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SOL Review Mr. Daniels Patriot High School APHUG.

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Presentation on theme: "SOL Review Mr. Daniels Patriot High School APHUG."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOL Review Mr. Daniels Patriot High School APHUG

2 Compass Rose

3 Cardinal Directions –N, S, W, E Intermediate Directions –NE, NW, SE, SW

4 Longitude and Latitude Longitude –Measures 180 degrees East and West –Longitude lines go North and South –Meridians Prime Meridian – goes through Greenwich, England

5 Prime Meridian

6 Latitude Parallels Measures 90 degrees North and South Main lines of latitude –North Pole - 90°N –Arctic Circle – 66°N –Tropic of cancer – 23.5°N –Equator - 0° –Tropic of Capricorn – 23.5°S –Antarctic Circle - 66°S –South Pole 90°S

7 Map Projections Mercator—Ship navigation Polar—Airline navigation Robinson—Data representation

8 Mercator

9 Robinson Projection

10 Polar Projection

11 Taiwan AKA – Republic of China, Formosa, it is the historical name of Taiwan

12 Formosa, Taiwan, Republic of China

13 Palestine Palestine includes Israel and other occupied parts. –Parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria

14 Palestine

15 Boundaries in Africa 1914

16 Africa 1990s

17 Russia and the USSR

18 Europe Before WWII

19 Europe after WWII

20 Europe in 1999

21 Climate Characteristics Temperature Precipitation Season (hot/cold; wet/dry)

22 Climate Elements Influence of Latitude Influence of Winds Influence of Elevation Proximity to water

23 World Climate Regions Low latitudes Middle Latitudes High Latitudes

24 Low Latitudes Tropical wet Tropical wet and dry Arid Semiarid Highland

25 Middle Latitudes Semiarid Arid Mediterranean (dry summer subtropical) Humid continental Marine west coast Highland

26 High Latitudes Subarctic Tundra Icecap

27 Vegetation Regions Rain forest Savanna Desert Steppe Middle latitude forests Taiga Tundra

28 Weather Phenomena Monsoons – South and Southeast Asia Typhoons – Pacific Ocean Hurricanes – Atlantic Ocean Tornadoes – US

29 Effects of Climate Crops Clothing Housing Natural Hazards

30 Statues and Monuments Taj Mahal (India) Kaaba (Mecca) Western Wall (Jerusalem) Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem) Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Jerusalem) Pyramids (Egypt) Kremlin (Moscow) Eiffel Tower (Paris) Virginia State Capitol Building Washington Monument White House Lincoln Memorial Statue of Liberty

31 Taj Mahal

32 Kaaba

33 Western Wall

34 Dome of the Rock

35 Kremlin

36 Latin American and the Caribbean

37 Europe

38 United States and Canada

39 North Africa and Southwest Asia

40 Sub-Saharan Africa

41 Russia and Central Asia

42 South Asia

43 Southeast Asia

44 East Asia

45 Australia, Pacific Islands, and Antarctica

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