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ELECTRA: A REPETITIVELY PULSED, 700 J, 120 ns, KrF LASER Work sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy NNSA/DP NRL J. Sethian M. Myers J. Giuliani P. Kepple.

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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRA: A REPETITIVELY PULSED, 700 J, 120 ns, KrF LASER Work sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy NNSA/DP NRL J. Sethian M. Myers J. Giuliani P. Kepple."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELECTRA: A REPETITIVELY PULSED, 700 J, 120 ns, KrF LASER Work sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy NNSA/DP NRL J. Sethian M. Myers J. Giuliani P. Kepple R. Lehmberg S. Obenschain SAIC M. Wolford Commonwealth Tech F. Hegeler M. Friedman RSI T. Jones S. Searles TITAN/JAYCOR S. Swanekamp MRC Albuquerque D. Rose D. Welch Titan PSD, Inc. D. Weidenheimer D. Morton

2 Laser Gas Recirculator Flat Mirror Output Coupler Laser Cell (Kr + F 2 +Ar) Pulsed Power System Electron Beam Foil Support (Hibachi) Window Cathode B z Laser Gas Recirculator Flat Mirror Output Coupler ENERGY + (Kr + F )  (KrF) * + F  (Kr + F) + h(248 nm)ENERGY + (Kr + F 2  (KrF)+ F  (Kr + F 2 ) + h (248 nm) Laser Cell (Kr + F 2 +Ar) Pulsed Power System Electron Beam Foil Support (Hibachi) Window Cathode B z Baratron (ΔP) Laser Gas Recirculator Flat Mirror Output Coupler Laser Cell (Kr + F 2 +Ar) Pulsed Power System Electron Beam Foil Support (Hibachi) Window Cathode B z Laser Gas Recirculator Flat Mirror Output Coupler ENERGY + (Kr + F )  (KrF) * + F  (Kr + F) + h(248 nm)ENERGY + (Kr + F 2  (KrF)+ F  (Kr + F 2 ) + h (248 nm)ENERGY + (Kr + F )  (KrF) * + F  (Kr + F) + h(248 nm)ENERGY + (Kr + F 2  (KrF)+ F  (Kr + F 2 ) + h (248 nm) Laser Cell (Kr + F 2 +Ar) Pulsed Power System Electron Beam Foil Support (Hibachi) Window Cathode B z Baratron (ΔP) Electra Configuration as an Oscillator

3 Time (s) Energy (Joules) Time (Nanoseconds) Intensity (arb.) Conditions: 39.75% Kr, 60% Ar, 0.25% F 2 Laser Cell Pressure 1.36 atm Recirculator flow rate 7.2 m/s Calorimeter Measurement 625 Joules Single Shot Photodiode Response

4 P E-beam (GW) P Laser (GW) Time (ns) E-Beam Power Efficiency (9.9%)= P Laser (5.93 GW)/ P E-Beam (59.7 GW) Oscillator Feb. 03 T w 75%~80% Oscillator Jan. 04 T w 89% Time Dependence of Energy Deposition and Oscillator

5 No Output coupler (no 8% reflection losses) Lower laser light absorption due to fluorine, less passes through e-beam unpumped regions How we project an amplifier intrinsic efficiency of 12% based on oscillator results of 8.4% Amplification from input laser, no oscillator build-up time A properly designed amp would have: Good windows (>98% transmitting vs. 89% measured transmission in oscillator) How we project an amplifier intrinsic efficiency of 12% based on oscillator results of 9.9%

6 Calorimeter Specifications Maximum Energy 700 Joules Maximum Continuous Power 3.5kW Maximum Energy Density 1.1J/cm 2 Maximum Power Density 50W/cm 2 Calorimeter Response for 100 shots at 1 Hz

7 ~625 J - ~700 J per pulse (except shot #1) 39.75% Kr, 60% Ar, 0.25% F 2 @1.36 atm, Recirculator flow rate 7.2 m/s Intensity (arb.) Time (Nanoseconds) Photodiode Response 100 shots at 1Hz Rep-Rate,

8 Photodiode Integrated Response for 100 shots at 1 Hz shows Energy Increases for first 50 shots, then remains constant Average Energy 677 J +/- 40.9 J Last 50 shots Average Energy 696 J +/- 8.62 J Due to changing: T g of recirculator? Window transmission?

9 Time (Nanoseconds) Intensity (arb.) 640 J per pulse (shots 1-6, 3.2 kW) 39.75% Kr, 60% Ar, 0.25% F 2 @1.36 atm, Recirculator flow rate 7.2 m/s Photodiode Response at 5Hz Rep-Rate,

10 Previous Photodiode Response at 5Hz Rep-Rate without recirculator or louvers

11 Heat Exchanger Blower Laser Cell Homogenizers & Turning Vanes Static Pressure Contours varies by 14 Pa (10 -4 ) over laser cell Louvers Recirculator both cools and quiets the laser gas provides cooling for the foils

12 10 ms60 ms100 ms200 ms Concept & Modeling: A.Banka & J.Mansfield, Airflow Sciences, Inc Cell Exit Cell Entrance Contours of Stream Function-- flow is quiescent for next shot gas flow louvers After 1 st shot After 1 st cycle After 2 nd shot 200  F400  F600  F 0 10 20 Foil Temperature below required 650  F cm along foil Foils e-beam Rib Louvers Open gas flow Louvers closed gas flow Louvers provide cooling for the foil

13 Also: Run 1250 shots continuous at 1 Hz (limit not reached) Run 169 shots continuous @ 5 Hz (cathode failure) 1 Hz, with louvers 5 m/sec @ 1 atm 210  C 1 Hz, with louvers 8 m/sec @ 1.5 atm 140  C 1 Hz, no louvers 360  C The Louvers Significantly Lower the Foil Temperature

14 Random Stochastic Breaking of foil (6-170 shots at 5Hz), Foil Temperature is constant within 50 shots Location of Punctures are Random in Foil 50 shot burst at 5 Hz Possible Causes for Cathode limiting foil lifetime )Hot Spots (F. Hegeler) ) Floating Edge Reducers (M. Myers) ) Random Plasma Formation (J. Sethian) ) Macroscopic Debris (M. Friedman) ) Something we have not thought of (M. Wolford) Current status 1)Working on Foil and Cathode Diagnostics 2)Working on new cathodes (Ceramic- secondary electron emission) Velvet Strip Cathode may be Limiting Foil Lifetime @ 5 Hz

15 R osc = 10% P beam =800 kW/cc T(t=0) = 300 o K F 2 = 0.5% 30 x 30 x 100 cc 40% Kr 60% Kr 100%Kr 850 700 600 800 400 Higher Laser Output for 1. Lower absolute pressure 2. Lower Kr concentration Orestes (KrF Kinetics Code) Contour Plot (2002)

16 dissociative attachment for KrF, ArF, Kr 2 F, Ar 2 F, ArKrF e.g. KrF +e  Kr +F- [T w =75%] Kinetics Change Explains Fluorine Concentration

17 ReactantsSuper-ElasticDissociative Attachment e+KrFKr+F+eKr+F- e+ArFAr +F+eAr+F- e+ArKrFAr+Kr+F+eAr+Kr+F- e+Kr 2 FKr+Kr+F+eKr+Kr+F- e+Ar 2 FAr+Ar+F+eAr+Ar+F- Peters et al. Appl. Phys. B 43, 253 (1987) e e e e e e e e e e KrF Kinetics Change in Products for 5 reactions

18 PD1 PD2PD3 PD4 KrF input ND Beam Cube Polarizer Single Pass Gain Set-Up E-Beam Pumped Region I in I out 1” 12” KrF output Neutral Density Filter 248 nm bandpass filter Parasitic Light Attenuators Photodiode (1 ns risetime)

19 Single Pass Gain Measurements Agrees with Previous and Current Oscillator Output Measurements

20 Extended Rep-Rate Run output constant after 50 shots, indicates nothing is changing Recirculator and Louvers did not adversely effect output energy –No Fluorine passivation is observed –89% Window Transmission before and after shots Summary 100 shots at 1Hz with Laser energy pulse asymptotes to 700 J 5Hz Rep-Rate Energy constant (3.2 kW) Suspect, Durability Limitation is Velvet Strip Cathode Better Understanding of Fluorine Kinetics Single Pass Gain Measurements are Consistent with Oscillator Data

21 Steady-State Analysis of Measured Energy Laser Energy is emitted during constant power region allows steady-state approximation (Rigrod) W.W. Rigrod J. Appl. Phys. 36, 2487 (1965) Application of Rigrod to a single pass gain amplifier is (J. Appl. Phys. 70, 15, 4073 (1991) In a single pass case the windows are assumed to be 100% transmissive as well as no absorption in the unpumped region of the amplifier. The parameters are the small signal gain (g 0 ), length (L), nonsaturable absorption (α), input intensity (I in ), output intensity (I out ), saturation intensity (I s ) and gamma ( γ = g 0 /α) Application of Rigrod to an Oscillator yields the following equation (IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE- 16, 12, 1315 (1980) R c is output coupler reflectivity 8%. T w is window transmission of 80%. Under the conditions of 60% Ar, 39.75% Kr, 0.25% F 2 at 20 psi with 700 kW/cc e-beam deposition, I s was 2.7 MW/cm 2 which agrees with single pass data. New Oscillator Measurements are consistent with 2.5 MW/cm 2 for Saturation Intensity

22 Laser IFE Requirements IFENIKE Beam quality (high mode) 0.2% 0.2% Beam quality (low mode) 2% N/A (4) Optical bandwidth 1-2 THz3 THz Beam Power Balance 2% N/A (4) Rep-Rate 5 Hz.0005 Laser Energy (amplifier) 30-150 kJ 5 kJ Cost of pulsed power (1) $5-10/J(e-beam) N/A 3 Cost of entire laser (1) $225/J(laser) $3600/J System efficiency 6-7% 1.4% Durability (shots) (2) 3 x 10 8 20 Lifetime (shots) 10 10 10 4 1. 1-D gain. S.E. Bodner et al,.“Direct drive laser fusion; status and prospects”, Physics of Plasmas 5, 1901, (1998). 2. Sombrero: 1000 MWe, 3.4 MJ Laser, Gain 110; Cost of Electricity: $0.04-$0.08/kWh; Fusion Technology, 21,1470, (1992) 1. 1999 $. Sombrero (1992) gave $180/J and $4.00/J 2. Shots between major maintenance (2.0 years) 3. Not Applicable: Different technology 4. Not Applicable: Nike shoots planar targets Power Plant Study 2 DT Vapor DT Fuel Foam + DT High Gain Target Design (G >100) 1 Easy Hard Target gain and power plant studies define the laser requirements. Key issues and challenges are:

23 Oscillator Energy Dependence on Laser Cell Pressure

24 Time Response of Oscillator at Various Fluorine Concentrations 0.1%F 2, 39.9% Kr, 60% Ar 0.7%F 2 39.3% Kr 60% Ar 0.25%F 2, 39.75% Kr, 60% Ar

25 427K 463K 505K 487K Temperature of the e-beam pumped laser gas (after e-beam deposition) Laser Cell E-beam pumped region Temperature Rise for a 11 Shot burst at 1 Hz (Oscillator Energy Remains Constant)

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