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The Restoration of Europe

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1 The Restoration of Europe
The period from in Europe was first dominated by the French Revolution and later by Napoleon. There was widespread death, damage, and destruction on the continent. Ruling families were driven from their thrones. When Napoleon was finally defeated in 1814 at Leipzig, the victors made plans to resolve the problems caused by the Napoleonic Wars and restore Europe to its pre-revolutionary condition. However, several major political and ideological forces had also emerged during this period and would shape the future of Europe for the next century. They were: Nationalism Conservatism Liberalism Radicalism Romanticism Socialism

2 The Congress of Vienna 1814-1815
Convened in Vienna, Austria in 1814, following the defeat of Napoleon at Leipzig. Intended to resolve the problems created by Napoleonic rule The Congress met for 9 months and was interrupted temporarily by Napoleon’s escape from Elba. Over 700 European delegates attended the Congress All European countries were represented but it was dominated by the four major powers that defeated Napoleon. England Russia Austria Prussia. France was also represented, but could not vote.

3 Nationalism and Political Philosophies Following the Napoleonic Era
Nationalism - Patriotism and loyalty toward one’s country rather than its leader. Conservatism - Political philosophy aimed at restoring the old Europe. Dominated by extremists known as Reactionaries who opposed all change and wanted a return to absolutism. Liberalism - The belief that all people should be represented in government by elected legislature and that laws should protect individual rights of people. Radicalism – Wanted an end to monarchies and full voting rights for all people.

4 The Congress of Vienna The Congress was dominated by Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich, a forceful and influential diplomat and a strong reactionary. Because of his influence the Congress was a victory for conservatives throughout Europe

5 Goals of the Congress Legitimacy
Restored all former ruling families to their thrones. Balance of Power Delegates wanted to ensure that no single country could ever again dominate Europe. Desired to punish France but not destroy it. Countries surrounding France were strengthened, but France was allowed to keep its own government and army. Containment and Compensation New nations were created to contain France. Major countries which defeated Napoleon were compensated with territorial rights

6 Territorial Changes Russia - Received Finland and most of Poland
Prussia - Received Western Poland and German territories along the Rhine River Britain - Received several overseas colonies Austria - Received Lombardy and Venetia in northern Italy Kingdom of the Netherlands - Dutch Netherlands combined with the Austrian Netherlands German Confederation - The Confederation of the Rhine was abolished and the 100 German states were combined into 39 France - Stripped of its conquests and borders reset to Had to pay indemnities but treated fairly as a whole

7 Europe under Napoleon Prior to 1815

8 Europe after the Congress of Vienna - 1815

9 Europe Before and After Napoleon
Europe under Napoleon Prior to 1815 Europe after the Congress of Vienna

10 Quadruple Alliance (Concert of Europe)
Alliance to insure that the nations would help support one another if revolutions broke out For thirty years censorship and military force suppressed Nationalism and Liberalism Diplomacy would be a first attempt at resolving problems that may arise in Europe If this failed, the Quadruple Alliance would use force to prevent turmoil or revolution The Holy Alliance An alliance of Prussia, Austria, and Russia formed to combat the forces of revolution with Christian principles rather than through war.

11 Problems created by the Congress
Ignored the power and forces of Nationalism Prevented the unification of Germany and Italy

12 Nationalism and Political Philosophies
Liberalism Belief that all people should be represented in government by elected legislature Laws should protect individual rights of people such as speech, religion, press etc. Nationalism Patriotism and loyalty toward one’s country Desire for independence from other countries and the right to self determination Socialism State or community ownership of productive resources Redistribution of the wealth to all people in the state Belief that people could be educated to be cooperative rather than competitive All people could work cooperatively to promote mutual well-being.

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