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Pharynx. PHARYNX Passage way for food and liquid. In both digestive and respiratory systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Pharynx. PHARYNX Passage way for food and liquid. In both digestive and respiratory systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharynx

2 PHARYNX Passage way for food and liquid. In both digestive and respiratory systems.


4 PHARYNX Palatopharyngeal arch: When food touches it, swallowing initiates.

5 PHARYNX Tonsils: Lymph tissue (mouth defense) Tonsilitis, tonsilectomy

6 Cracker vs. Water Follow the directions in this mini-lab. Answer the questions in your lab book.


8 Esophagus

9 Leads the pharynx to the stomach. Tube of muscle

10 Esophagus Deglutition: swallowing Under autonomic control (no control)

11 Deglutition 1. Uvula moves up, covers nasal passage 2. Pharynx moves up and the epiglottis covers respiratory system.


13 Peristalsis Bolus pushed through by a rhythmic smooth muscle contraction. Reverse peristalsis???

14 200088.htm 200088.htm

15 Heartburn Stomach acid bubbles up into esophagus and burns layers of esophagus.

16 Esophagus Normal esophagus

17 Heartburn

18 Esophagus





23 Newspaper article

24 Stomach

25 Stomach: COLOR A. FundusB. Body C. Pylorus D. Pyloric sphincter E. Cardia

26 Stomach J-shaped Slightly on left side of the body

27 Stomach Functions: 1. Physical breakdown (Muscular) 3 layers of powerful muscle

28 Stomach 2. Chemical breakdown (acid/enzyme)

29 Stomach 3. Storage (holds about 1.5 liters) Like….

30 Kobayashi Worlds greatest eater! 5’7’’ 130lbs

31 Kobayashi 18 pounds of cow brains in 15 min 53 hot dogs and buns in 12 min 20 pounds of rice in 30 min

32 Kobayashi Once ate at a all you can eat buffet and gained 26 pounds at one sitting!!

33 Stomach Parts: Fundus Body Pylorus “ gate guard”

34 Stomach Openings: Sphincter: muscular ring that contracts to close the entrance or exit of an internal passageway.

35 STOMACH Cardia (e): Connects esophagus to stomach Near ??

36 Stomach Pyloric Sphincter (d): Regulates flow of chyme between stomach and S.I. Autonomic control

37 Stomach Gastric Mucosa: Epithelial cells full of mucosa cells Lining of the stomach Stretch receptors

38 Stomach Gastric Mucosa: Secretes a protective mucous (protects from acid, enzymes, abrasive material)

39 Stomach Color code the lining of the stomach. Figure 1 = g Figure 2 = h, i, j

40 Stomach Rugae (ROO-ge) Wrinkles, very folded

41 Stomach


43 Gastrin: Hormone released when food enters stomach. Stretch receptors in the stomach wall trigger gastrin.

44 Stomach Gastrin: Stimulates the gastric gland

45 Stomach Chyme: A soupy mixture of food + gastric juices after they are combined Vomit

46 Stomach Gastric Glands: Responsible for secreting gastric juices. 1.5 liters per day

47 Gastric Gland Contain 2 types of secreting cells Parietal and Chief

48 Parietal cells 1. Releases HCl for breakdown 2. killing microorganisms

49 Parietal cells 3. Activates enzymes (in chief cells) 4. Intrinsic factors (Vitamin. B12)

50 Chief cells Releases pepsinogen (pre-enzyme)

51 Chief cells Pepsinogen + HCl Pepsin (enzyme)

52 Chief cells Pepsin: Protein splitter

53 Gastric pits Depressions or “pits” where the glands are located in. Gastric pit communicates with gastric glands.

54 Disorders: Ulcers: open sore in the wall of the stomach




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