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1 Increment 37/38 JAXA Utilization Overview Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) #33 January 29th – 31th, 2013 Inc37 Lead JEM PAYLOADS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Increment 37/38 JAXA Utilization Overview Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) #33 January 29th – 31th, 2013 Inc37 Lead JEM PAYLOADS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Increment 37/38 JAXA Utilization Overview Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) #33 January 29th – 31th, 2013 Inc37 Lead JEM PAYLOADS : Futoshi Matsunaga ( Inc38 Lead JEM PAYLOADS : Junichi Hase ( Inc 37/38 Increment Payload Manager: Tsukasa Uekawa ( Inc 37/38 Increment Payload Engineer : Akiko Suzuki ( Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and disclosed to the receiving Cooperating agency and its contractors and sub contractors only for the purposes of fulfilling the cooperating agency’s responsibilities under the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It shall not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed or retransferred to any other entity or government without prior written permission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

2 2 JAXA Payloads Complement Overview Increment Overview - Inc37/38 JAXA Utilization Theme Contents

3 3 Topology in KIBO (JPM) - Saibo Rack and Ryutai Rack were launched on Flight 1J/A. - MELFI-1, ER4 and ER5 have been transferred into JPM during Inc 17. - MELFI-3 was launched on Flight 19A and then transferred into JPM. - MELFI-2 was swapped with MELFI 3 and transferred from USLab to the JPM during Inc 26. - Kobairo Rack and MSPR were launched on HTV-2 to ISS. Saibo Rack JPM1A2 Starboard Port Aft Forward Ryutai Rack JPM1A3 ER 5 JPM1F1 ER 4 JPM1F5 MELFI-1 JPM1D4 MELFI-2 JPM1A1 MSPR JPM1A4 Kobairo Rack JPM1F3 MSPR: Multi-purpose Small Payload Rack ER: Express Rack

4 4 Topology in KIBO (JEF) - SEDA-AP and MAXI were launched on 2J/A. - SMILES and HREP were launched on HTV-1. Multi-mission Consolidated Equipment (MCE) We are now operating three JAXA Exposed Payload Facilities (SEDA-AP, MAXI and SMILES) in JEF. In addition, NASA Exposed Payload Facility (HREP) is also in operations in JEF. HTV-3 will bring up MCE to JEF.

5 5 Inc37/38 JAXA Utilization Theme NewThemeCategoryFacility Dynamic SurfPhysical ScienceRyutai Rack (IPU) ★ AtomizationPhysical ScienceMSPR Stem CellsBiology & BiotechnologyMELFI Space pupBiology & BiotechnologyMELFI Resist TubuleBiology & BiotechnologySaibo Rack (CBEF) ★ Aniso TubuleBiology & BiotechnologySaibo Rack (CBEF)(TBD) CsPINsBiology & BiotechnologySaibo Rack (CBEF) ★ Cell MechanosensingBiology & BiotechnologySaibo Rack (CBEF) JAXA PCGBiology & BiotechnologyRyutai Rack (PCRF) VC-ReflexHuman ResearchNone MAXIEarth & Space ScienceMAXI SEDA-APEarth & Space ScienceSEDA-AP SMILESEarth & Space ScienceSMILES MCEEarth & Space ScienceMCE Area PADLESRadiationNone Biological Rhythms 48hrsHuman ResearchNone EPO 12Educational Activities & OutreachNone CommercialEducational Activities & OutreachNone

6 6 Undock Dock JAXA Utilization Overview (Fit for SSCN13526 Baseline) Increment 37/382013Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar. Note Saibo Rack 52P (- 12/18) 36S (9/27 - 3/12) 37S (11/27 - 5/14) 34S (- 9/11) Soyuz Progress 35S (5/30 - 11/10) Ryutai Rack Dynamic Surf Resist Tubule SpX-3 SpX-4 MSPR 54P (2/7 - 3/25) ATV COTS 53P (10/18 – 4/9) ATV3 Orb-2 (12/11 - 1/10) SpX-4 (1/15 - 2/14) Atomization 54P 36S PCG Orb-2 SpX-3 (10/2 - 11/1) CsPINs Cell Mechanosensing SpX-3 SpX-4 (Aniso Tubule)

7 7 Undock Dock JAXA Utilization Overview (SSCN13526 Baseline) Increment 37/382013Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar. Note 52P (- 12/18) 36S (9/27 - 3/12) 37S (11/27 - 5/14) 34S (- 9/11) Soyuz Progress 35S (5/30 - 11/10) 54P (2/7 - 3/25) ATV COTS 53P (10/18 – 4/9) ATV3 Orb-2 (12/11 - 1/10) SpX-4 (1/15 - 2/14) SpX-3 (10/2 - 11/1) Stem Cells Space pup MELFI SpX-3 Non Rack Biological Rhythms 48hrs Area PADLES Commercial 36S EPO12

8 8 Undock Dock JAXA Utilization Overview (SSCN13526 Baseline) Increment 37/382013Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar. Note 52P (- 12/18) 36S (9/27 - 3/12) 37S (11/27 - 5/14) 34S (- 9/11) Soyuz Progress 35S (5/30 - 11/10) 54P (2/7 - 3/25) ATV COTS 53P (10/18 – 4/9) ATV3 Orb-2 (12/11 - 1/10) SpX-4 (1/15 - 2/14) SpX-3 (10/2 - 11/1) SEDA-AP MAXI Exposed Payload SMILES MCE

9 9 ATOMIZATION RESEARCH OBJECTIVES We investigate liquid water's atomization process in JEM in order to validate the new atomization concept found from the drop tower experiments. The new atomization concept can predict correct breakup positions, which provides a key information to improve a spray combustion engine. OPERATION "ATOMIZATION" facility is launched aboard Orbital. The ATOMIZATION facility as well as its tests is unstowed from CTB and deployed at the MSPR/WV. After the setup, experiment is carried out by ground operators. A water jet is created at "ATOMIZATION". The jet ligament spontaneously splits to droplets by the atomization physics. These processes are recorded by a high-speed camera, break-up locations are recorded and analyzed. Comparison with various sample conditions reveals how atomization mechanism is affected by cumulative process of self- instability wave propagation along the flow. Note that crew support is needed for adjustment of focusing of high-speed camera, replacement of sponge at the water collector and that of syringe. HardwareAtomization FacilityMSPR Work Volume, MSPR Laptop, MMA Late accessNoWhat hardware requires late access? Pre-flightNoDescription of requirements In-flight: # of sessions # of sessions: 1 Total crew time: 12hrs. 1. Crew sets up for Atomization experiment. 2. Ground conducts experiment (two or three runs). 3. Crew replaces the water cartridge and the water collector. 4. Repeat No.2 and No.3, 12 times. 5. After finishing the experiment, crew removes and stows Atomization. Post-flightNoDescription of requirements Early RetrievalNoWhat hardware requires early retrieval? Target SubjectsISS crew Detailed validation of the new atomization concept derived from drop tower experiments Aimed at developing a turbulent atomization simulator

10 10 Roles of cortical microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins in gravity- induced growth modification of plant stems RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Resistance to the gravitational force is a critical response for terrestrial plants to survive under 1 g conditions. The ground-based experiments using conditions of centrifugal hypergravity have indicated that development of a short and thick body is a main mechanism that enables plants to grow against the gravitational force. We have also shown that regulation of cortical microtubule orientation by the action of microtubule-associated proteins such as MAP65 is involved in hypergravity-induced growth modification. From these results of hypergravity experiments, it is expected that plants would develop a long and thin body by changing orientation of cortical microtubule under microgravity conditions in space. OPERATIONS We will analyze the changes in dynamics of cortical microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins by observing Arabidopsis hypocotyls expressing GFP- fused tubulins and microtubule-associated proteins with a fluorescence microscope in the Kibo. The results obtained in the present space experiment will contribute to understanding the roles of cortical microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins in gravity-induced growth modification of plant stems. Observation Chamber JAXA Microscope HardwareJAXA Fluoresce Microscope Facility/InterfacesCBEF, MELFI Late accessYesObservation Chambers Pre-flight sessionNo In-flight: # of sessions7 sessions /Run Total 10 Runs Total duration approx. : 7 days x 10 Runs Total crew time: 80min x10 Post-flight sessionsN/A Early RetrievalN/A Target SubjectsN/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground referenceYes Fluorescence micrograph Arabidopsis (Thale Cress) Aniso Tubule

11 11 HardwareMeas Exp Culture Chamber, Meas Exp Chamber Cage, Meas Exp Unit (MEU), Meas Exp Solution Exchanger FacilityJEM/Saibo Rack/ Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF), MELFI Late accessYESL-72h(TBD): Meas Exp Cage, Medium Cassette, Syringes (CS) Pre-flightNON/A In-flight: # of sessions 4Total duration approx.: 10 Days Total crew time: 620 min Post-flightNON/A Early RetrievalYESR+64h: Meas Exp Cage Target SubjectsN/A Total # of SubjectsRequiredN/A collected so farN/A Ground referenceYesWith same batch of cells in KSC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Mechanical stress changes in tension fluctuation in cell membrane, resulting in activation of channels and/or proteases on membrane surface. The experiment will clarify the mechanism how the tension fluctuation in cell membrane regulate activities of such transducers during microgravity conditions. OPERATION A cell line (L-6) from rat muscle which can be grown as an attached culture in the Meas Exp culture chamber. The cells are launched at ambient using “Meas Exp CO2 bag” which maintain adequate concentration of CO2. After opening “Meas Exp CO2 bag” by a crew member, the cells are incubated using CBEF at 37 C, 5% CO2. After 9 days of incubation, medium exchange including 2 kinds of inhibitors for a half of chambers, then incubate one day. After total 10 days of the incubation, all chambers are exchanged by RNAlater for preserving RNA and frozen to recovery (in MELFI and STS freezer). CBEF & Meas Exp Unit Meas Exp Culture Chamber in Cage with CO2 bag Meas Exp Solution Exchanger Cell Mechanosensing

12 12 There is no difficulty we can't overcome. Because “KIBO” is our hope !

13 13 Backup Charts

14 14 Payload Power Distribution Box (PPDB) P-PDB receives main power from a Power Distribution Unit and distributes power to JAXA ISPR Components and Experiment Facilities. AAA/SD Utility Interface Panel Utility Interface Panel provides following communication interfaces: 1553B, Ethernet, FDDI, and video. Maintenance Switch Panel (MSP) The MSP is used for redundant safety interlock. It is used to protect the crew during maintenance or installation activities. Utility DC to DC Converter Unit (UDC) UDC receives 120Vdc safing power from a Power Distribution Unit and provides 28V DC Power to experiment equipments such as Micro-gravity Measurement Apparatus. Clean Bench (CB) CB provides a closed work space for aseptic operation in order to perform life science and biotechnology experiments. Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) CBEF provides a controlled environment for studying fundamental phenomena of life in the space environment, using cells, tissues, small animals, plants, or microorganisms. PEF Access Port PEF Nozzle is penetrated into the PEF Access Port when the rack has fire. PEF Access Port for CBEF PEF Nozzle is penetrated into the PEF Access Port when the CBEF has fire. PEF Access Port for CB PEF Nozzle is penetrated into the PEF Access Port when the CB has fire. Saibo Rack Overview

15 15 Ryutai Rack Overview Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF) AAA/SD UDC receives 120Vdc safing power from a Power Distribution Unit and provides 28V DC Power to experiment equipments such as Micro-gravity Measurement Apparatus. Utility Interface Panel Utility Interface Panel provides following communication interfaces: 1553B, Ethernet, FDDI, and video. Payload Power Distribution Box (PPDB) P-PDB receives main power from a Power Distribution Unit and distributes power to JAXA ISPR Components and Experiment Facilities. Image Processing Unit (IPU) IPU receives video data from cameras monitoring various experiments and from the Video Control Unit. IPU records, plays back, compresses, and outputs the data to the high rate data link for transmission to the ground. Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF) SCOF and PCRF provides opportunities for fundamental studies of crystal growth of various solutions and proteins. Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF) ) FPEF enables users to investigate the effects of the marangoni convection of the moderate temperature. Maintenance Switch Panel The MSP is used for redundant safety interlock during maintenance or installation activities. PEF Access Port PEF Nozzle is penetrated into the PEF Access Port when the rack has fire. Storage *Now FPEF silicon oil filter is installed on this position. Utility DC to DC Converter Unit (UDC)

16 16 Kobairo Rack Overview Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF) Water Pump Package (WPP) AAA/SD PEF Access Port Maintenance Switch Panel Payload Power Distribution Box (PPDB) Sample Cartridge P-PDB receives main power from a Power Distribution Unit and distributes power to JAXA ISPR Components and Experiment Facilities. PEF Nozzle is penetrated into the PEF Access Port when the rack has fire. The MSP is used for redundant safety interlock during maintenance or installation activities. The GHF is a vacuum furnace that contains three heating blocks. Their positions and temperatures can be independently controlled, and various temperature profiles can be realized. This facility will be mainly used for high quality crystal growth experiments using unidirectional solidification. Experiments can be performed automatically by installing 15 sample cartridges (Max.) in Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mechanism ( SCAM). WPP is a pump package for secondary water coolant in Kobairo Rack.

17 17 MSPR Overview Multi-purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) is the rack to accommodate the researcher-made experiment equipment in JPM. MSPR provides Combustion Chamber for Experiment (CCE) which is used to conduct a combustion experiment. MSPR has interfaces of JEM Exhaust line, GN2 line and Medium Temp. Water line. These facilities are used inside of Work Volume (WV) which is the work space to be conducted combustion experiment and other experiments as well. MSPR consists of DC/DC Converter Unit (DCU), Multi Protocol Converter (MPC), Hub Unit (HBU), Video Compression and Recording Unit (VCRU), and CCE. Laptop PC is used by sending commands to experiment devices. Work Volume (WV) Small Experiment Area (SEA) Combustion Chamber for Experiment (CCE) Aquatic Habitat (AQH)

18 18 SEDA-AP Overview RESEARCH OBJECTIVES SEDA-AP will measure space environment (neutrons, plasma, heavy ions, high-energy light particles, atomic oxygen, and cosmic dust) in ISS orbit and environmental effects on materials and electronic devices to investigate the interaction with and from the space environment at the JEM exposed facility (JEM EF). At the same time, it is also expected to conduct on-orbit verification of APBUS (Attached Payload BUS) technology, which furnishes necessary functions when mounted on the JEM EF.

19 19 MAXI Overview Gas Slit Camera (GSC) A slit camera with a gas proportional counter covers the 2 to 30 keV energy band with its large detection area. ·One-dimensional position-sensitive gas proportional counter with 10µm carbon anode wires, based on the method of charge division. ·MAXI is equipped with 12 counters with a total effective area of 5000 cm2. Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) A slit camera with peltier-cooled X- ray sensitive CCD chips covers the 0.5 to 10 keV energy band with high resolution. ·The CCD chips are made in Japan. ·The pixel size is 24x24 µm, and there is a total of 1024x1024 pixels. ·MAXI is equipped with two cameras. One camera has 16 CCD chips, for a total effective area of 200 cm2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is an X-ray camera with a wide field of view designed to monitor active astronomical objects and the universe. It will monitor the variations of the X-ray intensity of various sources in the entire sky, at the highest sensitivity so far achieved with such an instrument.

20 20 SMILES Overview RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Superconduction Submillimeter-wave Limb-emission Sounder (SMILES), is aimed at global mappings of stratospheric trace gases by means of the most sensitive submillimeter receiver. Such sensitivity is ascribed to a Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer, which is operated at 4.5 K in a dedicated cryostat combined with a mechanical cooler.

21 21 MCE Overview Outline of Payload Multi-mission Consolidated Equipment (MCE) accommodates five small mission experiment. 1. IMAP (ISS Ionosphere, Mesosphere, upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere mapping) earth observation mission consists from VISI (Visible-light and Infrared Spectral Imager) and EUVI (Extreme Ultra Violet Imager). 2. GLIMS (Global Lightning and Sprite Measurements) earth observation mission consists from cameras and electrical passive antennas. 3. SIMPLE (Space Inflatable Membrane Pioneer Long-term Experiment) technical demonstration mission consists from inflatable extendable mast and space terrarium. 4. REXJ (Robot EXperiment on JEM) robotic technical demonstration mission using tethers and extendable arm. 5. HDTV-EF (Commercial Off-The Shelf High Definition Television Camera System) technical demonstration mission using HDTV cameras.

22 22 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Space is a place where the ionizing radiation including heavy ion beams are filled. So, it is extremely important to estimate their effects to the organisms to forecast and defend the human body from those influences. Especially, possibility of reproduction and development in the space will be a serious problem considering a long-term stay in the space. We planned to launch the embryonic stem cells in the space by frozen condition. After about one month, six months, 12 months, 24 months, 36 months, the case will be retrieved to the ground. We will microinject the ES cells into mouse 8-cell embryos to develop and grow to adult mouse for analyzing the influence. MELFI Stem Cells Sample Case A “ESpace Sample Case” in a mock up of MELFI 1/2 box module Cryo tubes in the Case HardwareList investigation hardware to be used Stem Cells Sample Case (TBD), Bio Dosimeter FacilityList on-board facility needed MELFI Late accessYe s What hardware requires late access? Bio Dosimeter L-72h (TBD) Pre-flightNoDescription of requirements In-flight: # of sessions2Description of requirements Total duration approx. 6 months Total crew time: 10 min Post-flightNoDescription of requirements Early RetrievalYe s What hardware requires early retrieval? Stem Cells Sample Case (TBD), Bio Dosimeter: R+64h (KSC) Target SubjectsIdentify subjects (ISS crew, short –term crew, non-USOS ) N/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Total # of Subjects collected so far Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground referenceYes or No Yes ; With same cell sample at Japan Study on the Effect of Space Environment to Embryonic Stem Cells to Their Development Stem Cells

23 23 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES We propose to examine the effects of cosmic radiation on spermatozoa using freeze-dried samples. These freeze-dried spermatozoa will be kept on board the ISS in the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" and exposed to cosmic radiation for several months (about 1 month, 12 months, 24 months). After this sample returns to the ground, we will try to make offspring from them and examine the effects of cosmic radiation on sperm DNA. This will be the first step for studying mammalian reproduction in space. We hope to expand on this study by developing an automatic culturing system for frozen embryos, as well as animal cages to maintain live animals in space, and ultimately to attempt to produce live offspring under space conditions. Hardware Sample Case (TBD) Facility/Interfaces MELFI Late access YesL-30h Pre- flight session No In-flight # of sessions 1Total duration approx. 5 months (From SpX-4 launch to the end of increment 34) Total crew time: 30 min Post-flight sessions No Early Retrieval YesR+3days (at the port) Target Subjects No Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground reference YesWith same cell sample at Japan MELFI Sample Case ( TBD ) Name of experiment “Effect of space environment on mammalian reproduction” Ampoule (in the case) Space Pup

24 24 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES CsPINs is a protein group that controls activity and distribution of Auxin, a plant hormone, which has an essential role in coordination of a plant growth. This experiment focuses on CsPIN1, which is assumed to be involved in gravimorphogenesis in plant, and CsPIN5, which is assumed to be involved in hydrotropism, and aims at the understanding of their activities. OPERATIONS Run2-1/2-2: Crew member will give water to plant seeds in Chamber A and incubate them in Cell Biology Experiment Unit (CBEF). After 24 hours crew member will relocate Chamber A in CBEF (2-2 only) and incubate other 48 hours in CBEF. After the incubation, crew member will take out the chambers and fix the sample using KFT Glutaraldehyde Paraformaldehyde. CBEFMeas Exp Unit B (with camera)CsPINs chamber Dynamism of auxin efflux facilitators, CsPINs, responsible for gravity-regulated growth and development in cucumber HardwareMeas Exp Unit B (with camera), CsPINs chamber, KSC Fixation Tube (KFT) FacilityJEM/Saibo Rack / Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF), and MELFI Late accessYESL-72H Pre-flightNo In-flight: # of sessions4 ActivitiesTotal duration approx. 4 Days Total crew time: 430 min Post-flightNo Early RetrievalNo Target SubjectsN/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Total # of Subjects collected so far Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground referenceYesWith same lot of seeds in Japan CsPINs

25 25 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Gravity resistance is a principal gravity response in plants, comparable to gravitropism, and has played an important role in the transition of plant ancestors from an aquatic environment to a terrestrial environment about 450 million years ago and in the consequent establishment of land plants. Nevertheless, only limited information has been obtained for the mechanism of gravity resistance. The experiment will clarify the mechanisms of gravity resistance, in particular the processes from signal transformation and transduction to response. OPERATIONS Run1 (1-1 & 1-2): Microscope CCD camera (12cm x 8 cm x 8cm) and control pad (22cm x 22cm x 9cm) are attached to fluorescence microscope in Clean Bench for observing Resist Tubule Chamber A (launched with holder,11cm x 10.5cm x 8 cm). Run3: Experiment Unit (PEU) (24cm x 17cm x 11cm) contains Plant Exp Sample Chamber and cultivates sample automatically for 32 days. KSC Fixation Tube (KFT)(3.2 cm diameter x 26 cm) fixes samples. Mechanisms of Gravity Resistance in Plants - From Signal Transformation and Transduction to Response Meas Exp. Unit B ( V-MEU ) CBEF KSC Fixation Tube HardwarePlant Experiment Unit (PEU) Meas Exp Unit B (V-MEU) KSC Fixation Tube (KFT) Experiment Lat Top (ELT) Facility/InterfacesCBEF, CB, MELFI, GLACIER/DCB Late accessNA Pre-flight sessionNo In-flight: # of sessions4 Total duration approx. :39days (Run#2 :7 days, Run#3: 32 days) Total crew time: 820min (Run#2:330 min, Run#3, 490 min) Post-flight sessionsN/A Early RetrievalYES1 day or earlier Target SubjectsN/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground referenceYes Resist Tubule

26 26 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Marangoni convection is the flow driven by the presence of a surface tension gradient which can be produced by temperature difference at a liquid/gas interface. The convection in liquid bridge of silicone oil is generated by heating the one disc higher than the other. Scientists observe flow patterns of how fluids move to learn more about how heat is transferred in microgravity. OPERATION As an equipment setup before the experiment, Experiment Cell (EC) is assembled by an astronaut in Kibo module. The assembled EC is installed in Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF). After the setup, the experiment is operated from ground staffs as required by investigators at Space Station Integration and Promotion Center, Tsukuba Space Center.The experiment procedure is as follows; 1) Preparation of experiment (activation and initial setting of facilities (Ryutai rack, FPEF, IPU, MMA), 2) Experiment operation (Liquid bridge formation, inducing Marangoni convection, video recording) 3) Post experiment operation (Playback downlink of recorded video images, downlink of acceleration data measured by MMA) 4) Closeout of experiment (deactivation of facilities) JAXA MIDM (MD30 only) Top view (FPEF) Side View (FPEF) Back light LED IR imager (FPEF) HardwareMarangoni Deformation 30 (MD30) FacilityFPEF, IPU, MMA, MWA Late accessNoWhat hardware requires late access? Pre-flightNoDescription of requirements In-flight: # of sessions 2 (DS1 & DS2) Total crew time : 2100 min. (35hrs.) Experiment execution: 30 days (30 days (DS1) & 0 day (DS2)) Crew time: 1160 min.(19 hrs.20 min.) (DS1) & 940 min. (15 hrs.40 min.) (DS2) Post-flightNoDescription of requirements Early RetrievalNoWhat hardware requires early retrieval? Target SubjectsN/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Total # of Subjects collected so far Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground referenceNo Dynamic Surf

27 27 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The High Quality Protein Crystal Growth Experiment “JAXA PCG ” is aimed at the growth of crystals of biological macromolecules by the counter-diffusion technique. The main scientific objective of the JAXA PCG experiment is to make the fine quality protein crystals under microgravity environment. OPERATIONS Launch the 2 sets of PCG Canister on Progress. After docking to ISS, move the PCG Canisters to JPM. Install the PCG Canisters into the cell tray of Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF) and start the experiment for around 60 to 120 days at 20˚C. Crystal growth will start automatically from ground control. No trigger is required to onboard crew. After experiment, remove the PCG Canisters from PCRF cell tray and pack for return. And retrieve on Soyuz. High Quality Protein Crystal Growth Experiment Protein Crystallization Research Facility “PCRF” High Quality Protein Crystal Growth Experiment Canister HardwareHigh Quality Protein Crystal Growth Experiment Canister FacilityJEM/Pritein Crystallization Reserch Facility (PCRF) Late accessYesL-12hr Pre-flightNo- In-flight: # of sessions2 sessionDescription of requirements Post-flightNo- Early RetrievalYesR+1hr Target SubjectsNo Total # of Subjects Required Short-termNo Long-termNo Total # of Subjects collected so far Short-termNo Long-termNo Ground referenceNo PCG

28 28 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES By installing area dosimeters at fixed 17 locations inside the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo, JAXA performs continuous area radiation monitoring throughout the ISS Kibo program. OPERATIONS In increment 37/38, Area PADLES #11 dosimeters are launched in 36S Soyuz. Before the flight experiments, area dosimeters for Area PADLES #11 experiments will be assembled in a terrestrial laboratory (JAXA TKSC) and then handed over at Moscow with RSC-Energia for 36S Soyuz launch. After launch, RS crew pick its up and hand over to USOS crew. The USOS crew install 17 locations in JEM and taking the pictures. No tasks were performed during the measurement on board. After measurement the Area PADLES #11 dosimeters will be removed and recovered in 36S soyuz return. Area Passive Dosimeter for Lifescience Experiments in Space 11 The example picture of Area Dosimeter package on board the KIBO. The location of Area Dosimeters in a schematic view of the KIBO module. HardwareArea Dosimeter (17 itmes) FacilityThe surface of the stand-off, both end cones on the JPM and JLP Late accessNo Pre-flightNo In-flight: # of sessions # of session : 1 Total crew time : 1.0 hour Since total planed duration is 168 days, the an allowable duration that area dosimeters aren’t put at each location must be less than 16 days. -The dosimeters installing: within 8 days after launch (within 6 days after dock) -The stowage : within 8 days before return (within 7 days before undock) If total duration is shorter than planed, the allowable duration will be shorter. The dosimeters must be installed at attachment points for duration above 90% or more in total flight duration over launch to landing. Post-flightNo Early RetrievalNo Target SubjectsN/A Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Total # of Subjects collected so far Short-termN/A Long-termN/A Ground referenceYes or NoN/A Area PADLES 11

29 29 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objective of this study is to examine the accurate circadian variation of cardiac autonomic function by space flight. The crew will wear an Actiwatch for 96-hour and an electrocardiograph(ECG) for 48-hour. The crew conducts two In-flight data collections along with pre- and post-BDC. OPERATIONS Day1:Destow and don actiwatch(96 hours continuous data collection) Day2:Don electrodes(48 hours continuous data collection) Day3:Exchange Holter ECG, Day4:Doff Actiwatch and electrodes, data save and stow. The effect of long-term microgravity exposure on cardiac autonomic function by analyzing 48- hours electrocardiogram Actiwatch Digital Holter ECG Hardware#1. Actiwatch #2. Digital Walk Holter ECG FacilityN/A Late accessNo Pre-flightYes L-30~180 days Day1 :10min. for don Actiwach(96 hours continuous data collection), Day3: +15min. for don electrodes(48 hours continuous data collection), Day4: +10min. for exchange Holter ECG, Day5: +15min for doff Actiwatch and electrodes In-flight: # of sessions sessions : 3 FD 21+/-7 (*1), 1~3weeks before return (*2) Crew1 (*1, *2) : 30min. for Actiwatch prep, +35min. for Holter ECG prep, +15 min. for exchange Holter ECG, +50min. for data save Crew2 (*2) : 5min. for Actiwatch prep, +35min. for Holter ECG prep, +15 min. for exchange Holter ECG, +30min. for data save (96 hours continuous actiwatch data collection and 48 hours continous Holter ECG data collection) Post-flightYes R+15~R+90 days Required time and duration as same as Pre-BDC Early RetrievalNo Target SubjectsISS Crew Total # of Subjects Required Short-term Long-term Three Subjects in Inc.37-38 (Total ten subjects continued from Inc.31) Total # of Subjects collected so far Short-term Long-term Ground referenceNo Biological Rhythms 48hrs

30 30 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The vestibular system plays an important role in controlling arterial pressure upon posture change (vestibulo- cardiovascular reflex), although this system is highly plastic, i.e., the sensitivity of the vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex is altered if subjects are exposed different gravitational environment. Thus, it is possible that the sensitivity of vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex is diminished after spaceflight, and then orthostatic hypotension is induced. To test this hypothesis, role of the vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex in maintaining arterial pressure upon posture change is examined before and after spaceflight. OPERATION 1. Setup for HUT experiments 2. GVS tuning 3. Start measuring arterial pressure, electrocardiogram, electromyogram, and calf circumference 4. HUTs are performed three different conditions: i) GVS-off (without GVS), ii) weak-GVS-on (with weak-GVS), and iii) strong-GVS-on (with strong-GVS). In each condition, 3 times to 4 times tilt experiments will be repeated when subject returns to normal AP. 5. These are conducted 4 times; i) within 3 months before the launch, ii) 0 to 3 days after the landing, iii) 2 weeks ± 4 days after the landing, 2 ± 0.5 months after the landing. Plastic alteration of vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex and its countermeasure Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) HardwarePre/post-flight Baseline Data Collection Only FacilityN/A Late accessN/A Pre-flightYesL-3 to L-1 month BDC pre (Max.2.33hr.) *BDC pre for 36S crew will be operated at Inc36. *BDC pre for 37S crew will be operated at Inc37. In-flight: # of sessions N/A Post-flightYes*BDC post for 35S(Backup) and 36S crew will be operated at Inc37&38. R+0 (-0/+3) days BDC post (Max.2.33hr.) R+2 wks(±4 )days BDC post (Max.2.33hr.) R+2 (±0.5 ) months BDC post (Max.2.33hr.) Early RetrievalN/A Target Subjects3 (Max) of ISS USOS Total # of Subjects Required Short-termN/A Long-term10 Ground reference Yes or NoNo VC-REFLEX

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