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2015-16 Data Riverside Community Schools. Schoolwide Trends 2015-16 Riverside Community Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-16 Data Riverside Community Schools. Schoolwide Trends 2015-16 Riverside Community Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-16 Data Riverside Community Schools

2 Schoolwide Trends 2015-16 Riverside Community Schools

3 Schoolwide Reading Trends

4 Schoolwide Math Trends

5 Schoolwide Science Trends

6 Schoolwide Social Studies Trends

7 District Proficiency Levels Riverside Community Schools

8 Reading Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 24% of 440, or 104 students in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading. In 2015, 20% of 435, or 87 students in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading. In 2014, 18% of 438, or 78 students in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading. In 2013, 24% of 442, or 106 students, in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading.

9 Math Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 20% of 440, or 88 student, in 2 nd -11 th grade were non-proficient in math. In 2015, 14% of 435, or 61 students, were non-proficient in math. In 2014, 15% of 438, or 65 students, were non-proficient in math. In 2013, 20% of 442, or 88 students, were non-proficient in math.

10 Science Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 19% of 440, or 84 students, in 2 nd -11 th grades, were non-proficient in science. In 2015, 18% of 435, or 78 student, were non-proficient in science. In 2014, 17% of 438, or 75 students were non-proficient in science. In 2013, 20% of 442, or 88 students were non-proficient in science.

11 Social Studies Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 28% of 440, or 123 students in 2 nd -11 th grades, were non-proficient in social studies. In 2015, 21% of 435, or 91 student, were non-proficient in social studies In 2014, 22% of 438, or 96 students were non-proficient in social studies. In 2013, 22% of 442, or 97 students were non-proficient in social studies.

12 Gradewise Proficiencies 2015-16 Riverside Community Schools

13 Gradewise Proficiencies – Reading 2015-16

14 Gradewise Proficiencies – Math 2015-16

15 Gradewise Proficiencies – Science 2015-16

16 Gradewise Proficiencies – Social Studies 2015-16

17 Class Proficiency Trends Riverside Community Schools

18 Class of 2026 – 2nd Graders

19 Class of 2025 – 3rd Graders

20 Class of 2024 – 4th Graders

21 Class of 2023 – 5th Graders

22 Class of 2022 – 6 th Graders

23 Class of 2021 – 7 th Graders

24 Class of 2020 – 8 th Graders

25 Class of 2019 – 9 th Graders

26 Class of 2018 – 10 th Graders

27 Class of 2017 – 11 th Graders

28 Grade Level Proficiency Trends Riverside Community Schools

29 2 nd Grade Proficiency Trends

30 3 rd Grade Proficiency Trends

31 4 th Grade Proficiency Trends

32 5 th Grade Proficiency Trends

33 6 th Grade Proficiency Trends

34 7 th Grade Proficiency Trends

35 8 th Grade Proficiency Trends

36 9 th Grade Proficiency Trends

37 10 th Grade Proficiency Trends

38 11 th Grade Proficiency Trends

39 Gaps Riverside Community Schools

40 SES Gaps Riverside Community Schools

41 SES - Reading Proficiency Gaps

42 SES - Math Proficiency Gaps

43 SES - Science Proficiency Gaps

44 SES – Social Studies Proficiency Gaps

45 Gender Gaps Riverside Community Schools

46 Gender - Reading Proficiency Gaps

47 Gender – Math Proficiency Gaps

48 Gender – Science Proficiency Gaps

49 Gender – Social Studies Proficiency Gaps

50 IEP Gaps Riverside Community Schools

51 IEP – Reading Proficiency Gaps

52 IEP – Math Proficiency Gaps

53 IEP – Science Proficiency Gaps

54 IEP – Social Studies Proficiency Gaps

55 FAY Gaps Riverside Community Schools

56 District Proficiencies - FAY Gaps Riverside Community Schools

57 FAY – Reading Proficiency Gap

58 FAY – Math Proficiency Gap

59 FAY – Science Proficiency Gap

60 FAY – Social Studies Proficiency Gap

61 Gap Trendlines Riverside Community Schools

62 SES Schoolwide Gap Trends- Reading

63 SES Schoolwide Gap Trends - Math

64 SES Schoolwide Gap Trends - Science

65 IEP Schoolwide Gap Trends - Reading

66 IEP Schoolwide Gap Trends - Math

67 IEP Schoolwide Gap Trends - Science

68 Gender Schoolwide Gap Trends - Reading

69 Gender Schoolwide Gap Trends - Math

70 Gender Schoolwide Gap Trends - Science

71 College Career Readiness – 11 th Graders Riverside Community Schools

72 College Ready - Reading

73 College Ready - Math

74 College Ready - Science

75 College Ready – Social Studies

76 Goals Riverside Community Schools

77 Long-Range Goals Goal 1: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in reading comprehension, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 2: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in mathematics, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 3: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in science, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 4 All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in social studies, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 5: All K-12 students will use integrated technology as part of their typical experiences in reading, mathematics, and science classes/courses. Goal 6: All students will feel safe at and connected to school. Goal 7: All K-12 students will use integrated 21st century skills as part of their typical experiences in reading, mathematics, and science classes/courses. Goal 8: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in written expression, prepared for success beyond high school.

78 Elementary School Annual Goals for 2016-17 Reading Goal: 60% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the 2015-16 IA Assessment. FAY students taking the 2016-17 IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. Math Goal: 64% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the 2015-16 IA Assessment. FAY students taking the 2016-17 IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. Science Goal: 68% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the 2015-16 IA Assessment. FAY students taking the 2016-17 IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. Social Studies Goal: 54% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the 2015-16 IA Assessment. FAY students taking the 2016-17 IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in o Written Expression Goal: 68% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the 2015-16 IA Assessment. FAY students taking the 2016-17 IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. verall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores.

79 Intermediate School Annual Goals for 2016-17 Reading Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2016-17 test in Reading. Math Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2016-17 test in Math. Science Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2016-17 test in Science. Social Studies Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2016-17 test in Social. Written Expression Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2016-17 test in Written Expression.

80 Jr./Sr. High School Annual Goals for 2016-17 Reading Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2015-16 test in Reading. Math Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2015-16 test in Math. Science Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2015-16 test in Science. Social Studies Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2015-16 test in Social Studies. Written Expression Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the 2015-16 Iowa Assessment will show growth on the 2015-16 test in Written Expression.

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