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PROJECT 2700787 양은별 4/7 일 개인발표 (1). 1.Block diagram 2.Elements investigation - Characteristics - Comparison 3. Elements selection 4. Circuits design 5.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT 2700787 양은별 4/7 일 개인발표 (1). 1.Block diagram 2.Elements investigation - Characteristics - Comparison 3. Elements selection 4. Circuits design 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT 2700787 양은별 4/7 일 개인발표 (1)

2 1.Block diagram 2.Elements investigation - Characteristics - Comparison 3. Elements selection 4. Circuits design 5. References  Contents

3  Schedule Plan 1 Block diagram 2. Elements investigation -characteristics -comparison 3. Elements selection 4. Circuits design 5Simulation 6.PCB design -CAD (power PCB tool 사용 ) Gerber file 제작 ->PCB 제작 주문 ! 7.PCB production and test 1.PCB 육안 검사 2. 납땜 상태 3. 전원체크 (vcc,GND 사이의 신호선 short 및 open check)-> 과전 류 4. 전원공급 - 주요 point 신호 check 8.Final test

4 GPS Module GPS Module RF Connecter RF Connecter USB Connecter LD O 3V5V 3.7V 충전지 3.7V 충전지 충전 IC 1050mAh LCD STM LD O Data Bus 제어핀 3.3V uART Main Board Sub CPU  Block Diagram Serial to uART Converter

5  Elements investigation CP2012PL2303 MinTypMax Units MinTypMax Units Supply V3.03.33.6V-0.36.0V Supply current2026mA0.51924mA Input low V-- 0.8V-- 0.3*V DD V Input high V2.0-- V 0.7*V DD -- v Output low V 0.6(I OL =8.5mA) V-- 0.4V 0.1(I OL =10uA) 1.0(I OH =2 5mA) Output high V V DD - 0.7(I OH =- 3mA) -- V3.5-- V V DD - 0.1(I OH =- 10uA) -- V DD - 0.8(I OH =- 10mA) -- Input Leakage current --2550uA--1uA Usb specs2.0compliant speedfull-speed (12Mbps)

6  Circuits Design PL2303 GPS module 과 usb 가 서로 데이터를 교환할 수 있도록 변환 !! GPS module

7 GPS Module GPS Module RF Connecter RF Connecter USB Connecter 3V5V 3.7V 충전지 3.7V 충전지 충전 IC 1050mAh LCD STM LD O Data Bus 제어핀 3.3V uART Main Board Sub CPU  Block Diagram Serial to uART Converter LDO b140

8  Elements investigation (LDO) MIC5205LP2950 MinTypMax Units MinTypMax Units Supply input V-20 ㅡ 20V-0.330 Output V4.9255.05.0279V Output V Accuracy (Vo) ㅡ 1% -2 ㅡ 2% Output Noise(I L = 50mA /C L = 2.2uF) 260nV/ 430 (C=1uF) uVrm s 160 (C=200uF) Dropout Voltage(I L =100 uA) 1050mV(L L =1 00uA) 5080mV (I L =50m A) 110150 (I L =100 mA) 140250 (I L =150 mA) 165275 Current limits(Vout =0) 150200mA feature High output voltage accuracy

9  Circuits Design (LDO) 전원을 down 시켜주는 역할

10 GPS Module GPS Module RF Connecter RF Connecter 3V5V 3.7V 충전지 3.7V 충전지 1050mAh LCD STM LD O Data Bus 제어핀 3.3V uART Main Board Sub CPU  Block Diagram Serial to uART Converter LDO b140 충전 IC USBConnecter

11  Elements investigation b140 Average rectified output current 1.0A Forward V(IF=1.0A) 0.5V Peak Reverse Current 0.5 (TA=25’C) (mA) 10(TA=100’C) (mA) Typical Juction capacitance (Cj) 110pF Operating and storage Temperature range(Tj) -65’ to +150 ‘C featureLow power loss, High Efficiency Bq24080 Output V 4.2(TYP) V Voltage regulation accuracy -1% (Min) 10% (Max) Dropout V (Vo=Vo(reg), Io=1A) 350(TYP) 500(MAX) mV FeatureAutomatic Sleep Mode for low power consumption

12  Circuits Design(USB Connecter)

13  Circuits Design ( 충전 IC)

14  Circuits Design (USB+ 충전 IC+D)

15  References 2501%5CDoc%5CDatasheet%5Cds_pl2501_v11.pdf 2501%5CDoc%5CDatasheet%5Cds_pl2501_v11.pdf 2301%5CDoc%5CData%20Sheet%5Cds_pl2301_v17.pdf 2301%5CDoc%5CData%20Sheet%5Cds_pl2301_v17.pdf

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