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On Boltzmann samplers and properties of combinatorial structures joint work with Nicla Bernasconi & Kostas Panagiotou TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read.

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1 On Boltzmann samplers and properties of combinatorial structures joint work with Nicla Bernasconi & Kostas Panagiotou TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAA

2 Random Graphs Paul Erdős, Alfred Rényi On the evolution of random graphs Publ. Math. Inst. Int. Hungar. Acad. Sci., 1960 Given a set of vertices. Decide for each potential edge randomly whether edge is present in graph. edge probability p → random graph G n,p Key property: Independence of edges.

3 Random Partial Orders Various models were proposed and studied, see e.g.

4 Random Planar Graphs Colin McDiarmid, AS, Dominic Welsh Random planar graphs Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2005  c, C: 0 < c < Prob[P n connected ] < C < 1 P n := set of all planar graphs on n (labelled) vertices P n := graph drawn randomly from P n ( → random planar graph)

5 Connectedness – Proof Idea Direct approach: Counting... Prob[P n connected ] = Later... [ Giménez, Noy, 2006+ ] # connected planar graphs on n vertices # planar graphs on n vertices

6 Connectedness – Proof Idea Combinatorial approach: Markov chain... start with empty graph: G := (V, ϕ ) repeat forever: –pick two vertices u,v from V uniformly at random –if {u,v} in G: delete edge {u,v} –if {u,v} not in G and G + {u,v} planar: insert edge {u,v} –otherwise: do nothing Stationary Distribution: uniform distribution on set of all planar graphs

7 Connectedness – Proof Idea Combinatorial approach: Markov chain... Stationary Distribution: uniform distribution on set of all planar graphs # edges in graph ≈ c 1 n # edges that can be added ≈ c 2 n # vertices of degree one ≈ α 1 n crude counting

8 Questions Combinatorics: Number of (planar) graphs on n vertices Properties of random (planar) graph P n : Expected number of edges Degree distribution Expected number of substructures (of a given type)... Algorithmic: Generate a random (planar) graph P n Aim of this talk: describe some recent progress towards the development of methods for answering this kind of questions.

9 Counting Philippe Flajolet, Robert Sedgewick Analytic Combinatorics Cambridge University Press, to appear Generating functions: G ≈ class of objects, G n ≈ objects in G of size n G(x) = Σ n≥0 | G n | x n (unlabelled objects) G(x) = Σ n≥0 x n (labelled objects) |Gn||Gn|

10 Generating Functions G ≈ class of (unlabelled) objects C ≈ class of connected objects in G G(x), C(x) ≈ corresponding generating functions G(x) = Σ k≥0 = e C(x) Observation: G(x) and C(x) have same radius of convergence... and thus the same growth constant C(x) k G(x) = Σ n≥0 | G n | x n

11 Counting Planar Graphs Tutte 1963 3-connected planar maps Bender, Gao, Wormald 2002 2-connected planar graphs Giménez, Noy 2005+ connected planar graphs, general planar graphs

12 Giménez, Noy 2005+ P ≈ class of (labelled) planar graphs | P n | = p · n −7/2 · γ n · n! where p ≈ 4.26094 · 10 −6 γ ≈ 27.2269 and for C ≈ class of connected planar graphs | C n | = c · n −7/2 · γ n · n! where c ≈ 4.10436 · 10 −6

13 Generation of Random Objects Duchon, Flajolet, Louchard, Schaeffer Boltzmann Samplers for the Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2004 Éric Fusy Quadratic exact-size and linear approximate-size random sampling of planar graphs Analysis of Algorithms AofA’05

14 Boltzmann Sampler Observations: If we condition on | ΓD (x)| = n, then ΓD (x) is a uniform sampler. Expected size of the output depends on the parameter x: E [ | ΓD (x)| ] = An algorithm ΓD (x) that generates an element D  D is called Boltzmann Sampler iff x D´(x) D(x)

15 From Decompositions to Samplers Duchon, Flajolet, Louchard, Schaeffer, 2004

16 Boltzmann Sampler ΓD (x) D (  1,  2, …,  i, …) Input: sequence of  i ‘s that are independent and identically distributed Output: object D  D s.t. size of x determines expected size of ΓD(x) Idea: establish a relation between properties of the sequence (  1,  2, …,  i, …) and properties of ΓD (x).

17 Random Dissections D n := set of all dissections on n (labelled) vertices D n := graph drawn randomly from D n ( → random dissection)

18 4 2 3 13 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 16 1 15 14 8 rooted (unlabelled) dissection labelled dissection 2 ↔ (n-1)! Observation: It suffices to consider rooted unlabelled structures.

19 D =  D D D D D   … Generating Function D  class of all edge-rooted dissections Bodirsky, Giménez, Kang, Noy, 2007+ = c  n -3/2 δ n

20 Boltzmann Sampler Aim: procedure ΓD (x) that generates an element D  D such that recall: Idea: - first generate face containing the root-edge - then call procedure recursively for each edge of cycle D =  D D D D D   …

21 Boltzmann Sampler ΓD (x) D (  1,  2, …,  i, …) Input: sequence of  i ‘s that are independent and distributed s.t. Output: random dissection D s.t.

22 Sampler - How does it work? path of length α 1 -1 path of length α 2 -2 path of length α k -2 What can we deduce about the degrees ? root edge path of length Σ i (α i -2) α k+1 = 2 D2D2 DiDi D Σ (αi-2) D1D1 path of length α 1 -2 degree = 1 + min{ k : α k+1 =2 }

23 Sampler - How does it work? degree = min{ k : α k =2 } root edge α k+1 = 2 D2D2 DiDi D Σ (αi-1) D1D1 Observations: # of used α i ‘s = # of edges of D 1 + #{ i : α i = 2 } = # of vertices of D α 1,α 2,…,α k,2,α k+2, …,2, ….,2, …, α |E(D)|-1, 2 # blocks = # vertices - 1 pre-degree

24 Sampler - How does it work? root edge D2D2 DiDi D Σ (αi-1) D1D1 Key observation: # pre-deg‘( D, k) = # blocks‘ of size k deg(root, D ) = size of first block do not count root vertices do not count first block

25 Sampler - Summary ΓD (x) D (  1,  2, …,  i, …) If |V(D)| = n then ΓD (x) used  3n of the  i ‘s. # pre-deg ( D ;k) = number of blocks of size k among the first n blocks.

26 A Sampler for Dissections of Size n for i = 1 to n 3 do: if |V( D i )| = n then return D i D   (  1 1,  1 2, …,  1 3n ) Easy probabilistic arguments/Chernoff: Prob[ algorithm returns D   ]  1 – e -  (n)  k: Prob[  i s.t. (  i 1,  i 2, …,  i 3n ) contains  (1  ) c k n blocks of size k among first n blocks]  e -  (n) Easy probabilistic arguments/Chernoff: Prob[ algorithm returns D   ]  1 – e -  (n)  k: Prob[  i s.t. (  i 1,  i 2, …,  i 3n ) contains  (1  ) c k n blocks of size k among first n blocks]  e -  (n) (  2 1,  2 2, …,  2 3n ) (  n 3 1,  n 3 2, …,  n 3 3n ) ΓD(ρD)ΓD(ρD) Di  Di   (  i 1,  i 2, …,  i 3n ) c k ~ geometric distribution

27 A Sampler for Dissections of Size n D   (  1 1,  1 2, …,  1 3n ) Properties: Prob[ algorithm returns D   ]  1 – e -  (n)  k: Prob[ #pre-deg( D, k)  (1  ) c k n]  e -  (n)  k: Prob[ #post-deg( D, k)  (1  ) c k n]  e -  (n)  k, : Prob[ #pre-deg( D, k)  (1  ) c k n & #post-deg( D, )  (1  ) c n]  e -  (n)  k: Prob[ #deg( D, k)  (1  ) d k n]  e -  (n) Properties: Prob[ algorithm returns D   ]  1 – e -  (n)  k: Prob[ #pre-deg( D, k)  (1  ) c k n]  e -  (n)  k: Prob[ #post-deg( D, k)  (1  ) c k n]  e -  (n)  k, : Prob[ #pre-deg( D, k)  (1  ) c k n & #post-deg( D, )  (1  ) c n]  e -  (n)  k: Prob[ #deg( D, k)  (1  ) d k n]  e -  (n) (  2 1,  2 2, …,  2 3n ) (  n 3 1,  n 3 2, …,  n 3 3n ) ΓD‘ (ρ D ) k = k(n) is also possible Δ(D n ) = Θ(log n) Similar results for subdisections

28 Extension: Outerplanar Graphs biconnected outerplanar graphs (dissections) connected outerplanar graphs outerplanar graphs McDiarmid, St., Welsh (2005): degree sequence of a random planar graph ≈ degree sequence of random planar connected graph

29 Let C  be the class of labelled rooted connected (outerplanar) graphs: Z is the class consisting of one single element, B  is the class of rooted biconnected (outerplanar) graphs, and B ‘ the derivated class From Biconnected to Connected

30 A Sampler for Rooted Connected Outerplanar Graphs Γ C  (x) C ( λ 1, λ 2, …, λ i, …) (B 1, B 2, …, B i, …) List of parameters indep. distributed according to Po( B‘ (C  (x)) ). List of vertex rooted dissections according to Γ B ‘(x). Similarly as before: If we run Γ C  (ρ C ) n 3 times then one of the graphs will have size exactly n C with probability 1 – e -  (n). Need to study properties of one run only …

31 A Sampler for Rooted Connected Outerplanar Graphs Intuitively :  Every vertex is born with a certain degree  It then receives a certain number of new neighbors  Every vertex is born with a certain degree  It then receives a certain number of new neighbors d = P [ born with degree ] p k- = P [ receive k- more neighbors later ]  inner vertex of dissection  Poisson many copies of a root of a dissection  inner vertex of dissection  Poisson many copies of a root of a dissection ( )

32 Summary and Outlook dissections and triangulations of a polygon connected outerplanar graphs → general scheme to lift properties from 2-connected graphs to 1-connected graphs 1 outerplanar graphs → same as 1-connected due to McDiarmid, St, Welsh Degree sequence/substructures of random … 2 3 Extensions: series-parallel graphs Work in progress: general scheme, other graph classes, … [Drmota, Giménez, Noy 2008+]

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