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Evolution HW 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. SKIP 20. D 21. D 22. SKIP 23. C 24. C 25. D 26.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution HW 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. SKIP 20. D 21. D 22. SKIP 23. C 24. C 25. D 26."— Presentation transcript:


2 Evolution HW 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. SKIP 20. D 21. D 22. SKIP 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. SKIP 36. SKIP 37. B 38. SKIP 39. A 40. A 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. A 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. D

3 Adaptations (View) home.htm home.htm (View)


5 What is Evolution? a.The theory of how species _______ over _________ change time

6 What is a theory? A concept which has been tested and confirmed Many times and in many ways…

7 Each time We get the SAME results Theory’s begin with observations:

8 Ways to find similarities between organisms: 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ Anatomy Embryology Biochemistry DNA Fossil Record



11 Scientists use many forms of _______ to support this ________ evidence theory.

12 compare ____________ among organisms to show how they may have evolved from a _____________ ancestor. similarities common


14 Comparative Anatomy Related organism s share a unity of body plan

15 Comparative Anatomy Backbone, rib cage, and arrangement of internal organs are similar in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

16 Among vertebrates, forelimbs have the same set of bones, whether it is used for swimming, walking, flying, hanging or grabbing


18 Homologous Structures

19 Evolution of whales from land-dwelling mammals, highlighting the transition of the walking forelimb to the flipper.

20 Whale Evolution Whales are thought to have evolved from 4-legged mammals Pelvic bones in whales are homologous to hippos


22 Vestigial Structures Structures which have become reduced in size and are no longer of use, or have diminished in function Ex: ___________ _______________ Pinky toes appendix Tail bone Wisdom teeth

23 Ex: All vertebrate embryos develop ____________str uctures even though only fish have gills as an adult gill-like Related organisms develop similarly Comparative Embryology

24 Comparative Biochemistry Basic _______ ________ is almost universal

25 All living things use the same basic biological molecules for similar functions C H O N

26 Ex: all living things… Use __________ to store genetic info and replicate DNA

27 Use ______________ to serve as enzymes Proteins

28 Use ______________ for energy (ATP) Glucose

29 _______________ to build cell membranes lipids

30 Metabolic systems such as plant _____________ and cellular ____________ are similar among species Produces ( __________ ) photosynthesis respiration ATP

31 Comparative DNA Many organisms have similar DNA _________ sequences

32 Evidence Shows Life began as simple, single-celled organism that evolved to become today’s complex multicellular organisms. pre-existing species a. New life forms come into existence over time New species evolve from __________ __________

33 Evolution b. All species therefore have descended from a common _______________ ancestor

34 What is the End Result? Diversity among species, BUT a _________ between them unity

35 EX: fundamental similarities among life processes ___________ respiration circulation cells DNA Ect…


37 Who was Charles Darwin? Considered the “Father of Evolution” Published “The Origin of Species” in 1859

38 Darwin’s Observations: He studied the geology (rock formations) and observed that the Earth is VERY old

39 Darwin’s Observations: some fossils of species found in the rocks are VERY _________ to those of today similar

40 Darwin’s Observations: He noticed that today’s species are related to ________ species extinct


42 While on the Galapagos Islands, he found 14 different species of finches, all descended from a ___________ ___________ Common ancestor

43 Darwin’s Finches All 14 species of “Darwin’s finches” have beaks __________to specific tasks related to a specific environment and ecological ___________ adapted niche






49 Natural selection is the evolutionary process by which favorable __________ that are heritable become more common in successive generations traits

50 and unfavorable traits that are heritable become less common.

51 It was once thought that species could evolve based on their needs. we know that this does not happen


53 In order for Natural Selection to work, organisms must: 1.Reproduce __________________ sexually

54 1. Sexual Reproduction Creates some mutations which result in __________ among individuals variations

55 The genes that give the organisms an ___________have an adaptive value and are passed on to future generations advantage

56 In order for Natural Selection to work, organisms must: 2. ____________ Overproduce

57 “Of course, long before you mature, most of you Will be eaten”

58 Fish, insects, amphibians and some reptiles usually overproduce

59 This is because many of the offspring are often killed before they reach maturity

60 In order for Natural Selection to work, organisms must: 3. Have __________ variations

61 3. Variation Individual members of a population within a species have heritable differences These individual differences or traits are passed on to new generations Darwin hypothesized that these variations are ______________ Wilt Chamberlain (7’1, 275 lbs.) and Willie Shoemaker (4’11, 99 lbs) random

62 Sources of Genetic Variation Today we know that there are 2 sources for genetic variation

63 Sources of Genetic Variation a. Mutations – random changes in the DNA base sequences –They can only be passed on to future generations if they occur in the ____________ gametes

64 Sources of Genetic Variation b) Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction –Both processes allow for genetic shuffling called _______________ Crossing over

65 Why are variations good? Variations lead to ___________ biodiversity

66 Why are variations good? The more variations in organisms, the more likely that some organisms _____ _________ to create new future generations will survive

67 In order for Natural Selection to work, organisms must: 4. Struggle to _____________ survive


69 Offspring compete for ________ (food and shelter) and survival “Survival of the Fittest” resources

70 Only those individuals who, are best able to survive will pass on their ___________traits to their offspring “Survival of the Fittest” advantageous

71 FYI

72 Peppered Moths The 19 th Century pollution caused by the Industrial Revolution blackened tree trunks and killed off the lichens that grew on the bark

73 Peppered Moths A mutant moth (black) was better camouflaged and spread through the population



76 Can you read the words below? Can you see me?

77 Now can you read the words below? Can you see me?



80 Human Evolution

81 The current belief is that between 8 and 14 million years ago the common ancestor to the ape and human evolved.

82 These early "Humans" are called HOMINIDS. The Australopithecus were one the earliest hominids to be bipedal. (Walk on 2 feet) Again the fossil record is the evidence for human evolution.

83 The recent discovery of 6 million year old Australopithicus in Africa is the oldest to date.

84 3 year old Australopithicus Girl

85 One of the most important advancements was the increase in the size of the human brain. Although this is not the only factor in our advancement as a species it was crucial. Brain size is not alone the most important factor.

86 If this were the only factor the blue whale would be the most advanced technological species on Earth.

87 It has been proven that Neanderthal and Cro Magnon both had similar sized brains.

88 Yet Cro Magnon is considered more advanced or modern due to it's much more sophisticated use of tools (technology)


90 The oldest form of Homo sapien was found to be about 100,000 years old. It was also found in Africa.


92 How fast do species evolve? In organisms that reproduce few offspring and have long life cycles, evolution takes place very slowly. Ex: Humans

93 How fast do species evolve? Evolution is much faster in organisms with short life cycles that produce ______ offspring Ex: ____________ ________________ _______________ Resistance in bacteria and insects many


95 Bacteria Resistance When antibiotics are taken, the antibiotic resistant bacteria are not killed.

96 Bacteria Resistance They then can reproduce creating a population dominated by antibiotic resistant bacteria


98 Insecticide Resistance



101 Extinction Ex: dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tiger, Neanderthals

102 Factors contributing to Dinosaur Extinction:


104 Dinosaurs went extinct ~ 65 million years ago

105 Wooly Mammoth – went extinct ~ 12,000 yrs. ago (the same time humans started hunting with spearheads)

106 Saber-tooth Tiger – went extinct ~ 10,000 yrs. ago

107 Neanderthals Went extinct about 30,000 years ago


109 99% of all the organisms that have lived on planet Earth are now EXTINCT!!

110 Once an organism becomes extinct it will ____________ re-evolve never

111 What factors contributed to the Extinction of many species? Meteor impacts




115 Human Evolution

116 The current belief is that between 8 and 14 million years ago the common ancestor to the ape and human evolved.

117 These early "Humans" are called HOMINIDS. The Australopithecus were one the earliest hominids to be bipedal. (Walk on 2 feet) Again the fossil record is the evidence for human evolution.

118 The recent discovery of 6 million year old Australopithicus in Africa is the oldest to date.

119 3 year old Australopithicus Girl

120 One of the most important advancements was the increase in the size of the human brain. Although this is not the only factor in our advancement as a species it was crucial. Brain size is not alone the most important factor.

121 If this were the only factor the blue whale would be the most advanced technological species on Earth.

122 It has been proven that Neanderthal and Cro Magnon both had similar sized brains.

123 Yet Cro Magnon is considered more advanced or modern due to it's much more sophisticated use of tools (technology)


125 The oldest form of Homo sapien was found to be about 100,000 years old. It was also found in Africa.


127 The layers of rock

128 Are like the pages of a book

129 Organisms that lived when these rocks were formed are buried within the rocks


131 Oldest fossils found in The bottom layers

132 Ready to crack open some rocks

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