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Understanding Technology Transfer Unit 4. What is international technology transfer ? International technology transfer is the sharing of knowledge and.

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1 Understanding Technology Transfer Unit 4

2 What is international technology transfer ? International technology transfer is the sharing of knowledge and facilities amongdifferent countries.

3 What is the purpose of a technology transfer program ? (a) Making scientific and technological developments accessible to private industry and state and local governments. (b) Encouraging these users to develop the technology further into new products, processes, materials, or services that will enhance a nation’s industrial competitiveness or otherwise improve the quality of life.

4 What are the benefits that technology and innovation can bring to us? (a) improving living standards, (b) increasing productivity, (c) generating new industries and employment opportunities, improve public services, (d) creating more competitive products in world markets

5 Productivity: 生产率 -- The ratio of output (goods and services) produced per unit of input (productive resources) over some period of time ( 投入与产出之比) A measurement of the efficiency of production

6 Public services :公用设施, 公共服务 Public services is a term usually used to mean services provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services. Public services usually includes: education electricity and gas fire service healthcare police service waste management water services

7 Technology transfer is embodied in the actions taken by individuals and organizations (a) Making investment and trade decisions for firms, (b) Acquiring knowledge and skills by individuals through formal education and on-the-job experience, (c) Purchasing of patent rights and licenses, (d) Assimilating the published results of public or private research, (e) Development and demonstration (RD&D) activity, (f) Migration of skilled personnel with knowledge of particular technologies. Actions Technology transfer Decisions

8 The Role of Governments in Technology transfer Technology transfer can be influenced by government aid. The role of governments is important. Governments can carry out policies that promote R&D programs to deal with problems. ??? Climate-related technologies are not immediately viable and profitable. Climate-related projects involve long and large investments and high risks, so usually it is governments that should bear risks to have cooperations among countries, not among businesses.

9 Why can technology transfer be influenced by multilateral bank lending? Because the lending is usually based on some extra conditions suck as reducing budget spending, raising taxes.

10 multilateral bank lending? Multilateral Lending Agency is a financial institution jointly owned by a group of countries and designed to promote international and regional economic co- operation. Multilateral lending including all loans from all the Development Banks such as Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, or the World Bank and the use of IMF credit (International Monetary Fund).

11 Factors affecting the rate of technology transfer 1. by motivations that induce more rapid adoption of new techniques 2. by barriers that impede such transfers. policy

12 Motivations of the various stakeholders effecting technology transfer

13 Stakeholders 利益攸关方 one that has a stake in an enterprise one who is involved in or affected by a course of action

14 Motivations of Transnational or multinational corporations seeking international sales, market share, and cheaper production costs

15 Motivations of Recipient-country firms (a) Obtaining technical capabilities, quality, or cost reductions which cannot be achieved on their own; (b) Obtaining the higher perceived status of "international level" technologies (a new technical step for a firm) (c) Obtaining managerial and marketing expertise and sources of capital; (d) Obtaining export markets; (e) Obtaining new distribution networks

16 Motivations of Recipient governments seeking to increase capabilities for domestic technology development and promote foreign investment in their country

17 Motivations of Provider or donor governments (a) encouraging technology transfer and fund transfers of research and expertise; (b) setting up policies to expand foreign markets for their national firms and increase exports;

18 Motivations of Multilateral agencies with development goals pursuing technology transfer to support development and as an instrument for achieving desired economic and policy reforms

19 Motivations of Multilateral agencies with environmental goals (a) transferring of ESTs (b) exploring new and effective means to their objectives (c) catalyzing (promoting) sustainable markets (d) enabling private sector involvement in the transferring

20 What are Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) 环境无害技术 ? Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) encompass technologies that have the potential for significantly improved environmental performance relative to other technologies. Broadly speaking, these technologies: 1. protect the environment 2. be less polluting 3. use resources in a sustainable manner 4. recycle more of their wastes and products

21 Motivations of Non-governmental organizations concerns about (a) technology choice and the "appropriateness" of technologies transferred through development assistance and commercial channels, (b) the social and cultural impacts of such transfers (c) to suit local conditions and minimize unwanted impacts

22 Types of Financial Flows: Financial flows support technology transfer.

23 Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) Grants and interest free or subsidized loans to developing countries (ODA) and countries with economies in transition (OA). ODA/OA includes both bilateral aid and that provided by governments indirectly through multilateral organizations.

24 Official development assistance (ODA), ODA, or official aid (OA), is grants or loans to countries or territories. The main objective is to promote economic development and welfare in the recipient countries.

25 economies in transition: 经济转型 A transition economy or transitional economy is an economy which is changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market. Transition economies undergo economic liberalization, where market forces set prices rather than a central planning organization and trade barriers are removed, privatization of government- owned enterprises and resources. The process has been applied in China, the former Soviet Union and Communist bloc countries of Europe, and many third world countries.

26 Bilateral aid: 双边援助 Bilateral aid is assistance given by a government directly to the government of another country. This is usually the largest share of a country’s aid. It is often directed according to strategic political considerations as well as humanitarian ones.

27 Non-government aid Non-government aid is assistance provided by non- government organizations (NGOs) like the Red Cross. The money for this aid is mainly provided by public donations from individuals and businesses. NGOs also receive some funding from government.

28 Multilateral aid Multilateral aid is assistance provided by governments to international organizations like the World Bank, United Nations and International Monetary Fund that are then used to reduce poverty in developing nations.

29 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 经济合作与 发展组织 [ 欧洲 ] Founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade and based in Paris, the OECD serves as a consultative assembly and a clearinghouse ( 票据交 换所 ) for economic data, and it also coordinates economic aid to developing countries.

30 Loans at market rates including loans from international institutions, including the multilateral development banks (MDBs), and commercial banks.

31 Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) Multilateral Development Banks are institutions that provide financial support and professional advice for economic and social development activities in developing countries. World Bank The African Development Bank The Asian Development Bank The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development The Inter-American Development Bank Group 泛美开 发银行

32 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Involving direct investment in physical plant and equipment in one country by business interests from a foreign country.

33 Commercial sales. The sale and purchasing, on commercial terms, of equipment and knowledge.

34 Foreign Portfolio Equity Investment (FPEI) and Venture Capital 国外有价证券投资和风险资本 Purchasing of stock or shares of foreign companies through investment funds or directly. Venture capital is characterized by being longer term and higher risk, with a greater degree of management control exerted by the investor

35 Venture capital: 风险资本 A source of business investment associated with a higher-risk opportunity than conventional financial institutions are willing to bear, typically a new or expanding business.

36 Other financial flows. Including Export Credit Agencies and activities supported by non-governmental organizations

37 Export Credit Agencies 出口信贷代理机构 An export credit agency (ECA) is a private or quasi-governmental institution that act as an intermediary between national governments and exporters to issue export financing. The financing can take the form of credits 信贷 (financial support) or credit insurance and guarantees (信用保险和担保) or both, depending on the mandate the ECA has been given by its government.

38 National System of Innovation 国家创新系统 NIS The institutional and organizational structures which support technological development and innovation. What will governments do? Governments can build or strengthen scientific and technical educational institutions and modify the form or operation of technology networks: Why networks? the interrelated organizations generating, diffusing, and utilizing technologies

39 National System of Innovation 国家创新系统 NIS NIS is the flow of technology and information among people, enterprises and institutions which is key to the innovative process on the national level. 国家创新系统是指一个国家内各有关部门和机构间相互作 用而形成的推动创新网络,是由经济和科技的组织机构组 成的创新网络。 创新是一个从新思想的产生到产品设计、试制、生产、营 销和市场化的一系列的活动,也是知识的创造、转换和应 用的过程,其实质是新技术的产生和商业应用。

40 Technology infrastructure : 技术基础设施 Technology infrastructure includes generic technologies, infratechnologies, technical information, and research and test facilities, as well as information relevant for strategic planning and market development, forums for joint industry-government planning and collaboration, and assignment of intellectual property rights (less technically-explicit 技术性不明确 )

41 Technology infrastructure : 技术基础设施 Technology infrastructure is defined by Tassey (1991) as "science, engineering, and technical knowledge available to private industry." This is rather inclusive, as it includes generic technologies, R&D results, and technical information, but also information relevant to technology-based firms' strategic planning and marketing, forums for collaboration among researchers and among organizations, and assignment of intellectual property rights ( less technically-explicit).

42 Some Terms generic technologies( 共性技术 ): “Generic” 意为 “ 非特有的,一般的,普通的,通用的 ” ,也有 “ 非商标的,非专利的 ” 的含义。可见,在字面 意思上, “Generic Technology” 指 “ 非仅用于特 殊用途的非专有的通用技术 ” 。 Infratechnologies: 基础技术

43 A characteristic of technology infrastructure is that it depreciates slowly, but it requires considerable effort and long lead times to put in place and maintain" depreciate : devalue / lose in value (持久性强) lead times: The time between the initiation and completion of a production process (付诸实施的时间) In the past, most infrastructure has been either put in place by the public sector ( 公营机构,政府资助或控制 的企业 ) or put in place using indirect public revenues. It is provided by a variety of institutions-public, private and public-private combinations


45 FPEI (foreign portfolio equity investment) 国外有价证券投资 Foreign portfolio equity investment (FPEI) is distinguished from foreign direct investment by the investor's degree of management control (UNCTAD, 1998). Portfolio investors typically purchase shares in a company, often through a fund, without any intention of influencing management decisions. The investment horizon of portfolio investors is typically shorter, and the type of investor is more often a financial institution, institutional investor, or insurance company interested in the financial returns. 是指投资者仅以获取资本增值或实施对外援助与开发, 而不以控制经营权为目的的投资行为,其主要方式有 长期贷款、国际证券投资等。

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