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Published byJohnathan George Modified over 8 years ago
Word: adamant Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: ad-uh-muhnt Origins: Related Forms: adamantly (adverb) Sentence: The teacher was adamant in his decision that the test would be on Monday, despite his students’ week-long complaints about all of their plans for homecoming weekend. Predicted Definition: Definition: 1 -- Completely unmoving in attitude or opinion in spite of disagreement from others; 2 – Too hard to cut, break, or pierce Latin “adamant” – hard metal, diamond (Greek “a-” (not, without) + “daman” (to tame or conquer))
Word: perceptive Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: per-sep-tiv Origins: Related Forms: Perceptively (adverb); perceptiveness (noun); im/perceptible (adjective) Sentence: The perceptive sniper noticed the tiny movement of the leaves in a tree two miles away, but he could tell by how far the branch was bent that it wasn’t his target in the tree. Predicted Definition: Definition: 1 – having or showing strong insight, understanding, or intuition 2 – having the power or faculty of perceiving. 3 – of, pertaining to, or showing perception. Latin: “percept,” meaning something seen
Word: prerogative Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: puh-rog-uh-tiv Origins: Related Forms: none Sentence: While the president doesn’t have the ability to formally declare war against another country, it is his or her prerogative to order bombing attacks without congressional approval Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: “Pre” (before; in advance of) + “roga(re)” (to ask) 1 – an exclusive right, privilege, etc., allowed to someone because of their rank, office, or title 2 – a right, privilege, etc., limited to a specific person or to persons of a particular category
Word: annotation Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: an-uh-tey-shuhn Origins: Related Forms: annotate (verb); notation (noun); notate (verb) Sentence: Thanks to the annotations Umkulthoum wrote in the margins of her copy of The Prince, she remembered all of the explanations her professor had given the class about what the text meant. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: “notare” (to note, to mark) a note or comment added to explain part of a text or literary work
Word: heinous Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: hey-nuhs (The “h” sound is important!) Origins: Related Forms: heinously (adverb); heinousness (noun) Sentence: Jacobi’s crime was so heinous, even the serial killers in the federal penitentiary hated him for his raping and cannibalizing of three kindergarten classes. Predicted Definition: Definition: Germanic; from “haïr,” meaning “to hate” hateful; evil; awful; atrocious; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible;
Word: intrinsic Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: in-trin-sik, -zik Origins: Related Forms: intrinsically (adverb) Sentence: Not only did the gold ring with 7 half-carat diamonds have intrinsic value because of the gems and precious metal, it also was meaningful to Umkulthoum because it had belonged to her great- grandmother. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: “int(e)” (“inside or within”) + “sequi” (“to follow”) 1 – belonging to something by its very nature; inherent 2 – naturally part of something
Word: Transgress Part of speech: Verb Pronunciation: trans-gres, tranz- Origins: Related Forms: transgression (noun); transgressive (adjective); transgressively (adverb); transgressor (noun) Sentence: Now that you know you are not allowed to wear hats, if you choose to transgress the rule, your consequence will be to have your hat taken away. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: trans (“across”) + gress (“to go”) 1. to violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; offend; sin. 2. to pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.): to transgress bounds of prudence. 3. to go beyond the limits imposed by (a law, command, etc.); violate; infringe: to transgress the will of God.
Word: Mitigate Part of speech: Verb Pronunciation: mit-i-geyt Origins: Related Forms: mitigation (noun); mitigator (noun); mitigable (adjective) Sentence: She couldn’t eliminate the sound of the girl’s screams, but Umkulthoum was able to mitigate them by putting in her ear buds and turning up the music. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: “Mit” (mild, soft, gentle) + “agere” (to do, to make, to cause to do) 1. to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate. 2. to make less severe: to mitigate a punishment. 3. to make (a person, one's state of mind, disposition, etc.) milder or more gentle; mollify; appease. 4. to become milder; lessen in severity.
Word: Provocative Part of speech: Adjective Pronunciation: pruh-vok-uh-tiv Origins: Related Forms: provocatively (adverb); provocativeness (noun); provocation (noun); provoke (verb) Predicted Definition: Sentence: Hoping to get her rival suspended for starting a fight, Umkulthoum used provocative language to say that Cindy-Lou’s mother was a harlot. Definition: Latin: “pro” (in favor of) + “vocare” (to call out) Tending or serving to provoke; inciting, stimulating, irritating, or vexing.
Word: Irrevocable Part of speech: Adjective Pronunciation: ih-rev-uh-kuh-buh l Origins: Related Forms: irrevocably (adverb); irrevocability (noun); irrevocableness (noun); to revoke (verb) Sentence: No matter how much he may have wanted to take it back, John Proctor’s affair with Abigail Williams was irrevocable. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: ir (not) + re (again) + vocare (to call) + able (capable of) not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable: an irrevocable decree.
Word: stringent Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: strin-juh nt Origins: Related Forms: stringently (adverb) Sentence: When she moved back home after having lived in an apartment of her own during her freshman year of college, Umkulthoum found the restrictions of a 9 pm curfew and having to call her parents every time she drove somewhere to be too stringent, so she moved out again immediately. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: from “stringere” (to draw tight) rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe
Word: conducive Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: kuh n-doo-siv Origins: Related Forms: conduct (verb) (not necessarily “conduct” (noun)) Sentence: Neither my older brother’s stereo thumping at full blast nor my parents arguing loudly in the next room were conducive to my efforts to study for the SAT. Predicted Definition: Definition: Latin: con (together; with) + ducere (to lead) tending to produce; conducing; contributive; helpful; favorable (usually followed by “to”)
Word: slovenly Part of speech: adjective or adverb Pronunciation: sluhv-uh n-lee Origins: --Dutch: “slof” (careless) Related Forms: slovenliness (noun) Sentence: When the manager of the company saw the young woman’s torn jeans, chewed fingernails, and hair that looked like a rat’s nest, he told her she was too slovenly to work for his company and that she should come back when she knew how to keep clean. Predicted Definition: Definition: untidy or unclean in appearance or habits. (adjective) in an untidy, careless, or slipshod manner. (adverb)
Word: disconsolate Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: dis-kon-suh-lit Origins: --Latin: “dis” (not) + “con” (with) + “solari” (to soothe or comfort) Related Forms: disconsolately (adverb); console (verb) Sentence: No matter what her friends and family did to cheer her up, Umkulthoum was disconsolate as she saw the “E” on the paper, which also meant she would fail the class and be unable to graduate with her friends. Predicted Definition: Definition: without consolation or solace; hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable; cheerless; gloomy; heartbroken; dejected; sad, melancholy, sorrowful, miserable
Word: infraction Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: in-frak-shuh n Origins: -- “in” (to, toward) + “frag”/”frang” (to break/bend/weaken) + “-ion” (suffix making an adj or a verb into a noun) Related Forms: Sentence: When Umkulthoum was charged with a traffic infraction, she fought the ticket, claiming it wasn’t illegal to drive with her feet. Predicted Definition: Definition: --a breach; a violation; an infringement; an offence
Word: tortuous Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: tawr-choo-uh s Origins: --Latin: “Tortu” (a twisting) Related Forms: tortuously (adverb) Sentence: When Umkulthoum tried to find where the drug cartels had hidden their money in over a dozen different banks using 100 fake companies, she found that the trail of the money was too tortuous to follow. Predicted Definition: Definition: 1 full of twists, turns, or bends; twisting, winding, or crooked: a tortuous path. 2 not direct or straightforward, as in procedure or speech; intricate; circuitous: tortuous negotiations lasting for months.
Word: archetype Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: ahr-ki-tahyp Origins: --Greek: “archi” (first, original, prior) + “tupos” (image) Related Forms: archetypal, archetypical (adjectives); archetypally, archetypically (adverbs) Sentence: The tale of Cinderella is the first known “rags-to-riches” story, which makes it the archetype on which all other “rags-to-riches” stories have been based. Snow White’s evil step-mother was the archetype of the villainess, and every Disney villainess after her has simply been an imitation. Predicted Definition: Definition: --the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype
Word: disseminate Part of speech: Verb Pronunciation: dih-sem-uh-neyt Origins: --Latin: “dis” (away; apart; asunder) + “seminare” (to sow (to plant)) Related Forms: dissemination (noun) Sentence: The Center for Disease Control tried to disseminate information about the Zombie Apocalypse by every means they could, including Twitter, Instagram, text message, news broadcast, and radio announcements, so that they could get the word out to everyone. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse: to disseminate information about preventive medicine.
Word: elicit Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ih-lis-it Origins: --Latin: “lici” (to lure or draw out) Related Forms: elicitation (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum was tired of being ignored, so to elicit a response from her parents, she set her sister’s bed on fire, tied the dog to the cat, and called in to the police saying she had been kidnapped. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to draw out, bring out, or bring forth; evoke
Word: grisly Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: griz-lee Origins: --Old High German: “grisenlih” Related Forms: grisliness Sentence: Umkulthoum loved the Saw movies because of their grisly scenes of torture, blood, and dismembered corpses. Predicted Definition: Definition: --causing a shudder or feeling of horror or dread; horrible; gruesome; ghastly: a grisly murder.
Word: contingent Part of speech: adjective; noun Pronunciation: kuh n-tin-juh nt Origins: --Latin: “con” (with) + “tangere” (to touch) Related Forms: contingency (noun) Sentence: --1. Trevor knew his survival was contingent upon his being able to hold his breath long enough to convince Umkulthoum he had drowned. --2. The Dearborn teachers union sent a small contingent of members to Lansing to argue on behalf of the all the union members who couldn’t make the meetings. Predicted Definition: Definition: --1. adj. dependent for existence, occurrence, character, etc., on something not yet certain; conditional (often followed by on or upon ): Our plans are contingent on the weather. --2. n. any one of the representative groups composing an assemblage: the New York contingent at a national convention.
Word: reverberate Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ri-vur-buh-reyt Origins: --Latin: “re” (again; back) + “verberare” (to beat or strike (from “verber” (to lash))) Related Forms: reverberation (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum didn’t know what she enjoyed more, hearing her victim scream, or hearing those screams reverberate off the walls over and over and over. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to reecho or resound: Her singing reverberated through the house.
Word: salient Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: sey-lee-uh nt Origins: --Latin: “Salire” (to jump or to spring) Related Forms: saliently (adverb) Sentence: Among the more salient parts of Umkulthoum’s speech to her victim describing exactly how Umkulthoum intended to torture her were that she intended to sever all of the girl’s appendages and that the girl would be alive and conscious the entire time. Predicted Definition: Definition: --prominent, conspicuous, sticking out, projecting, jumping, leaping: The most salient feature of the car was its $7000 price tag.
Word: impassive Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: im-pas-iv Origins: --Latin: “im” (not) + “passive” (submissive, based on “to submit”) --NOTE: THE PARTS MEAN THE OPPOSITE OF THE WORD! Related Forms: impassively (adverb); impassiveness (noun) Sentence: Cindy Lou would have been less terrified as she was being stalked if Umkulthoum’s face had been angry or joyous or scared, but instead, Umkulthoum looked impassive, and that was the scariest look of all. Predicted Definition: Definition: --without emotion; apathetic; unmoved; calm; serene; emotionless; indifferent; tranquil; composed
Word: callow Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: kal-oh Origins: --German: Kaal (bald – think of a young bird whose feathers have not grown in) Related Forms: callowness Sentence: The callow students continually made farting noises, dropped their pencils, and faked sneezing while the teacher tried to teach. Predicted Definition: Definition: --immature or inexperienced: a callow youth.
Word: berate Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: bih-reyt Origins: --Middle English: “be-” (thoroughly) and Old French: “reter” (to accuse or blame) Related Forms: Sentence: If mom finds out that you haven’t done 17 homework assignments in a row, she will berate you for hours, and who wants to listen to that? Predicted Definition: Definition: --to scold; rebuke: Her mom berated her in Walmart.
Word: hypothetical Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: hahy-puh-thet-i-kuh l Origins: --Greek: “hypo” (under) + “thesis” (a setting down; something set down) Related Forms: hypothetically (adverb); hypothesis (noun) Sentence: One reason Umkulthoum was such a successful criminal was that she was always prepared for every hypothetical situation she may encounter, just in case that hypothetical situation ever became real. Predicted Definition: Definition: assumed or thought to exist; conditional; existing only as an idea or concept; supposed
Word: succinct Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: suh k-singkt Origins: Latin: succinctus (“to gather”) Related Forms: succinctly (adverb); succinctness (noun) Sentence: Rather than dragging out the news, Umkulthoum was succinct: “I’m leaving you.” Predicted Definition: Definition: --expressed in few words; concise; terse.
Word: extricate Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ek-stri-keyt Origins: --Latin: “ex” (“out of”) and “tricae” (“perplexities, hinderances”) Related Forms: Sentence: As Umkulthoum looked at the snarled mess of knotted up fishing lines, she sighed thinking of the hours it was going to take to extricate her line from all of the other lines. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to free or release from entanglement; disengage
Word: absolve Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ab-zolv Origins: --Latin: “ab” (away from) + “solvere” (to loosen) Related Forms: Absolution (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum first went to talk to the priest at confession so that God would absolve her, and then she went to a lawyer and hoped that the jury would absolve her as well. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to release from blame, sin, punishment, obligation, or responsibility; to pronounce not guilty; acquit; pardon
Word: inadvertent Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: in-uh d-vur-tnt Origins: --Latin: “in” (not) + “ad” (to/towards) + “vert” (to turn to) Related Forms: inadvertently (adverb) Sentence: Although she would have liked to have taken credit for killing him, Trevor’s death when Umkulthoum backed over him with her truck as he lay under it to cut her brake lines was truly inadvertent. Predicted Definition: Definition: --unintentional; characterized by lack of attention; inattentive; thoughtless, careless, negligent.
Word: astute Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: uh-stoot Origins: --Latin: “Astutus” (clever, sly, cunning) Related Forms: astutely (adverb); astuteness (noun) Sentence: The astute detective knew Umkulthoum was the best suspect based on smelling her perfume on the body and then again when he interviewed Umkulthoum. Predicted Definition: Definition: --having insight or acumen; perceptive; shrewd; clever; cunning; smart; quick (mentally)
Word: vicarious Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: vahy-kair-ee-uh s Origins: --Latin: “Vicarius” (interchange; alternation) Related Forms: vicariously (adverb) Sentence: Although she didn’t kill anyone herself, Umkulthoum’s sister felt a vicarious thrill watching her sister disembowel victim after victim. Predicted Definition: Definition: --performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another; felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others
Word: accentuate Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ak-sen-choo-eyt Origins: --Latin: “Accentus” (Speaking tone) Related Forms: Sentence: Most of Mr. Palise’s sentences tend to accentuate Umkulthoum’s darker side, without mentioning her charitable qualities at all. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to emphasize or give prominence to; to stress
Word: transmute Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: tranz-myoot Origins: --Latin: “trans” (across) + “mutare” (change) Related Forms: transmutable (adjective); transmutation (noun); transmutability (noun) Sentence: Some species of frogs have been known to transmute their gender from female to male when there aren’t enough males around in the breeding population. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to change from one nature, substance, form, or condition into another; transform.
Word: transient Part of speech: adjective; noun Pronunciation: tran-zee-uh nt Origins: --Latin: “trans” (to go across) + “-ent/ant” (existing in a condition) Related Forms: transiently (adverb) Sentence: Umkulthoum preferred to kidnap transients, since they didn’t stay in town long enough to make friends who would miss them. As she tortured them, she would always reassure them, saying that the pain they were experiencing was transient and it would all be over soon. Predicted Definition: Definition: 1 – adjective: not lasting, not enduring, or not permanent; transitory; lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary; staying only a short time 2 – noun: a person or thing that is transient, especially a temporary guest, boarder, laborer, or the like.
Word: infer Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: in-fur Origins: --Latin: “in” + “ferre” (to bring, carry) Related Forms: inference (noun) Sentence: Based on the collection of knives on the walls, the decomposing skeletons rotting in alcoves, and the blood stains on the ceiling, it was easy for Umkulthoum’s latest victim to infer that he was going to die in that basement. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence; to guess; speculate; surmise.
Word: autonomy Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: aw-ton-uh-mee Origins: --Greek: “auto” (self; own) + “nom” (law; custom) + “-y” (characterized by or inclined to) Related Forms: autonomous (adjective) Sentence: As children age, they want more autonomy, so frequently they rebel against their parents’ rules, which, unfortunately for them, just proves to their parents that they deserve less autonomy and not more. Predicted Definition: Definition: --independence or freedom; the right or state of self-government, especially when limited; freedom to determine one's own actions, behavior, etc.
Word: implicit Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: im-plis-it Origins: --Latin: “Im” (in) + “plicare” (to fold) Related Forms: implicitly (adverb), imply (verb) Sentence: While they never wrote it down or spoke of it, Umkulthoum and her sister had an implicit agreement that whoever kidnapped their victim got to deliver the killing blow when the time was right. Predicted Definition: Definition: --Implied, rather than directly stated; hinted at; understood without being spoken or written.
Word: immutable Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: ih-myoo-tuh-buh l Origins: --Latin: “im” (not) + “mutare” (to change) + “-able” (capable of) Related Forms: immutably (adverb) Sentence: No matter how much Trevor’s surgeons worked to reattach his limbs, the immutable fact was that Umkulthoum had turned him into a quadriplegic. Predicted Definition: Definition: --not mutable; unchangeable; changeless.
Word: desecrate Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: des-i-kreyt Origins: --Latin: “de” (do the opposite of) + “sacer” (holy) Related Forms: desecration (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum was a violent sociopath with hardly any morals, but even she refused to desecrate any mosques, churches, or synagogues by dumping the bodies of her victims inside these holy buildings. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to violate or outrage the sacred character of (an object or place) by destructive, blasphemous, or sacrilegious action; to disrespect, defile, deface, or dishonor something holy or sacred.
Word: subservient Part of speech: adj Pronunciation: suh b-sur-vee-uh nt Origins: --Latin: “sub” (under) + “servire” (to serve) Related Forms: subservience (noun); subserviently (adverb) Sentence: Umkulthoum’s sister was the perfect assistant for Umkulthoum because she was so subservient, running immediately to do what Umkulthoum told her and saying, “yes, sister!” with a smile and a bow. Predicted Definition: Definition: --1. serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate. --2. servile; excessively submissive; obsequious
Word: brusque Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: bruhsk Origins: --Italian: “brusco” (short, rough, tart) Related Forms: brusquely Sentence: When the reporter showed up at Umkulthoum’s door following the reports that Trevor had last been seen at her house, Umkulthoum gave a brusque “no” to his questions and slammed the door in his face. Predicted Definition: Definition: --abrupt in manner; blunt; rough; terse; short; curt; unceremonious
Word: equitable Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: ek-wi-tuh-buh l Origins: --French: “équité” (equal) + “-able” (capable of (Latin)) Related Forms: equitability (noun), equitableness (noun); equitably (adverb) Sentence: Umkulthoum and her sister agreed that the only equitable way to divide up the trophies they kept from their victims was to give Umkulthoum all the left ears, hands, feet, and eyeballs and give her sister all the right ears, hands, feet, and eyeballs. Predicted Definition: Definition: --1. Equal, just, fair, right, reasonable --2. Impartial, proper, unbiased
Word: sleazy Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: slee-zee Origins: --unknown Related Forms: sleaze (noun); sleaziness (noun); sleazily (adverb) Sentence: --The NHL fined the player for his sleazy tactics when he purposely kicked with his ice skate at the opposing goalie’s face. His sleazy excuse was that he tripped, but it was obvious that he did it on purpose. After he lost his job, the player ended up living in a sleazy hotel where the toilets didn’t work and he got bed bugs. Predicted Definition: Definition: 1. contemptibly low, mean, or disreputable: sleazy politics. 2. squalid; sordid; filthy; dilapidated: a sleazy hotel. 3. thin or poor in texture, as a fabric; cheap; flimsy: a sleazy dress; a sleazy excuse.
Word: epitome Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: ih-pit-uh-mee Origins: --Greek: “epi” (above) + “-tome” (a slice or a cut) Related Forms: epitomize (verb) Sentence: Umkulthoum was the epitome of a predator: patient, clever, careful, and ruthless. Predicted Definition: Definition: --a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class. He is the epitome of goodness --a condensed account, especially of a literary work; abstract.
Word: propensity Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: pruh-pen-si-tee Origins: --Latin: “Pro” (In favor of) + “Pend” (To hang from) + “ity” (Indicating a state or condition) Related Forms: Sentence: The teacher was not hired into the district after the new principal discovered the teacher had a propensity for writing excessively violent grammar exercises. Predicted Definition: Definition: --A natural inclination or tendency; an innate favorability for something: A propensity to curse
Word: coalition Part of speech: Noun Pronunciation: koh-uh-lish-uh n Origins: --Latin: “co” (with) + “alere” (to nourish or make grow) Related Forms: coalesce (verb -- to grow together) Sentence: When they began to suspect Umkulthoum was a serial killer, and the police wouldn’t do anything, her neighbors formed a coalition against her, surrounding her house while carrying pitchforks and torches. Predicted Definition: Definition: --a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc., frequently for a specific reason; a grouping;
Word: redundant Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: ri-duhn-duh nt Origins: --Latin: “re” (again) + “undare” (to flow; to surge) + “-ant” (characterized by or serving in a capacity of) Related Forms: redundancy (noun) Sentence: The memo from the Redundant Department Department was needlessly repetitive, said the same thing over and over, and repeated itself for no good reason. Predicted Definition: Definition: --Unnecessary repetition; extra; excessive; superfluous; --Duplicated as a precaution against failure
Word: blatant Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: bleyt-nt Origins: --Latin: “blatire” (To babble) + “-ant” (characterized by or serving in a capacity of) Related Forms: blatantly (adverb); blatantness (noun) Sentence: During her trial, Umkulthoum’s lack of sorrow over Trevor’s grisly death was blatant as she laughed while the prosecuting attorney showed the pictures of his bloody corpse. Predicted Definition: Definition: brazenly obvious; flagrant; clear; easily distinguishable
Word: exude Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ig-zood, ik-sood Origins: Latin: “ex” (out) + “sudare” (to sweat) Related Forms: Sentence: As Trevor watched Umkulthoum scrape their victim’s back with a rusty cheese grater, he knew that as soon as the victim began to exude blood, Umkulthoum would exude joy. Predicted Definition: Definition: --To come out gradually in drops, as sweat; emit through pores or small openings. --To project or display conspicuously or abundantly; radiate: to exude cheerfulness.
Word: caricature Part of speech: noun; verb Pronunciation: kar-i-kuh-cher Origins: --Latin: “Caricare” (loaded; distorted) Related Forms: Sentence: While some of the pictures hung up in his room were good representations of Mr. Palise, most of them were caricatures designed to draw attention to his short stature. Predicted Definition: Definition: --a picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things. --any imitation or copy so distorted or inferior as to be ludicrous. --to make a caricature of; represent in caricature.
Word: interloper Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: in-ter-loh-per Origins: --Latin: “Inter” (between, among; as in “interstate highway”) + --Dutch: “loopen” (to run) Related Forms: Sentence: After they found the lone FBI agent searching their house without a warrant, Umkulthoum and her sister smiled, thinking about all the things they would do to the interloper. Predicted Definition: Definition: --a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others; trespasser
Word: novice Part of speech: noun Pronunciation: nov-is Origins: Latin: “Novus” (new) Related Forms: novitiate (noun) Sentence: While Umkulthoum was an expert at disemboweling the goats used in her ritual sacrifices, her sister was still a novice and frequently destroyed the organs as she removed them. Predicted Definition: Definition: --a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; tyro; newcomer; neophyte.
Word: intercede Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: in-ter-seed Origins: --Latin: “inter” (between; among) + “cedere” (to move) Related Forms: Sentence: Because she had fallen in love with Trevor, Umkulthoum’s sister tried to intercede on his behalf and convince Umkulthoum not to kill him, but he was sacrificed anyway. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to act on behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition; to intervene --to attempt to reconcile differences between two people or groups; mediate.
Word: surmise Part of speech: verb; noun Pronunciation: ser-mahyz Origins: --Latin: “sur”/”super” (over; above) + “mit(tere)” (to send) Related Forms: Sentence: Following the disappearance of the fourth homeless person from the park across from Umkulthoum’s goat ranch, the lead detective began to surmise that Umkulthoum had something to do with the disappearances. Predicted Definition: Definition: 1. v. To conjecture or guess. 2. n. A conjecture or guess.
Word: contrive Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: kuh n-trahyv Origins: --Old French: “Con” (with) + “trover” (To find) Related Forms: contrived (adjective) Sentence: When Umkulthoum’s sister fell in love with Trevor, Umkulthoum worried that her sister would contrive a way for him to escape, so she arranged to back over him with her truck. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to devise; to plan; to scheme; to invent; to plot
Word: deplete Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: dih-pleet Origins: --Latin: “de” (negation; removal; separation) + “plere” (to fill) Related Forms: “depletable” (adjective); “depletion” (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum enjoyed killing in many ways, but her favorite way was to deplete her victims’ blood by cutting off their fingers and toes one at a time with a cigar cutter. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of; use up, drain, reduce, lessen
Word: corroborate Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: kuh-rob-uh-reyt Origins: --Latin: “com” (with) + “roborare” (oak strength(en)) + “-ate” (suffix used to make a verb) Related Forms: “corroborative” (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum never worried about being placed at the scene of one of her murders, because she knew she could always count on her sister to corroborate whatever story she told the detectives about where she was when the murders occurred. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to make more certain; to confirm; to strengthen
Word: desist Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: dih-sist Origins: --Latin: “de” (negation; removal; separation) + “sistere” (to stand or to place) Related Forms: Sentence: After he was reported for writing grisly grammar exercises, the teacher was ordered to desist immediately, but his students rebelled and staged a sit-in until the principal let him continue with his blood-thirsty English. Predicted Definition: Definition: --To cease; to stop; to refrain; to abstain
Word: palpable Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: pal-puh-buh l Origins: --Latin: “palpa” (to touch) + “able” (capable of being) Related Forms: palpability (noun); palpably (adverb) Sentence: As the men in the bunkhouse waited for Carlson to shoot Candy’s dog, the tension was so thick and heavy in the room that it was almost palpable Predicted Definition: Definition: --1. readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; evident; blatant --2. able to be touched; tangible
Word: covert Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: koh-vert Origins: --Latin: “co” (together; with) + “ob” (reversely; inversely) + “aperire” (to open) Related Forms: covertly (adverb); Sentence: When Umkulthoum discovered that Trevor was a covert operative of the FBI, she knew she would have to be careful to make his death look inadvertent. Predicted Definition: Definition: --concealed; secret; disguised.
Word: susceptible Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: suh-sep-tuh-buh l Origins: --Latin: “sus” (“sub” (under)) + “capere” (to capture) + “—ible” (capable of) Related Forms: susceptibleness (noun) Sentence: Umkulthoum knew Trevor was susceptible to a woman in distress, so she pretended to have a flat tire in order to lure him under her truck. Predicted Definition: Definition: --capable of being affected by something (an emotion, a treatment, a substance (kryptonite), etc.) (susceptible to colds, susceptible to compliments, susceptible to injury, etc)
Word: tenuous Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: ten-yoo-uh s Origins: --Latin: “Tenu-” (thin) + “ous” (characterized by) Related Forms: tenuously (adverb), tenuousness (noun) Sentence: Finally, after 12 hours of torture, as she watched Umkulthoum remove the skin from her sister Megan with a vegetable peeler, Cindy-Lou Freebush lost her already tenuous grasp on her self-control and she screamed until her throat bled. Predicted Definition: Definition: --Thin, slender, weak, vague, unsubstantial
Word: resilient Part of speech: adjective Pronunciation: ri-zil-yuh nt Origins: Latin: “re” (again) + “salire” (to leap; to jump) + “ent/ant” (existing in a condition) Related Forms: resiliently (adverb) Sentence: Umkulthoum knew that while her sister would be angry at first about Trevor’s murder, their relationship was resilient enough to survive Trevor’s death. Predicted Definition: Definition: --recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant; flexible
Word: curtail Part of speech: verb Pronunciation: ker-teyl Origins: --Middle French: “Curtal” (short) + Middle English: “taillen” (to cut) Related Forms: Sentence: After the economy collapsed, buying goats became too expensive and Umkulthoum had to curtail her spending; finding people to sacrifice was cheaper and easier. Predicted Definition: Definition: --to cut off; to cut short; to abridge; to diminish; to reduce
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