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Area II Gwinnett Council SMOOTH TRANSITIONS Presenters: Beth Horn and Beverly Shorter.

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Presentation on theme: "Area II Gwinnett Council SMOOTH TRANSITIONS Presenters: Beth Horn and Beverly Shorter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Area II Gwinnett Council SMOOTH TRANSITIONS Presenters: Beth Horn and Beverly Shorter

2 The PTA TRANSITION The outgoing and incoming officers working together to achieve a smooth change in leadership Creating an atmosphere of goodwill so the students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community continue to value PTA

3 TRANSITION – Getting Started At the election meeting have the secretary complete the Incoming Officer’s Form and send to the state office by May 15 Outgoing and Incoming officers meet at least once

4 Building on Successes Outgoing officers turn over records to incoming officers Discuss what worked; what didn’t Review the budget and any outstanding bills Submit the treasurers books for audit no later than the week after school ends Give the new team everything they need to build on previous successes

5 Tools for the Transition Bylaws Resource Guides Procedure Books Job descriptions Reports Model PTA Dropbox

6 Support the Transition Be available Be patient Offer advice Avoid criticizing Encourage confidence

7 REMEMBER… The outgoing officers may not write checks after the last day of school The checkbook must be given to the incoming treasurer by the last day of school. The check stubs for the current year must be given to the auditor. The incoming officers should start working on their Plan of Work immediately before school ends New officers attend Leadership Training Conference July 12 –13, 2013

8 Incoming Officers Meet with the Principal Set goals for programs and projects Appoint the committees and committee chairs Plan meeting dates Develop a budget Develop your Standing Rules Use Model PTA Guide

9 Building a Team of Leaders Appoint Committee Chairs Have them complete a “Plan of Work” Recruit committee volunteers Train your team

10 Tips as You Move Forward Attend/Provide Training Get to know each other Set goals Determine measures for goals Give thanks Meet regularly, as needed Develop standing rules Use the six standards Share successes Solicit feedback

11 Communicate Talk to members Use surveys Directory Resource Guide Procedure Manual Calendar Email Newsletter Website Local media Telephone

12 Purpose of PTA Publications Tell what PTA is Tell what PTA has accomplished Tell what you plan to do and why Attract new members Increase interest in PTA Market PTA

13 Promote the PTA Identity Use the PTA logo and tagline correctly Make publications consistent and accurate Make it legible, simple to understand and easy to read

14 Promote PTA Membership PTA Membership is everyone’s responsibility! Brainstorm ideas to increase membership Share the goals for the year and celebrate their achievement. Selecting a membership chair is key to a successful membership program

15 Promote PTA Student Programs REFLECTIONS For all students Increase student learning Volunteering Little or no cost

16 Increase Parent Involvement Offer programs that interest parents Use Building Successful Partnerships Look for ways to use parents’ skills and knowledge

17 Promote Advocacy No Child Left Behind - requires parental involvement Adequate Yearly Progress Register and Vote – to speak for every child with one voice

18 Summary - FOCUS Outgoing and incoming officers work together Take advantage of training Make a Plan and work the plan Build a team Focus on increasing student achievement and parent involvement Be a Model PTA

19 RESOURCES Your Bylaws Training (CLT, Council School Of Information, District Conference, Webinars, PTA University) Georgia PTA Resource Guides National PTA Annual Resources PTA Leadership Georgia PTA Voice Capitol Watch Member to Member Network E-Learning Websites

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