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SAGE Summative Spring Training WEBER SCHOOL DISTRICT – MARCH, 2015.

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1 SAGE Summative Spring Training WEBER SCHOOL DISTRICT – MARCH, 2015


3 Home & Private School Students Board Rule R277-604  Private School students MAY participate in end-of- level test administration.  Payment, in advance, for assessment costs to USOE  Payment, in advance, for administration costs to WSD  Participation under the supervision of WSD  Charter School students SHALL be allowed to participate in end-of-level test administration at their neighborhood WSD school.  They must be enrolled in at least one course in public school.  No cost to the student.  Participation under the supervision of WSD

4 Test Administration Manuals (TAMs)  Provide policy and procedural support to ensure consistent administration and standardization of the tests.  Follow the TAMs word-for-word.  Currently posted at: view=article&id=1059:ayp- results&catid=113:assessment-and-testing view=article&id=1059:ayp- results&catid=113:assessment-and-testing

5 What Happens Right Now?  Be sure all content-area teachers have logged into SAGE to check their rosters for accuracy – extra students aren’t a problem, but missing students are.  If a teacher is missing a student/class/period, let me know ASAP.

6 UTREx Transfer of Student Data  Student entered into MyStudent (SIS).  SIS data submitted to UTREx daily.  Valid data is sent to TIDE nightly at 1:00 AM.  Student data appears in TIDE up to four days later.

7 New Item Types…  Video demonstrations describing how to answer each item type can be found at:

8 Equation Response  Math – labels have been moved to clarify the answer space  Science – unit labels appear after the answer space

9 Table Match  “Select one” – student chooses an answer per row  “Select each” – student may choose more than one answer per row  Student may have to deselect an answer to select a different answer

10 Table Input  Students use their keyboards to type a number into the cells.

11 Single-Word Response  Student provides ONE word only. Reponses with hyphens or spaces will be scores as incorrect.  Student can use the onscreen “keyboard” or their own physical keyboard.

12 ELA and Literacy Reading  Single and paired passages  No text-to-speech for passages or for excerpts from passages in items  Literary/Informational ratio follows the Core Listening  Audio only (approx. 1 min.) items  Audio with separate reading passages (with text- to-speech) items  ASL video provided for audio (no human interpreter allowed)

13 ELA and Literacy Language Edit draft passage of sample student writing:  Grades 3-5: Multiple choice  Grades 6-11: Multiple choice and typed corrections (new for 6 th grade)

14 Mathematics POINTS TO REMEMBER:  All items aligned to the Utah Core Standards  Range of DOK and rigor across all domains, clusters and standards  No reference sheets allowed  Any standard where it is appropriate for students to have a formula will have the formula embedded in the item

15 Elementary Math – Grades 3-5  Calculator NOT allowed  No calculator on-screen  Bringing a calculator is a modification and must be marked in TIDE  The Utah Core states that students in these grades need to build basic computation skills and knowledge.  Computation tables such as multiplication tables or graphic organizers may not be used.

16 Elementary Math – Grade 6  First segment  Longer  Calculator NOT allowed  Use of a calculator is a modification and must be marked in TIDE  Second segment  Calculator available ONLY onscreen  Proctor must advance students to the second segment (hard segment)  Students in GRADE 6 with an IEP/504 plan may use a handheld calculator during the calculator section of the math assessment if it is documented in the plan  Computation tables such as multiplication tables or graphic organizers may not be used

17 Science  All items aligned to Standard, Objective and ILO  DOK 1-4 items distributed across all standards and objectives  Simulations (like experiments)  Calculators are allowed for all tests  Students can use a calculator they are familiar with  A scientific calculator is provided as an online tool  No phone or internet-capable calculators are allowed  Reference sheets are available for Chemistry and Physics – should be using NOW!

18 Resources for ALL Students







25 Visual Representations  Visual Representations are manipulatives such as, cubes, tiles, rods, blocks, models, etc.  Visual representations may be used on all sections of the mathematics assessments if they are included in the student’s IEP or 504.

26 Scribes  A student who experiences a debilitating injury, just prior to testing, that prevents him or her from being able to write may need a scribe. Scribes must have experience and understanding of how to effectively scribe for a student.  Please refer to the Scribe Guidelines found on the USOE Assessment website:

27 Sign Language  This is an accommodation. Allowed for English Language Arts listening passages which have an embedded video of a human signing for students with disabilities with USOE authorization.  Human interpreter may provide ASL on items/text where text-to-speech is provided – Math, Science, ELA (e.g., reading items, language, writing).  ELA Listening: ASL video provided for audio passages – no human interpreter allowed.  Can use a human interpreter for directions.

28 SAGE System  Administrator/Teacher/Proctor Accounts must be created by the Testing Aide.  Logins grant access to SAGE Formative, SAGE Summative, Interim Testing and the Online Reporting System.  It is essential that all teachers involved with end-of-level testing have an active SAGE account.

29 What is TIDE?  Test Information Distribution Engine.  Handles the adding and changing of student data.  Classes and students are loaded by UTREx nightly.  There will be NO MANUAL ADDITION OF STUDENTS into the SAGE system.  When a new student enters the schools, their data must be loaded into the SIS, uploaded into UTREx and flow into TIDE before it will appear in the system for testing (up to 4 days).

30 Test Assignments  Handled through UTREx based on course codes and teacher CACTUS IDs.  All test assignments are made based on the course assignment.

31 Testing Window(s)  Writing  Any student who hasn’t yet completed the Writing portion of the SAGE assessment will do so during the final Summative testing window. This is a change from what we were told earlier.  ELA, Science and Math  April 20 – May 15, 2015

32 Testing Time Estimates

33 Test Scheduling Notes  All tests may be split among multiple testing sessions/class periods.  Students may pause the test at any time.  Students will begin on day two where they left off on day one.  Students will not be able to change answers on the previous day’s work.

34 Test Timeout  A student’s test will log out after 30 minutes of inactivity.  Any activity by the student will prevent their test from timing out (mouse movement). This is especially important during the writing subtest.  When the test times out, the pause rule begins (20 minutes).

35 Pause Rule  Questions cannot be viewed or changed after the test is paused for 20 minutes.  Proctor can keep track of the time paused on the TA interface.  When the student logs back in, they will be returned to their last unanswered question, but cannot return to previously answered questions.  There is no pause rule for the Writing Component of the ELA test.

36 Special Codes  Absent  ELL 1 st year in U.S. after April 15  ELL 1 st year in U.S. before April 15  UAA/DLM  Student Refuses to Test  Excused – Medical Emergency  Course Instruction Incomplete  Course Instruction not Provided  Test has Already Been Taken  Unfixable UTREx Error (needs USOE approval)  Accommodated  Modified  Parental Exclusion (Be sure to invalidate the test if the parent opts out after the student has started/finished the assessment).

37 Parental Exclusion Policy

38 Special Codes  Can be marked at any time during the testing window.  MUST be correct before the end of the testing window  These codes determine which students are included in the various accountability calculations – so, be careful.

39 Definition of “Participation”  A student must answer at least six (6) questions to be considered a “participant” in the assessment. If the student marked less than six questions, you should mark “absent.”  Typing any non-blank character into a writing response will cause the student to be considered as a “participant.”  If the student answered less than six adaptive questions or provided less than one single character in writing, he/she will need to have a non- participation code marked.

40 Training Tests 1. Familiarize students and teachers with the design, format, procedures, accessibility features of the items found in the SAGE Summative assessments 2. Allow students to identify test setting preferences, schools can set those settings in advance of testing 3. Use the secure browser to certify that local technology configurations can deliver SAGE Summative assessments (e.g., network, hardware)


42 Manage Users Tab

43 Exporting a List of Users

44 Student Information Tab

45 Student Information: View Students Tab

46 Exporting a List of Students

47 Viewing Individual Student Records

48 Viewing Student Information

49 Test Settings

50 Test Settings #2 Note that settings can also be updated in the TA Interface prior to student testing, and during student testing for all test settings except Braille. Braille cannot be changed as it impacts the items being delivered. The selected test settings in TIDE become the default settings for any subsequent tests the student takes. Test Administrators can edit students’ test settings in the Test Administrator Interface during the approvals process. The options are described in the TA User Guide available on the SAGE Portal. Please note that Text-to-Speech (TTS) is available on all assessments for all students and will play for the entire question. In addition, any student can have the Descriptive Audio setting turned on, if appropriate. Students with the Descriptive Audio setting turned on will be able to listen to descriptions of graphics and interactive answer spaces, in addition to the standard Text- to-Speech

51 Determining Test Settings Student should determine their test setting preferences while working in the training tests. Teachers should collect their preferences and can either enter them in TIDE or manually set them as they approve students to start each test.

52 View Student: Accommodations

53 Test Assignment Override Tab

54 Test Status Management Tab

55 Invalidating a Test Invalidation of a test eliminates the test opportunity and the student will not receive a score. Note: this should be an extremely rare occurrence. It can be submitted by State, LEA, and School Administrators. Must always be approved by an LEA Administrator Example: student started a SAGE assessment and answered questions but needs to take the UAA/DLM test

56 Re-Open a Test  A test re-open is used in instances where the student incorrectly clicks to complete the test. Once applied, a reopen allows the student to review all previously answered questions the next time he or she logs into the test.  A test re-open can be submitted by State or LEA Administrators.  Example: Student incorrectly exited the test and had not completed their review.

57 Resetting a Test  Resetting a student’s test removes that test from the system and enables the student to start a new test. Questions seen in the new test will be different than questions the student saw previously.  It can be submitted by State, LEA, and School Administrators.  Example: student had the incorrect braille setting and had answered some questions, or student logged in to another student’s test and answered questions.

58 Grace Period Extension  A Grace Period Extension (GPE) is used in instances where the system’s pause rule prevented a student from reviewing previously answered questions on a test. Once applied, a GPE allows the student to review all previously answered questions the next time he or she logs into the test. (Applies only to currently paused tests. Tests that have been submitted may not be given a GPE.)  It can be submitted by State, LEA, and School Administrators.  Example: Loss of Internet access, or a fire drill.

59 Test Status Management

60 Test Status Management – Submitting Change Requests

61 View Test Status Management


63 Test Status Management: Request Status




67 Approve Test Status Management LEA Administrator will have a tab to Approve Test Status Management. The tab will show a count of the pending requests waiting for approval.

68 Let’s Try It…

69 Hands-On Activity  Click on one of the active tests.  Wait for approval to begin.  Once your request is approved, verify the information and start the test.

70 Test Administrator Interface


72 Test Administrator Home Page

73 Starting the Test

74 Viewing Settings and Approvals

75 Approving Students

76 Settings and Accommodations

77 Test Admin Home Page

78 Monitoring Student Progress

79 Test Admin Interface

80 Stopping Entire Test Sessions

81 Pausing Individual Student Tests Pausing an individual student’s test will pause only that student’s test.  Only that student will be logged out automatically.  That student can easily resume their test by requesting entry into the same session again, provided the session is still active.

82 Student Lookup Feature

83 Student Test Rules  Students cannot skip test items.  Students must answer all test items on a page before going to the next page. Some pages contain multiple test items.  Students may mark items for review and use the Past/Marked drop-down menu to return to those items, unless the test has been paused for more than 20 minutes.  Students may not return to items in a prior segment

84 Student Test Tools All students have the ability to:  Highlight text in passages and test questions  Zoom in and out of test pages (affects all item content)  Masking  Dictionary  Mark specific items for review  Strikethrough (cross out answer options)  Use the Formula Sheet, Notepad, or Calculator depending on the test  Use the Expand button to display a reading passage or a science simulation  Use to Text-to-Speech audio.

85 Student View When Testing

86 Verification of Student Information

87 After Student Confirms Identity…

88 Test Admin Approval

89 Is This Your Test?

90 Sound Check Students can also adjust the volume within the secure browser.

91 Test Instructions

92 What Students Will See  To answer multiple-choice items, students must click the desired answer option or click the circle with A, B, C, or D.  To answer machine-scored constructed-response items, students need to carefully follow the instructions given for each question.

93 Global Menu

94 Context Menus

95 Item Sets  For items aligned to a common stimulus, you can move through the items using the number buttons or the next/back buttons without answering. However, you cannot leave that set of items until all are answered.  Questions that might be in Item Sets are:  Passage sets  Simulations  Listening sets

96 Reviewing Test Items Reviewing Test Items in Tests with Segments: Math Grade 6 and Writing

97 Ending the Test

98 Submitting the Test

99 Immediate Results…

100 Test Security  Sage Summative tests are highly secure and must be treated as such. Make sure to: Verify student identity before approving them Not allow students to remove any test content Secure destroy notes and student work Follow administration directions exactly

101 What Now? Before Testing  TIDE – Ensure students are present, check test assignments  Use Training Tests to check local technology; have students choose test settings  TIDE – update test setting preferences, and accommodations; print “tickets” if needed

102 During Administration? Test Administration  TDS – Proctor logs in, starts session, provides session ID  Following TAM, students log in to secure browser, Proctor confirms test settings, approves students (deny if student isn’t in that room – it (TDS), students test  Teacher actively proctors, monitors TDS, documents testing anomalies

103 After Test Session?  Arrange for make- up/completion sessions  Monitor participation reports  Verify rostering ahead of score reporting (more information to come…)  Ensure that SIS data is accurate throughout school year – it’s authoritative

104 SAGE Summative

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