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Jeopardy Plant cells Animal Cells Cell Theory Types of cells Random Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Plant cells Animal Cells Cell Theory Types of cells Random Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Plant cells Animal Cells Cell Theory Types of cells Random Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from H1 What do Chloroplasts do in a plant cell??

4 $100 Answer from H1 Photosynthesis

5 $200 Question from H1 What does photosynthesis do for the cell using what??

6 $200 Answer from H1 Makes food for the cell using sunlight

7 $300 Question from H1 What purpose does a vacuole have?

8 $300 Answer from H1 Used for storage and waste removal

9 $400 Question from H1 What does a cell wall do for the cell?

10 $400 Answer from H1 Supports and protects the cell

11 $500 Question from H1 What is the organelle on the outside of the nucleus?

12 $500 Answer from H1 Nuclear Membrane

13 $100 Question from H2 What does the nucleus contain?

14 $100 Answer from H2 Genetic material-DNA

15 $200 Question from H2 What is the cytoplasm compared to something humans have in our bodies?

16 $200 Answer from H2 Blood

17 $300 Question from H2 The endoplasmic reticulum does what for the cell?

18 $300 Answer from H2 Moves material around the cell

19 $400 Question from H2 What do ribosome's make?

20 $400 Answer from H2 Protein for the cell

21 $500 Question from H2 What can you compare a Mitochondria to?

22 $500 Answer from H2 Power plant

23 $100 Question from H3 All living things are made of_____

24 $100 Answer from H3 Cells

25 $200 Question from H3 Cells are the smallest ______ _____ of living things

26 $200 Answer from H3 Living unit

27 $300 Question from H3 Where do cells come from?

28 $300 Answer from H3 Pre-existing cells

29 $400 Question from H3 What helped the cells come from being aquatic to terrestrial?

30 $400 Answer from H3 Hard outer shell

31 $500 Question from H3 What is similar to sea water referring to us and cells?

32 $500 Answer from H3 The fluid chemistry

33 $100 Question from H4 What are the two categories cells are put into?

34 $100 Answer from H4 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

35 $200 Question from H4 What kingdoms are made up of Prokaryotic cells?

36 $200 Answer from H4 Monera

37 $300 Question from H4 What is the main difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells?

38 $300 Answer from H4 The amount of organelles. Prokaryotic, no membrane bound organelles

39 $400 Question from H4 What kingdoms are made of Eukaryotic cells?

40 $400 Answer from H4 All except Moneran

41 $500 Question from H4 What is the type of cell that helps humans feel sensations?

42 $500 Answer from H4 Nerve cell

43 $100 Question from H5 What is an example of a Moneran?

44 $100 Answer from H5 Bacteria, blue-green algae

45 $200 Question from H5 What “thing” is smaller than a cell?

46 $200 Answer from H5 An Atom

47 $300 Question from H5 Multiple atoms make up a……..

48 $300 Answer from H5 Molecule

49 $400 Question from H5 Chromosomes are made up of……

50 $400 Answer from H5 DNA

51 $500 Question from H5 When is the next Harry Potter Coming out in theaters?

52 $500 Answer from H5 November 16

53 Final Jeopardy Molecules make up organelles, organelles make up a cell, Cells make up tissue, tissue makes up a ……..

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Organ

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