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Agenda BW – Complete MC questions, get out hwk CW Notes/Discussion CW 2 Reading and questions WARNING – Possibility of a pop quiz Friday Quote of the Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda BW – Complete MC questions, get out hwk CW Notes/Discussion CW 2 Reading and questions WARNING – Possibility of a pop quiz Friday Quote of the Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda BW – Complete MC questions, get out hwk CW Notes/Discussion CW 2 Reading and questions WARNING – Possibility of a pop quiz Friday Quote of the Day. “People shouldn’t be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” - V

2 The clergy (or church) expressed the most opposition to the scientific method. Galileo before the papal court

3 Why would the Church be opposed to Scientific method?

4 As a result of the Scientific Revolution, reason and experimentation was applied to political thinking. The Enlightenment

5 What was the Enlightenment? Notes #5B

6 It was a time in the 1700’s, in which philosophers examined natural laws governing the universe (like scientists of the Scientific Revolution did). Galileo  Drafting the Declaration of Independence 

7 Philosophers were interested in changing people’s relationship with their government.

8 They believed that government decisions should be based on laws of nature and reason. U.S. Constitution

9 Philosophers: John Locke believed that governments should protect people’s natural rights. Declaration of Independence 

10 Rousseau believed that the power of the government should be derived from those who are governed. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

11 Voltaire believed in free speech. Montesquieu believed in a separation of governmental powers. VoltaireBaron de Montesquieu

12 Effects: The philosophers encouraged the American and French Revolutions due to their support for natural rights. French Revolution  American Revolution 

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