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Secondary Education Sector Development Project ACHAN VIENGKEO PHOMMAVONG Deputy Director General Department of Organization and Personnel Ministry of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Education Sector Development Project ACHAN VIENGKEO PHOMMAVONG Deputy Director General Department of Organization and Personnel Ministry of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Education Sector Development Project ACHAN VIENGKEO PHOMMAVONG Deputy Director General Department of Organization and Personnel Ministry of Education and Sports


3 1.Why does the MOE implement the Trial Graduate Teacher Placement Scheme ? The MOES is piloting a Graduate Teacher Placement Scheme to develop strategies to encourage new science graduate teachers to work in the poor ethnic area where the new LSE schools will be established in the rural areas under Output 1.

4 2.Who are considered for the Trial Graduate Teacher Placement Scheme? The scheme will select female science teachers graduating in May 2013 belonging to any of the Lao ethnic groups and coming from the rural and remote areas. They will receive incentive packages approved by the government.

5 3.How many newly graduate teachers will be selected for the pilot scheme? Indicatively, 25 science teachers will be selected from the new graduates.

6 4.Where will the new graduates be assigned? The selected new graduate science teachers will be assigned in the 5 remote and rural districts out of the 30 districts considered in Output 1 selected as pilot sites. The schools in the 5 districts should be among those to be provided with dormitories by September 2013.

7 5.What incentives do the trial teachers get from the government? These teachers will be given modest support interventions such as allowances for accommodation and travel and/or cash and in-kind support. These allowances will be for the relocation and settling in specified underserved areas. The support will be provided for the first two years after the teacher placement. The teachers will be provided with dormitory accommodation.

8 6.Does the PES and DEB have roles in the selection of the trial teachers? The trial science teachers to be deployed in September 2013 will be selected by the DOP together with the DTE and TEIs. Note that PES/DEB also helped in selecting the new LSE school sites where classrooms and dormitories will be built(under output 1) and where these new teachers will be deployed. PES/DEB will help in the arrangements with host communities and the new LSE school.

9 SUGGESTED CRITERIA FOR SELECTING APPLICANTS FOR THE TRIAL GRADUATE SCIENCE TEA CHERS CRITERIA À¡­-¡¿­ö© POINTS £½-Á­­ Agree Disagr ee No Comment 1 Education ¡¾­-¦ô¡¦¾ 25 2.Examination Rating ì¿©ñ®-°ö­-¡¾­-¦º®-À¦ñ¤ 15 3.Specialized trainings and skills ¡¾­-ºö®»ö´-¢½-ÁΤ-¸ò§¾-§ó® -Áì½ êñ¡- ¦½-£¸¾´-§¿­¾­ 5 4.Interview ¡¾­¦¿²¾© 15 5.Demonstration teaching ¦º­-¦¾êò© 20 6.Teaching proficiency test êö©-¦º®-£¸¾´-¦¾´¾©-©É¾­-¡¾­-¦º­ 20 Total êñ¤-Ïö© 100


11 1.Why does the MOE implement program ? The MOES wants to give a special incentive for the teachers already working in underserved areas by helping them upgrade their qualifications from 11+3 (Certificate) to Bachelor’s degree.

12 2.Who are qualified to avail of this grant? The candidates for this grant will be female science teachers who are assigned and working in the rural remote areas and belonging to any of the Lao ethnic groups.

13 3.How many teachers will be selected for the grant? There will be 30 LSE qualified Science teachers to be selected who are working in poor ethnic areas in the targeted 30 districts under Output 1.

14 4.Where will the science teachers study? These selected science teachers will be enrolled by the government in any of the TEIs Secondary Education Teacher Upgrade programs

15 5.What is the arrangement for the teacher to attend the progr am? The course requires 86 attendance at a provincial center or TEI for 6 weeks each summer for three years.

16 6.What incentives do the teachers get who will be selected for the program? Starting in 2012, the grant will cover the cost of course fees, accommodation, and travel allowance for the three-year upgrade period with a final bonus payment on successful course completion and retention in the same school location. However, after the completion of the program the teachers are expected to stay in the area.

17 7.Who will select the teachers to attend this program? The selection of the teachers will be the responsibility of DSE working with the DOP and DTE.

18 SUGGESTED CRITERIA FOR SELECTING APPLICANTS FOR THE TEACHER UPGRADING GRANTS CRITERIA À¡­-¡¿­ö© POINTS £½-Á­­ Agree Not Agree No Comment 1. Education ¡¾­-¦ô¡¦¾ 25 2.Teaching Experience ¯½¦ö®-¡¾­- ¦ò©¦º­ 15 3.Specialized trainings and skills ¡¾­-ºö®»ö´-¢½-ÁΤ-¸ò§¾-§ó® -Áì½ êñ¡-¦½-£¸¾´-§¿­¾­ 10 4.Interview ¡¾­¦¿²¾© 15 5.Demonstration teaching ¦º­-¦¾êò© 20 6.Teaching proficiency test êö©-¦º®-£¸¾´-¦¾´¾©-©É¾­-¡¾­-¦º­ 15 Total êñ¤-Ïö© 100

19 CriteriaTrial SchemeUpgrading grantLegal bases A.QUALIFYING CRITERIA 1.GenderFemale PAM, SESDP 2.EthnicityLao ethnic group PAM, SESDP 3.Residence Rural/Remote areas PAM, SESDP 4.CommitmentContract signing 5.Subject taughtScience 6.Teaching ExperienceAt least 2 years B.PROFESSIONAL CRITERIA See separate sheet OTHER PROPOSED SELECTION CRITERIA OF TEACHERS


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