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Abstract Classes & Object Slicing. Object Slicing.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract Classes & Object Slicing. Object Slicing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract Classes & Object Slicing

2 Object Slicing

3 Assigning subtype to parent type variable slices the object Geometric Object Rectangle r1

4 Object Slicing Assigning subtype to parent type variable slices the object Geometric Object Rectangle r1 Geometric Object r2

5 Pointers/References Pointers / References don't slice – Just store memory address, don't have to

6 Casting No cast required to store child address in parent ptr: Virtual dispatch still finds child version of functions

7 Down Casting Can't auto convert parent pointer back to child one:

8 BAD static_cast, BAD static_cast happily pretends to turn a pointer into another pointer type… …weird stuff may happen

9 Static vs Dynamic Static : done at compile time Can this possibly make sense? Dynamic : done at runtime Try to see if this works…

10 Dynamic Cast dynamic_cast ( value ) – Type must be a pointer or reference – At runtime: Check to see if conversion makes sense If so, do it If not, return nullptr

11 dynamic_cast allows us to check if cast worked: GOOD dynamic_cast

12 dynamic_cast allows us to check if cast worked – Up to you to check! GOOD dynamic_cast

13 Abstract Functions

14 Geometric Object Example Circle Rectangle both have functions… should be in parent

15 Pure Virtual Functions Virtual Function : Child class may override, if working with pointer/reference, check to see if we have a better version

16 Pure Virtual Functions Pure Virtual Function : Child class MUST override this… I'm not even going to describe how it works "= 0 " This is pure virtual

17 New Problem… Can't make a GeometricObject:

18 Abstract Abstract Class : Class that is not designed to be instantiated – Defines common capabilities for subclasses GeometricObject +getArea() : double +getPerimeter() : double Italics = Abstract Class Italics = Abstract Method (Pure Virtual)

19 A Promise Abstract class is an organizer / promise

20 Using it We have no idea how each object will get its area, but we know it can:

21 Constructors Can't make a Geo object: Still need constructors for child classes

22 Protected Constructors Protected constructors make sure only usable from inside child classes GeometricObject +getArea() : double +getPerimeter() : double # = Protected

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