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Rise of Islam. Islam started on the Arabian Peninsula in the 600s CE in a town called Mecca, just off the coast of the Red Sea.

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1 Rise of Islam

2 Islam started on the Arabian Peninsula in the 600s CE in a town called Mecca, just off the coast of the Red Sea


4 Mecca Mecca was a trading town occupied by Bedouins –Bedouins were nomadic herders who used camels to cross the deserts –They were organized into tribal family groups –Bedouin economy was based mainly on trade

5 Mecca Many pilgrimage to Mecca to pray at the Kaaba –Kaaba (Arabic for “cube”) was an ancient shrine that housed their gods

6 Muhammad In Mecca, Muhammad was born and raised He began as a shepherd, but later became a successful merchant

7 Muhammad When he was 40, he wandered off alone to meditate and think He came back saying he had received a revelation from the God of Abraham

8 Muhammad He began to preach and quickly gained converts Soon, the converts received unfavorable attention By 622, his teachings had angered many in Mecca

9 Muhammad He and his converts were forced to flee or face death This fleeing is called the Hijra –The Hijra is the first time Muslims (followers of Islam) were united by faith, not blood

10 Muhammad Muhammad and his followers settled in a city to the north, Medina There the beliefs of Islam were established

11 Islamic Beliefs Muhammad is the founder of Islam Muslims worship Allah (monotheistic) Islam means “submission” Muslim means “one who submits”

12 Islamic Beliefs The sacred text is the Quran (also spelled Koran) –It contains the revelations granted to Muhammad –True Quran is always written in Arabic (the language of God) –Provides guide to life and ethical standards to follow


14 Islamic Beliefs There are no official priests who meditate between the people and God Rather, all Muslims are expected to observe the Five Pillars, the core beliefs of Islam

15 Five Pillars 1.Declaration of faith “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

16 Five Pillars 2.Daily prayer Five times a day, facing the Kaaba in Mecca Can pray anywhere, but many gather in houses of worship called mosques

17 Five Pillars 3.Giving charity It is every Muslim’s duty to take care of those less fortunate

18 Five Pillars 4.Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan Fast from sunrise to sunset

19 Five Pillars 5.Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca All Muslims who are able are expected to visit the Kaaba at least once in their lives

20 Kaaba Most sacred site in all Islam Focus of daily prayer and the Hajj



23 People of the Book Muslims profess faith in the same God as that worshiped by Jews and Christians To Muslims, Jews and Christians are “People of the Book” Muslims accept the Judeo- Christian prophets, such as Moses and Jesus

24 Back to Muhammad’s Story In 630, Muhammad and his followers gathered an army and returned to conquer Mecca Muhammad did not destroy the city, rather he destroyed the icons that were housed in the Kaaba

25 Back to Muhammad’s Story For two years, Muhammad worked to unite the Arabs under Islam However, in 632 he died without naming an heir

26 Question of Succession As we have seen before, when a strong leader dies, it often leaves a vacuum of leadership Who, then, would be their next leader? To be continued…

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