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Session 2: Digestion Dissection S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U. (Spit, Vomit, Poop, Burps, Toots, and Pee!) © 2008-2011 Nationwide.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 2: Digestion Dissection S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U. (Spit, Vomit, Poop, Burps, Toots, and Pee!) © 2008-2011 Nationwide."— Presentation transcript:


2 Session 2: Digestion Dissection S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U.S.T.I.N.K.Y. U. (Spit, Vomit, Poop, Burps, Toots, and Pee!) © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital STINKY U Sessions That Impart Noxious Knowledge You’ll U se

3 Celebrity Gross Confessional

4 I thought this session was supposed to be about digestion! HEY! Oh wait, that’s right…digestion does BEGIN in the mouth… ohh yeah… © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital That was about how gross our mouths are…

5 What do you know? Parastalstic Rush! Sicky Quicky Quiz: Parastalstic Rush! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

6 Mouth Saliva (spit) Esophagus Stomach Liver Pieces and Parts © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Small Intestines Large Intestines

7 A look inside the Digestive System Introducing… Professor Poofalot S.T.I.N.K.Y. U. at the S.T.I.N.K.Y. U. Research Insti”toot” © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

8 Color of throw up! Sicky Quicky Quiz: Color of throw up! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital What do you know?

9 A Closer Look Professor Poofalot in the Upper G.I. Tract G.I. = Gastro-Intestinal © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

10 GROSSEST Kids say the GROSSEST things!

11 Do you know where we’re going NEXT? (Hold onto your lunch!) Yes. It’s the OTHER “END” of the digestive system… © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

12 A Closer Look Professor Poofalot in the Lower G.I. Tract! G.I. = Gastro-Intestinal (Tract) © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

13 Sicky Quicky Quiz: How long are your intestines? Really Gross Math: 22 feet of Small Intestine + 5 feet of Large Intestine 27 feet of GUTS! That’s across a tennis court! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital What do you know….?

14 Celebrity Gross Confessional “Mr. Powers” on POOP! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital What do you know….?

15 Let’s Get Cooking! Chef Boy-R-DooDoo Perfect Poop Chef Boy-R-DooDoo’s Recipe for Perfect Poop! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

16 …and finally…  1 Large Strainer lined with Paper Towels  2 Pairs of Disposable (non-latex) Gloves  2 Brave Volunteers to wear The Gloves  Oatmeal  Potato Flakes  Cocoa Powder  Flour  Fine Bread Crumbs  Oil  Corn Syrup  Water 8 Volunteers Do you have 8 Volunteers ready with these ingredients? Perfect POOP Chef Boy R Doo-Doo’s recipe for making the Perfect POOP….every time! To represent a healthy COLON (large intestine) that absorbs just the right amount of water, line a strainer with paper towels and add… 1/4 cup Oatmeal = DEAD BACTERIA (lactobacilli, e.coli, etc.) 1/3 cup Mashed Potato Flakes = UNDIGESTIBLES (cellulose & fiber) 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder = LIVE BACTERIA (lactobacilli, e.coli, etc.) 2 Tablespoons Flour = DEAD BODY CELLS 2 Tablespoons fine Bread Crumbs = PROTEIN 2 Tablespoons Corn Syrup = MUCOUS (lines the intestines) 2 Tablespoons Oil = FATS 1/2 cup Water = WATER Slip on some vinyl gloves. Mash up and form into logs. Perfect! ©2011

17 © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital ACTION! …aaaand…ACTION!

18 Introducing cowgirl Molly Mucous! Molly Mucous on burping… © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Why do you burp? Can you burp on command?

19 What do you know? Fun Factoid on Farting! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Jim Belishi

20 Molly Mucous is a gas! Now, Molly Mucous on tooting…. © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Why do you fart? Please don’t do THAT on command.

21 Kids say the grossest things… Today’s Cultural Exchange © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

22 Professor Poof-a lot’s Lab at STINKY University has discovered the secrets of perhaps the most mysterious substance of all…. If you have followed your digestive tract all the way down to your intestines you’ll want to know that this is where the wonders of the human body really kick in! (To be continued…) © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

23 intestinesnutritious fluid Your intestines absorb nutritious fluid from chymestomach blood stream the chyme (made in your stomach from the foods you eat and the beverages you drink, remember?) and send that liquid into your blood stream where it takes all those vitamins and minerals to the rest of your body. Eventually all that blood goes through two bean-shaped organs two bean-shaped organs the size of your fists. Does anyone know what these are called? Here’s a little hint! (Pee, continued…) © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

24 …that’s right, your…. make sure you have the right amount minerals water of minerals and water in your blood, blood pressure help you have the right blood pressure, pH keep your pH (acid or base level) balanced, red blood cells tell your body to make red blood cells, and…. wastes get rid of wastes from the body! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital kidneys What do your kidneys do for a living?

25 kidneys wastes Once your kidneys remove wastes from your blood, pee they ship it away in your pee! Pee sails down thin tubes called ureters urine (that’s why pee is also called “urine”). bladder From there, the pee moves into your bladder where it stays until it becomes full. Once it fills up, nerves in your bladder send a brain message to your brain that tells you, “GOTTA GO!” find the bathroom It’s time to find the closest bathroom and say “bon voyage!” to all that stuff your body doesn’t need. Doctorsstudy your pee Doctors often study your pee to find out how healthy you are. They can tell by what your body is keeping and what it’s throwing away! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

26 Did you know…. pee ….that the brightness of your pee shows water if there is a lot or a little water in it? colorpee ….that the color of your pee might change if you eat certain foods or take some kinds of vitamins or medicines? smellpee ….that the smell of your pee can change if you eat certain foods….like asparagus?

27 And now, a word about… Public Service Announcement © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital

28 Stay Gross, Groovy and Smart! © 2008-2011 Nationwide Children’s Hospital


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