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EUFASA1 Families in Difficult Situations Vienna 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "EUFASA1 Families in Difficult Situations Vienna 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUFASA1 Families in Difficult Situations Vienna 2006

2 EUFASA2Introduction Working group summary (Helsinki 2005): Difficult situations caused by war, terrorism, coup or natural disaster in the country of posting: a)Evacuation of the whole family, b)Paid accommodation at the neighbouring country or at home for duration of crisis, c)Interim schooling for the children in the same system d)Psychological help and /or treatment. 2.Difficult situations of the family caused by extremely high criminality: a)Self defence courses for spouses and children, b)Secure housing, c)Paid guards.

3 EUFASA3 Preparation before going on postings and preventative measures Preparation by the MFA for spouses

4 EUFASA4 Q1: Does the MFA arrange courses/lectures on security on postings abroad?

5 EUFASA5 Question 2: Does the MFA hand out guidebooks/safety reports on security regarding difficult postings abroad?

6 EUFASA6 Q3: Does the MFA arrange first aid courses for spouses?

7 EUFASA7 Measures taken on postings In places with very high criminality

8 EUFASA8 Q4: Does the MFA arrange/pay for self-defence courses for spouses?

9 EUFASA9 Q5: To protect against kidnapping and taking of hostages, does the MFA give special instructions to the dependents of the officer?

10 EUFASA10 Q6: Does the MFA provide secure housing for the civil servant by:

11 EUFASA11 Difficult situations caused by war, terrorism, coup or natural disaster in the country of posting

12 EUFASA12 Q7: Does the MFA provide any of the following for family members?

13 EUFASA13 In cases of especially high pollution (such as smog, volcanic smog, etc.)

14 EUFASA14 Q8: Does the MFA provide extra recreational trips to another country or to the home country for the dependants of the officer?

15 EUFASA15 Q9: In case of sudden epidemics, does the MFA provide medical expertise and help from the home country such as providing vaccines, etc.?

16 EUFASA16 Q10: Does the MFA have an agreement with another country that would allow the Embassy members and their dependents to use clinics of other Embassies?

17 EUFASA17 In case of the evacuation of the whole family/some family members

18 EUFASA18 Q11a: Does the MFA pay for temporary housing in a neighbouring country?

19 EUFASA19 Q11b: In the civil servants’ home country?

20 EUFASA20 Q12: Is there a time limit for how long the MFA will pay for the temporary housing?

21 EUFASA21 Does the MFA pay for the interim schooling of the children in the same system?

22 EUFASA22 Q13a: In a neighbouring country?

23 EUFASA23 Q13b: In the home country of the civil servant?

24 EUFASA24 Q14: Is there a time limit for paid interim schooling?

25 EUFASA25 Loss of property through natural disaster, war, acts of terrorism, etc.

26 EUFASA26 Q15: Does your MFA have an agreement with an insurance company and pay for special insurance coverage for the loss of property by means not normally covered by regular insurances?

27 EUFASA27 Q16: In case of NO insurance, does your MFA pay for the loss of property in the above case?

28 EUFASA28 General Accident Insurance for officers and their dependants on postings abroad

29 EUFASA29 Q17: Does your MFA have an agreement with an insurance company and pay for a special accident insurance, also for dependants, to cover for physical damanges as consequences of accidents, war, terrorism, natural disaster, etc.?

30 EUFASA30 Medical/psychological help for the family Does your MFA provide psychological counselling for the dependants during or after a crisis?

31 EUFASA31 Q18a: At the place of posting?

32 EUFASA32 Q18b: At home?

33 EUFASA33 Q19: Can a foreign-born spouse receive that help in his/her mother tongue?

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