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Athlete Centered-Are You? Governance. Athlete Centered-Are You? Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1978 (amended 1998): – Created USOC and.

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Presentation on theme: "Athlete Centered-Are You? Governance. Athlete Centered-Are You? Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1978 (amended 1998): – Created USOC and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athlete Centered-Are You? Governance

2 Athlete Centered-Are You? Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1978 (amended 1998): – Created USOC and the right of the USOC to charter the National Governing Bodies (NGB) for Olympic Sports – The Act is clearly written to insure athlete rights, protections, and representation – Creates an Athletes Advisory Council for communication between athletes and the USOC

3 Athlete Centered-Are You? Athlete Representation per the Act – The act requires that athletes hold at least 20% of the membership and voting power of the BOD, committees, and entities of the USOC – It also requires that at least 20% of the voting power of the BOD and “other such governing boards” of an NGB be held by athletes – Does this extend to LSC’s??

4 Athlete Centered-Are You? LSC Model Bylaws: – Requires at least 20% of the voting membership be athletes – At least two athlete members of the BOD – At least 20% of the voting membership of standing committees shall be atlhletes USAS has chosen to extend 20% athlete representation to the LSC’s

5 Athlete Centered-Are You? My Take as an Official: This sport is about our athletes. They are smart, dedicated, and insightful. They should be involved at every level of the organization and every decision we make should be based on their welfare.

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