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Boundless Learning Co-Teaching A 21 st Century Solution Building a Productive Co-Teaching Team October 7, 2011 Workshop Session 1 Johns Hopkins University.

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Presentation on theme: "Boundless Learning Co-Teaching A 21 st Century Solution Building a Productive Co-Teaching Team October 7, 2011 Workshop Session 1 Johns Hopkins University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boundless Learning Co-Teaching A 21 st Century Solution Building a Productive Co-Teaching Team October 7, 2011 Workshop Session 1 Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education

2 Set-Up Directions Date: June 27, 2011 Get Ready Take a seat in the Community Circle. Review Workshop Outcomes, Agenda, Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Book. Read Challenge Question #1. Challenge Question #1 In what ways do you think a professional community of learners can help you as you implement co-teaching in your class? Directions Share your thoughts regarding the Challenge Question with the person sitting next to you.

3 Agenda Set-Up and Greetings Overview Workshop Outcomes PD Training Schedule Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Overview Session I Building a High Performing Co-Teaching Team – Online Learning Event (OLE) LUNCH Session 2 Using the Snapshot Data Tool – Online Learning Event (OLE) – Wrap-Up

4 Outcomes Participants will: 1.Develop an understanding of key elements of productive co-teaching. 2. Continue building a high performing co-teaching partnership. 3. Activate membership in the Boundless Learning Online Learning Community.

5 Professional Development Schedule DateDaySession TitleMorningAfternoon 10/7FRITeambuilding for Co-TeachersUNITED (OLE # 1) Snapshot Data Tool (SDT) (OLE # S2) 11/9WEDTeam-Based Cycle of Instruction: Part 1TBCI (OLE F # 2)Web 2.0 and SDT 12/14WEDTeam-Based Cycle of Instruction: Part 2TBCI (OLE F # 3)Web 2.0 and SDT 1/5THURSClassView and Instructional Strategies BankClassView (OLE S # 1)Web 2.0 and SDT 2/8WEDT.E.A.M.S. MeetingTEAMS Meeting (OLE S # 3)Web 2.0 and SDT 3/14WEDImplementation Tips Web 2.0 and SDT 4/18WEDAdvancing Co TeachingAdvancing BL Co Teaching

6 Community Building Inside-Outside Circle Cluster Group Activity

7 Operating Standards Listen to understand. Complete activities on time. Participate and make contributions to team. Be respectful. Offer help willingly. Stay organized and prepared.

8 Community-Building Questions: 1.What is your experience with co-teaching? 2.Share one highlight from your co-teaching experience this year. 3.What do you see as the greatest benefit of co-teaching? 4. What would you like to learn about co-teaching?

9 Processing How did we work as a learning community? How did you work together as a Cluster Group? H-O-T Rating H—High Performing O---On Track T---Try Harder

10 Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Overview

11 Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Based on more than 3 decades of research, evaluation, and field experience. Reflects the best of what we know in the professional literature about Co-teaching co-planning co-instructing co-assessing Instructional and Behavioral Practices Adult learning Professional Development Online Learning Aligned with the MD Co-Teaching Framework.

12 What is Co-Teaching? General educator + Special educator Working together in general education setting Sharing equal responsibility for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction……. In order to help students with special needs to: Access the general education curriculum. Use accommodations designated in IEP. Reach learning outcomes.

13 Primary Goal Strengthen co-teaching partnerships— comprised of general and special educator—and direct teachers’ efforts toward using instructional and behavioral practices that promote Increased performance among all students, including students with disabilities.

14 POWERED BY: THREE INTERLOCKING DYNAMICS Principles for High Performance Teaming Protocols & Plans for Operation Technology for Productivity and Collaboration

15 DRIVEN BY: 21 ST CENTURY PD, INSTRUCTION, & LEARNING PD – “Streamlined, Online PD” including hundreds of resources available 24/7 and a professional learning community tailored to co-teaching – Competency-based with Implementation Fidelity Checks Instruction – Team-Based Cycle of Instruction with Strategies for Inclusion, Differentiation, and Personalized Learning Learning – Rigorous learning goals set and monitored routinely to accelerate learning – UDL opportunities – 21 st century skills and technologies High performance team learning with accountability

16 “Go and Do” Key Actions Build high performing co-teaching teams with clear roles for each teacher. Conduct efficient and effective co-planning. Make decisions based on “real time” data and other student progress indicators. Deliver high quality, team-based instruction. Use differentiated instruction to accommodate students’ learning needs. Integrate technology tools seamlessly into each stage of instruction to boost student learning.

17 Benefits for Teachers Improves teaching performance in instructional delivery, behavior management, inclusive practices, and technology integration. Promotes a Universal Design for Learning (UDL), technology-rich learning environment. Promotes student engagement, increased student achievement and improved behavior among students, including those with special needs. Builds an inclusive, smoothly operating learning community. Creates enriching, fun teaching and learning experiences.

18 Benefits for Students Establishes a positive, inclusive learning community with networks of high performing student learning teams. Promotes improved learning and behavioral performance among all students, including those with disabilities. Enhances students’ information communication technology skills. Fosters motivation and fun in learning. Builds 21 st century workplace skills.

19 Professional Development

20 PD Quest© Transform Traditional Delivery of Professional Development THREE KEY COMPONENTS Online Learning Events  Asynchronous professional development  Podcasts, video, interactive polling, Web 2.0 tools  A six-step cycle of instruction PD Boosters  Just-in-time supports and enrichment  Multimedia enhanced presentations  Extension of learning Online Professional Learning Community  Facilitated by JHU CTE  Feedback and support  Vibrant professional community

21 ALL Students Reach Learning Targets 21 st Century Instruction with Technology Productive Co-Teaching Effective Behavior Management Positive Learning Environments Inclusive Practices PD Quest© Teacher Outcomes

22 Coordinated, Action-Oriented Protocols, Tools, and Routines Coordinated Actions at all levels of program implementation within a school: – Between Co-Teachers Tools to “Go and Do” – Between Principals and Co-Teachers Protocols to “Go and See” *All ensure high quality co-teaching that accelerates student learning Principles for High Performance Teaming Protocols & Plans for Operation Technology for Productivity and Collaboration

23 “Go See” Principal and Principal’s Designee – Provide essential leadership – Support teacher participation – Oversee the implementation

24 Principals Support Teacher Participation The principal and the facilitator work hand in hand to: – demonstrate a positive attitude toward practices and activities – check with co-teachers on their progress in completing their online learning activities

25 Principal KEY ACTIONS: The principal or facilitator “take action” in 5 primary areas 1.Complete initial planning templates with Facilitator to guide launch of the program. 2.Conduct check-ins to provide support to teachers in implementing Boundless Learning Co-teaching. 3.Provide co-teachers with a series of Co-Teaching Insights briefs. 4.Review monthly Status Report related to teacher participation and performance in the OLEs, BL Learning Community, and PD Boosters. 5.Conduct Fidelity of Implementation Checks.

26 Boundless Learning Administrator’s Guide The Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Administrators Guide is provided to help principals effectively and efficiently manage: – Meetings – Implementation Planning Sessions – Communications – Check Ins

27 Administrator Responsibilities Define professional development needs Select appropriate PD Quest© topics Identify co-teaching pairs or individual teachers for participation Collaborate with CTE to plan customized PD Quest© timeline Utilize The Administrator’s Guide for Promoting Inclusive Practices to support implementation of PD Quest© content

28 Fidelity Checks: Ongoing Feedback to Teachers Principals and/or Facilitators use the Performance Rating Form, which includes a set of “Look Fors” with rating guidelines, to ensure teachers are implementing Boundless Learning Co-Teaching with fidelity. Principals and/or Facilitators are provided essential questions to guide them through the follow-up conferences with teachers.

29 Resources: Organize Actions, Ensure Fidelity, and Build Capacity Planning Templates - Templates to guide development of goals and benchmarks for progress monitoring “At-A-Glance” Calendar - A calendar that provides a quick view of essential program information and key actions to be undertaken Action Checklist - A template that lists the monthly actions and a completion column for organizing data Sample Letters - Sample letters to help communicate program information to the wider school community Performance Rating Form - Fidelity checks using “Look Fors” to assess the performance level of co-teaching teams Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Online Community - A virtual network to post electronic issues of the Co-teaching Insights Consultation with Johns Hopkins CTE staff - Ten days of consulting with experts in data driven decision making

30 BL Administrator’s Guide: A Blueprint for Success  Planning, scheduling, and monitoring online professional development learning events  Providing opportunities for teachers to engage in offline activities that deepen their knowledge and skills  Ensuring that teachers develop co-teaching skills and knowledge and apply them with fidelity in their classrooms


32 Multi-Media Boundless Learning Co-Teaching

33 Online Learning Event Session 1: Building a High Performing Co-Teaching Team – Online Learning Event (OLE): F1

34 WRAP-UP W Think about one “Aha” idea that occurred to you during the OLE activities. R Review “Aha idea” with your partner and share how you think the UNITED protocol or Snapshot Data Tool will help your co-teaching partnership. A Assess how well you worked in you worked together: Kept operating standards Completed tasks Rate your team: H-High Performing O-On Track T-Try Harder P Praise one another and yourself for high quality work. Ready-To-Exit Time : 3:00

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