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Elspeth Slayter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor School of Social Work, Salem State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Elspeth Slayter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor School of Social Work, Salem State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elspeth Slayter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor School of Social Work, Salem State University

2 Administrative matters & check-in Review Theories & conceptual frameworks Pending time: Consultation sessions 2

3 …questions about syllabus, assignments, break time, other announcements? 3

4 4 Social problem areas? Logic models? Textbook reading? Articles? 1 5 234

5 All are types of Research Looking up references, compiling existing information Practice evaluation (a.k.a. program evaluation) Social research that informs social work practice in some way 5

6 Choose intervention thoughtfully – with or without research ImplementEvaluate Research QualitativeQuantitative Program evaluation Process/formativeOutcome/summative

7 Process of evidence- based or informed practice An evidence- supported intervention for a unique setting/population


9 Document program processes (implementation) outcomes (success) Identify program strengths, weaknesses Improve program (effectiveness, impact) Program planning, development Demonstrate how use of resources justifies investment of time, money, labor Meet local, state, federal accountability measures

10 1. Identify stakeholders, learn about them 2. Involve all in planning the evaluation (obtain buy-in) 3. Develop logic model 4. Assure all of feedback build-in 5. Determine format of report needed 6. Present negative data thoughtfully 7. Make realistic recommendations, positive spin (See page 328)

11 Graphic portrayal depicting essential elements of program How goals/objectives link to elements Link to short-term process measures Measurable indicators of success Link to longer-term outcome measures Measurable indicators of success (See pages 342-343)

12 Formative Before program While program is running, make changes as needed Collect and analyze data at various intervals Make program improvements along the way Summative Use at end of the program Summarize outcomes and results

13 13

14 Justify: Theory tells us we need to do this study because… Structure: Overtly named as part of the research design (used to structure study process) Interpretation: Used in discussion of findings (relating findings back to theory) Creating theory and/or grounded theory Testing of a theory 14

15 Look in the existing literature What theories or concepts drive the research you are reading? Look at the sociological or public health literature 15

16 Frameworks & theories in social work Practice frameworks: --Perspectives --Theories --Models Orienting conceptual frameworks: --Social capital Orienting theories: --Diffusion of innovation --Theory of reasoned action --Street-level bureaucracy 16

17 Theory Analytic structure Identifies distinct observations Makes assertions about the underlying reality that brings about or affects something Conceptual frameworks Intermediate theory Potential to connect to all aspects of inquiry Outline of possible courses of action, ways of being, relationships 17

18 Sex & Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll: Implementing the dignity of risk among community-based adults with intellectual disabilities 18

19 Interest in choice-making among people with ID: “Twinkies” for breakfast Substance abuse does happen Psychotropic medications “Home alone” policies Sex education, pregnancy scares and legal competency Going out to shows and non-disabled friends 19

20 Not much literature: Sex & drugs & rock n’ roll Some focus on prevalence/treatment, not much on parenting or “management” Central policy goals: “Dignity of risk” Community inclusion Self-determination Not really discussed together 20

21 Many people with ID/DD live in the community Families, group homes/congregate care settings Group home workers are at the “front lines” Leads me to ask: How are group home workers implementing the dignity of risk? If yes, how? If no, how and why? Haven’t heard their voices 21

22 Sometimes to set up study, sometimes not…in this case… Lipsky: Street-level Bureaucracy “Policy implementation in the end comes down to the people who actually implement it” Workers’ own views influence their work with clients Justification for approach What can we learn from street-level bureaucrats on this topic? Use to explain results Policy vs. “lived” policy 22

23 Pathways to substance abuse treatment among people with intellectual disabilities 23

24 Interest in people with MR: Substance abuse does happen Psychotropic medications don’t mix Increased vulnerability No EBPs for treating people with MR Stigma and limited access to treatment Death of 2 clients 24

25 Not much literature on MR and SA: What people use Prevalence (small studies) Consequences Nothing on treatment approaches Commentary on limited access to treatment 25

26 Research question: Do people with MR access SA treatment at rates similar to the general population? Hypothesis: Disparities in access to SA treatment exist for people with MR Null Hypothesis: Disparities in access to SA treatment do not exist for people with MR 26

27 Utilization of substance abuse treatment services Predisposing characteristics Enabling resources Need factors (e.g. gender, age) (e.g. insurance, geography) (e.g. co-occurring disorders) 27

28 Frameworks & theories in social work Practice frameworks: --Perspectives --Theories --Models Orienting conceptual frameworks: --Social capital Orienting theories: --Diffusion of innovation --Theory of reasoned action --Street-level bureaucracy 28

29 …Split into 2 groups…


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