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Flexible Staffing Systems Area Manager Stephens Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Flexible Staffing Systems Area Manager Stephens Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flexible Staffing Systems Area Manager Stephens Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service

2 Aim  To detail the principles of the self rostering staffing system in operation within MFRS  To explain the Reinforcement and Resilience Team concept  To explain the staffing model in operation for Wholetime crewing within MFRS

3 Self Rostering Methodology  8 week staffing period  Must work 336 hours in 8 weeks (42 hours x 8)  Can carry over hours into next 8 week period (over or under)  Any hours worked over 336 can be paid at flat rate  In operation on 7 out of 26 Stations

4 Practical Example  Search and Rescue Team located at Croxteth Fire Station  Established staffing level of 48 to achieve 10 on duty at all times  Actual staffing level of 40  Shortfalls made up by staff working additional shifts at flat rate  Shift duration of 10, 14 or 24 hours

5 Advantages  Maximum flexibility  Accounts for dynamic staffing requirements (short notice courses etc)  Very low levels of sickness  Cost effective (additional shifts @ flat rate)  Savings achieved from reduced on costs  High levels of professionalism

6 RRT  Provide cover for Supervisory Manager abstractions on Wholetime Stations (19 out of 26, 31 fire appliances)  Team consists of 20 WMB who are paid a 10% pensionable supplement and a £1,500 travel allowance  Team are selected from highest performing Watch Managers  Work additional shifts @ flat rate

7 Wholetime Staffing Model  40 personnel on a 2 pump station  1 WMB 1 CM + 8 FF per Watch  24 personnel on a 1 pump station  1 WMA + 5 FF per Watch  Assumption of 3% sickness absence

8 Methodology

9 Advantages  Maximum efficiency  Values based approach to sickness (there is a direct consequence to going sick)  Resilience provided by the ‘Dynamic Reserve’ or very selective use of pre planned overtime  Access to pre planned overtime contingent on meeting high performance targets

10 Questions?

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