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English Dialect- Singlish

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1 English Dialect- Singlish
Vivian Lee

2 Singapore English refers to varieties of the English language spoken in Singapore, of which there are two main forms – Standard Singapore English (SSE) and Singapore Colloquial English (Singlish)


4 Particles The use of particles
In every end of the word usually add “lah” “a” “lor” “me” “hah” to makes the sentence more vivid

5 Daily Conversation • The use of “Can” English: “Can you do it? “
“Yes, I can.” Or “Of course” Singlish “Can or not?” Say it faster: “Can a not?” “Can!”


7 Blended Culture Most Singaporean kids are brought up bilingual. They are introduced to Malay, Chinese, Tamil, or Singapore Colloquial English (Singlish) as their native languages, depending on their families' ethnic backgrounds and/or socioeconomic status. Four major populations: Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, Tamil

8 -Malaysian Singlish “Have you makan already?”
Makan馬幹= dinner (Malaysian)

9 Singlish “Very siam” Siam= Very annoyed “Very Shiok” Shiok= Enjoyable
“I tell you lor, tonight I am going to eat peanut配beer! Very (strength the pronounce) shiok! Must buy Die die must do Die die must eat Die die must buy

10 Chinese-Singlish “Very kanchung” Kanchung= nervous (Cantonese)

11 Grammar

12 1) Use of “Already” “Already” are always place in the end of the sentence. English : I have already checked the toilet. Singlish: Toilets check already Cabin clear already Door armed already

13 2)The use of can When it comes to Singlish, they won’t use “I cant” as a negative word. Instead they chose to say can not to interpret their disagreement. English: “Sorry, I can’t do this.” Singlish: “Can not can not lah.”

14 3) Stress They way they stress the word are totally different from English. For examples: Terry City It’s hard for them to pronounce the “th” sound Throw the rubbish = Trow the rubbish

15 Controversial Part Mix with wonderfulness / a melting pout of different country


17 Speak Good English movement (2000)
Replace Singlish with Standard English. In Singapore, English is a “working language” that serves the economy and development and is associated with the broader global community. Meanwhile the rest are “mother tongues” that are associated with the country’s culture. Speaking Standard English also helps Singaporeans communicate and express themselves in their everyday life. the ability for Singapore to remain in a strong position as a global business hub in an increasingly challenging business environment.

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