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1 SUZANA KARABAIĆ People NCP Croatian Institute of Technology MSES, Zagreb 25.9.2009. “People”: Marie Curie Actions in brief.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SUZANA KARABAIĆ People NCP Croatian Institute of Technology MSES, Zagreb 25.9.2009. “People”: Marie Curie Actions in brief."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SUZANA KARABAIĆ People NCP Croatian Institute of Technology MSES, Zagreb 25.9.2009. “People”: Marie Curie Actions in brief

2 2 EU’s main instrument for funding research

3 3

4 4 Collaborative research 10 thematic areas Frontier Research ERC Capacities : M€ 4097 People : M€ 4750 Marie Curie Actions Research Capacity Cooperation : M€ 32 413 JRC : M€ 1751 Euratom : M€ 2751 Nuclear research Ideas : M€ 7510 FP7 breakdown (€ million) Total EC budget : M€ 50 521

5 5 Ultimate goal: an open, competitive and attractive Europe for researchers

6 6 Trans-national and intersectorial (IAPP) mobility Open to all domains of research (bottom-up approach) Applications through calls for proposals Selection criteria: S&T quality Quality of participants Impact Implementation Budget covers mainly salaries of researchers Main characteristics Marie Curie Actions

7 7 Host-driven actions: Applicants are institutions/organisations Individual actions: Applicants are individual researchers in liaison with host institution

8 8 MC Host actions ITN, IAPP, IRSES, COFUND Initial Training Networks (ITN) Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships (IAPP) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Consortia of different institutions applies with a project proposal. If the project gets financing: 1.institutions advertise positions and select researchers who will be Marie Curie Fellows, 2.or train their researhers inside network -DURATION OF A PROJECT: 3-4 years (ITN, IAPP) 1-2 years (IRSES) -FELLOWSHIP FOR RESEARCHERS: 3-36 months (ITN) 2-24 months (IAPP) max. 12 months (IRESES)

9 9 MC Individual actions IEF, IOF, IIF, ERG, IRG Intra-European Fellowship (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) individual researcher in liason with the host institution applies with a project proposal for financing. DURATION OF A PROJECT : 1-2 years (IEF, IIF) 1-2 years + 1 year (IOF) 2-3 years (ERG) 2-4 years (IRG) EUROPE WORLD

10 10 If you are… EARLY STEAGE RESEARCHERS (ESR) ( <4 years of r.experience) EXPERIENCED RESEARCHERS (ER) ( >4 years of r.experience) Possibility in… ITN (S,R) IAPP (S) IRSES (S) ITN (S,R) IAPP (S,R) IRSES (S) + IEF (R) IOF (R) (IIF) (R) COFUND (R) + ERG (IRG) *S=secondment R=recruitment

11 11 If you are… (HOST) INSTITUTION Hosting of individual researcher (ER) ITN (S,R) IAPP (S,R) IRSES (S) IEF (R) IOF (R) IIF (R) COFUND (R) + ERG IRG Consortia of institutions applies with a project proposal

12 12 Community contributions  Living allowance:  € 35 300 per year for early stage researchers (post-graduates)  € 54 300 per year for experienced researchers (< 10 years experience)  € 81 400 per year for senior experienced researchers (> 10 years experience)  Mobility allowance: € 500 or 800 per month  Travel allowance: € 250 to 2500 per year  Career exploratory allowance : € 2000 (for EIF, ITN and some IAPP)  Research and networking costs : € 600/1200 per month  Contribution to organisation of events: 300 per researcher/day (ITN and IAPP)  Small equipment expenses for SMEs : max. 10 % of the SME contribution (IAPP)  Overheads :10% of direct costs  Management costs : max. 3% of total contribution (7% for ITN) For ITN, IAPP, EIF, OIF and IIF Gross amounts


14 14 Thank you for your attention!

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