos hablan comenviven Actions that are.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish II Study Guide. Present Tense -AR-ER-IR hablocomovivo hablascomesvives hablacome vive hablamoscomemosvivimos hablan comenviven Actions that are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish II Study Guide

2 Present Tense -AR-ER-IR hablocomovivo hablascomesvives hablacome vive hablamoscomemosvivimos hablan comenviven Actions that are happening in the present.

3 Present Tense Irregulars SER IR Soyvoy Eresvas Esva Somosvamos Sonvan IR a + an infinitive = GOING to do something

4 Present Tense Stem Changers Think about a BOOT!! PODER puedopodemos puedes puedepueden

5 Present Tense Grammar Remember that you can only have ONE conjugated verb per sentence!!! Me gusta comer. (GUSTAR) Necesitas estudiar(NECESITAR) Tenemos que trabajar. (TENER)

6 Question Words Quién Who CuándoWhen A qué horaWhat time Dónde / AdóndeWhere / To where QuéWhat CómoHow Por qué Why

7 Pronouns Subject Function as the subject of the sentence. YoNosotros (anyone and I) Nosotras Tú ÉlEllos EllaEllas Usted (formal only)Ustedes (formal only)

8 Pronouns Direct Object Who? What? (in relation to the verb) Replaces a noun – must match in G/N Goes before a conjugated verb, attached to infinitive or a participle. menos te lo / lalos / las

9 Pronouns Indirect Object To whom/what? For whom/what? (in relation to the verb) Replaces a prepositional phrase – “a mí, a Roberto, etc… Goes before a conjugated verb, attached to infinitive or a participle. menos te leles

10 Pronouns Indirect Object If you have a direct and an indirect object pronoun, the indirect comes first. DON’T LE LO. Remember the verb GUSTAR!! Me gusta comer. (me = to me) Te hablamos. (te = to you) Queremos darle la hamburguesa. (le = to him/her)

11 Pronouns Reflexive A reflexive verb is an action that one does to oneself: ie…wash oneself, brush one’s teeth, enjoy oneself. Pronoun and subject are in agreement. LAVARSE Me lavonos lavamos Te lavas Se lavase lavan

12 Pronouns Possessive *See video on blog for further instruction.* * You can use it as an adjective with a noun OR you can omit the noun and use it as a pronoun. * Still matches G/N La casa mía = la mía House of mine OR mine El libro tuyo = el tuyo Book of yoursORyours Las tías nuestras = las nuestras Aunts of oursORours

13 Pronouns Demonstrative Like Possessives in that you can use it as an adjective with a noun OR You can omit the noun and use it as a pronoun. Indicates proximity to the speaker. Still must match the noun in G/N este libro OR éste this book this aquellas mariposas OR aquéllas Those butterflies (over there) those

14 Progressive Verbs Present Tense – Use the present tense of ESTAR and a present participle (-ing) Past Tense – Use the imperfect tense of ESTAR and a present participle (-ing) Participles HABLARCOMERVIVIR hablandocomiendoviviendo

15 Past Tense Imperfect Every verb is regular except for SER, IR, VER. HABLARCOMERVIVIR hablabacomíavivía hablabascomíasvivías hablabacomíavivía hablábamoscomíamosvivíamos hablabancomíanvivían Descriptive Tense, “Sets up the Scenery,” Time, Age

16 Past Tense Preterite - Regular HABLARCOMERVIVIR Hablécomíviví Hablastecomisteviviste Hablócomióvivió Hablamoscomimosvivimos Hablaroncomieronvivieron Series of events, “Pinpoint in Time,” action that the speaker views as completed, stated start or end point

17 Past Tense Preterite – StemChangers Verbs like ESTAR, TENER, PONER, etc… Their roots completely change before taking the appropriate preterite ending. (see Unit 1 Power Points) Also, IF a verb is a stem-changer in the present tense AND an –IR infinitive, it is a shower shoe in the preterite.

18 Little Words You need to know words for: Today, tomorrow, yesterday Last week, last month, last year, etc… While, before, after Prepositions like with, from, to, etc..

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