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Border Industrialization Program (BIP) Reduce unemployment with the end of the bracero program Five Point Plan Advantages for Mexico Low wages Social problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Border Industrialization Program (BIP) Reduce unemployment with the end of the bracero program Five Point Plan Advantages for Mexico Low wages Social problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Border Industrialization Program (BIP) Reduce unemployment with the end of the bracero program Five Point Plan Advantages for Mexico Low wages Social problems

2 International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Founded 1944 to prevent another GD U.S. influence Latin American debt crisis Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)

3 1986 Immigration and Reform Control Act Employers held responsible for checking immigration status of potential employees ilegal to knowingly hire illegal aliens Path toward legalization

4 Bordertown Movie clip (Bordertown-Make a Difference)

5 1

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7 100,000 new police NAFTA’s Legal structure Private corporations Chapter 11 provisions SAPs

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9 5

10 Zapatistas Privatization of land Zapatista National Liberation Army Article 27 Mexico’s loans Guerilla training Chiapas poorest state in Mexico Communal lands

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13 8

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16 11

17 Brief success U.S. drug war Foreign military sales Human rights violations Article 27 and foreign investors Oil in Chiapas Settling the rebellion Violence and arrests

18 Zapatista Film (Zapatista-Big Noise Films documentary)

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