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Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh.. At the end of the class student should ne able to Discuss the concepts of preventive dentistry. Explain the scope of preventive.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh.. At the end of the class student should ne able to Discuss the concepts of preventive dentistry. Explain the scope of preventive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh.

2 At the end of the class student should ne able to Discuss the concepts of preventive dentistry. Explain the scope of preventive dentistry. Discuss the principles of preventive dentistry. Explain the Levels of prevention.

3 The prevention of oral diseases is possible with the help of preventive dentistry, yet little is actually practiced. Most of the health care providers are involved in traditional mode of repair involving filling, extraction and replacement. We must change this and shift the paradigm to prevention. Our patients irrespective of rich and poor desrves the best what we can offer them.

4 Even patients are becoming aware that the best is no longer limited to repair, and have started giving importance to prevention. Preventive dentistry need willingness and participation it is a matter of attitude from both the profession and patients. What is needed is the understanding of the cause od disease and the desire to prevent it.

5 Spans from whom to tomb Continuous process throughout the patients life Is economical and effective It’s a team work which includes dentist, patients, assistants etc Concepts not new in medicine and dentistry. Ex – immunization of small pox

6 To avoid maleruption of permanent tooth, extraction of over retained teeth was advised 2000 years back To keep teeth clean and free deposits, cavity and gum diseases, practice of oral hygiene was suggested thousand of years back.

7 1) Factors predisposing to the disease 2) Factors encouraging the progress of disease 3) Complication of disease and deformity 4) Factors interfering with rehabilitation 5) Factors causing recurrence of disease.

8 1) Control of disease 2) Patient education and motivation 3) Development of host resistance 4) Restoration of function 5) Maintenance of oral health

9 1 ) Control of disease Emergency treatment and relief from pain Active caries should be controlled Removal pf plaque and calculus Extraction of infected and decayed teeth.

10 2) Patient education and motivation Evaluation and education by audiovisual aids Home care 3) Development of host resistance Nutrition and balanced diet Water fluoridation Topical fluorides Use of dentifrices and mouth washes

11 4) Restoration of Function Permanent restoration Prosthodontic, orthodontic restorations etc 5) Maintenance of oral health Periodic oral health check up Follow up of instructions

12 1) Primordial 2) Primary 3) Secondary 4) Tertiary Primordial prevention  It is the prevention of emergence or development of risk factors in the countries or population in which they have not yet appeared.  Ex - prohibition of alcohol in Islam.

13 Primary prevention Actions taken prior to the onset of disease, which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur. Ex – cessation smoking before the onset of disease. Secondary prevention The actions which halts the progress of a disease, at its early stages and prevents complications Ex – cessation of smoking immediately after initial oral tissue changes but before the onset of oral cancer.

14 Tertiary prevention All measure available to reduce or limit impairments and disabilities and minimize sufferings, complications and prevent death. Ex – reconstructive surgical care, rehabilitation etc.

15 Levels of PreventionTreatment and services Primary prevention Oral evaluation Dental prophylaxis Fluoride as a preventive agent Dental sealant Nutrition Health education Health promotion Secondary prevention Dental restoration Fluoride use on incipient caries Endodontics Tertiary prevention Prosthodontics Implants Oral and maxillofacial surgery

16 Thank you

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